NPD Sales Results for January 2014 [Up3: PS4/XB1 #1/#2 best selling; Poke/SM3DW/ALBW]


EA panic mode?



Two copies sold? That's not a bomb guys, stop trolling!!!
3DS less than 145k? God damn, Nintendo is really in deep shit if the 3DS's downward trend continues alongside the Wii U's likely continued failure.

If it's on par with last year (140k), it would be better than last year, at least, since 140k were reached in 5 weeks, while this year January is a 4-weeks month


So who will be the first to make a "congratulations [X]" post?

Congratulations Sony! You sold 300K PS4s even though you have no games and PSN goes down every two minutes!

Congratulations Microsoft! You sold 146K Xbox One even though it causes leprosy, the internet is mean to it, and the Power Adapter has a fan in it!


What a sad and expected top 10, as usual. But that's expected i guess, people still buying the big games from last end of year.

Late Quote but a number of those games are pretty great.

NBA 2K on the next gen systems is pretty fantastic minus the server issues they had after launch.


extra source of jiggaflops
So who will be the first to make a "congratulations [X]" post?

Congratulations Sony! You sold 300K PS4s even though you have no games and PSN goes down every two minutes!

Congratulations Microsoft! You sold 146K Xbox One even though it causes leprosy, the internet is mean to it, and the Power Adapter has a fan in it!


Congratulation Games Industry. There is a slight difference in sales between the Xbox One all-in-one entertainment system and the PS4. The real news story is that everything is bad.


They launch in Japan in a few weeks is why. They can't simply ship 700k NA/700k Rest of the world as they have been.

Yes, but for February they would have 1m (until japan-launch) again, if Pachters prediction were right. And I doubt they ship more than 500k at launch.

Well, we'll see. But I'm still a bit "disappointed" by this low shipment.



I will buy them ALL

I will run down the aisle at a Gamestop and add them ALL to my cart. I will hold my arm out and buy them ALL. They will come tumbling down from the shelves into my cart like supermarket sweep.

Gears of War
Far Cry
CALLADUTY volume 1
CALLADUTY volume 2
Gran Turismo
Resident Evil
Ninja Gaiden

Hell I'll buy STAR OCEAN 4 HD+ just for more LYMLE

Are you okay Kev?


That doesn't seem that great either, but ps4 is supply constrained

A supply constrained PS4 sold nearly 900k during the Christmas period, if these estimates are correct it would mean that it has sold under 300k in January, that's a fall of 600k or 66% to those who prefer percentages. Supply constraints didn't stop Sony pulling big numbers before why would it suddenly start stopping them now?
lol at Microsoft declining to withhold numbers and then Sony saying, " yup we doubled them ".

Has Sony ever announced actual numbers though so far? Besides the big press releases.


Which SKU sold more:

COD: Xbone
BF4: PS4
AC4: PS4
Madden: PS4
Fifa: PS4
Lego: Xbone
Tomb Raider: PS4

PS4 owners eatting up EA titles. If only another EA title releasing next month was coming out for PS4...


There's always sequels.

Velcro Fly

The nearly doubled sales thing is juicy for right now but the real fun and fireworks will happen two months from now when the March NPD drops and we see the first real wave of games for these big bad consoles.
If it's on par with last year (140k), it would be better than last year, at least, since 140k were reached in 5 weeks, while this year January is a 4-weeks month
Better than awful, with a bargain 2DS model and Pokemon out, and the Vita as the only other dedicated handheld competition probably selling like 5 units doesn't inspire confidence in the health of the US handheld market.

It could also be on par with last year's awful if it's around 120K...


If that Wii U rumor holds, that means after a year of releasing undeniably solid titles, and a price drop, the Wii U is still down yoy. Yikes. Good job sony, you earned it.
So PS4 is < 286k? That's really low, too. I know it was sold out, but why does Sony ship so few units in 1 month? Pachter predicted they could ship 1,4m per month iirc. But if they didn't even ship 300k to US, this can't be right at all.

What did the Wii sell its first January?


For all the folks who've been saying "wait for post-holiday sales,"

here we are.

Yeah. It's a fucking bloodbath so far. Probably around 500k~ combined between current gen? That's awful, and that's even without taking into account that last gen sales are nowhere near what they would've been around this time in 2007.
Is this true? Do we have data for Wii,PS2, GameCube or OG Xbox?

OG Xbox - 127K first January

Xbox 360 - 249K first January

Xbox One - approx. 143K first January

At least it's doing better than the original Xbox! That's something...right?

GameCube - 62K
PS2 - 248K
Wii - 436K


And meanwhile Microsoft is betting hard on TitanFall... while EA is fucking mad about the deal with MS... #what
3DS less than 143K?

If that not enough to start all Nintendo alarms given eveything going in the industry and other trends, I don't know what can do that.


Wow, both next gen numbers lower than I expected. Since PS4 was still somewhat supply constrained I thought it was still selling gangbusters, but I guess not.

144k will be quite concerning to microsoft I imagine. Will be interesting to see how big a boost they get from Titanfall.
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