Winter-Spring 2014 Anime |OT3| People incapable of guilt usually do have a good time

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Subete no aware
Funny enough, I think Majin Bone has the best ED since it's just a punk rock song where they sing the same phrase over and over again. lol


Magical Girl Pretty Sammy 10

This episode was pretty weird. Pixy Misa's surprise entrance was pretty funny though.

So yeah Sasami's dad at this point has to know that she's Pretty Sammy. In fact, I think it's kinda obvious that he does.


Bored out of my mind on a Sunday, time to work on the backlog...

Squid Girl Season 2: 1, 2

Ah... so relaxing. Humor is still just as nice as the first season. Loved watching Squid Girl learn the fickle nature of children's attention spans.

Squid Girl is so good. So cute. So degeso~

Shaft should just adapt Ume-sensei's other works now that Madoka is done. Mostly because there are no translations!

Shaft and only Shaft.

And you said you wanted me to watch School Days just for the reactions? Oh boy...

Yep. Thats what School Days is best for.


walking animation i linked to earlier in handy dandy .webm format
Think of the coli emote possibilities if this thing supports transparency.


Here's some quick observations on some of the episodes of the new shows i watched, complete with CR names:

Captain Earth 1 - A Bones mech show? I'm in.

The Irregular at Magic High School 1 - This is the show people are comparing to SAO, right? May have to keep watching for the lols.

The Kawai Complex Guide to Manors and Hostel Behavior 1 - This show does remind me of the pet girl of sakurasou as someone mentioned, that has bought at least several more episodes for me.

One Week Friends 1 - Didn't really get the feels for this episode, but i'm sure those will come.

Baby Steps 1 - The main character has some stupid hair.

Volleyball show - I think i'd watch this if it was about girls playing volleyball.

Brynhildr in the Darkness 1 - Dem armpits.

Blade and Soul 1 - this seems like a watered-down Queen's Blade, meh.


Huh? What did I say? Did I screw up again? :(
Nobunaga The Fool Episode 13: Age of Swords (reversed)

I laughed at the scene with Hide appearing to Mitsu. Their one on one talk about how Mitsu needs to be more open with his feelings and just more straightforward instead of hiding them so deep in himself was as thrilling and eye opening/insightful as Mitsu and Da Vinci.

Two episodes in a row with limited mecha action and its still staying quite strong. The painting was great.

Didnt realize cesar and caesar are different.

Oh DiTaL, you like this show too! I knew you had good taste <3 As much as I enjoy it, The
princess being married off to that villain
evoked some strong NTR hate deep within me :( I'm still not sure I'm ready to move on to Ep 13 :(
Um, I still wouldn't recommend seeing the entire series for like a total of 5 episodes.

Maybe, but I lasted through the entirety of GaoGaiGar. So I think I'll be okay.

I'm not watching it anytime soon though. Finishing Gundam X and watching G Gundam are my anime priorities now.

Angel Beats will also become a priority since I promised PshychoNinja that I'd pick it back up when he picked up Madoka.
Tonari no Seki-kun: The Master of Killing Time Episode 14

This episode was pretty rotten as it seemed that they decided to raise the bar on how awful Yokoi was by highlighing just how malicious and malignant her personality is. Its pretty creepy to stare at him eating and then to visualize it in such a grotesque and gruesome manner. Thankfully her friends called her out on this terrible behavior and personality
Yeah I plan to. And are you referring to Daidouji and Rin? Or you mean the characters I thought were bad? Because if its the latter, there's no bad characters. :lol

Epilogue fight? Is that the new option that opened after you beat the four story modes? Yeah I still need to do the individual story modes still, will try and work on get my trophies during that time as well. But yeah this game is really, really fun.

What's your ranking for Shinovi Versus?

Yeah once you finish all the main school story you get the much anticipated asuka Vs homura fight and you have to do said fight as each girl in order to get everything.

And you haven't played the individual stories , yet ? I'm afraid that your ranking WILL change then


Captain Earth 1

Well, there was certainly a heck of a lot going on in this episode. Tantalising bits and pieces of potential interesting plot points, but it's not really very clear how they slot together to form an actual narrative yet. Somehow it just about worked, though.

I kind of wish our intrepid MC had stayed hanging out with those cute videogame-playing girls for a while longer before rushing off to find his destiny or whatever, but I guess there will probably be time for daily life antics later on. For now it's all dead parents and secret facilities and inexplicable rainbows and mysterious youths and giant space robots.

...Also that was quite some launch sequence.


Witch Craft Works was kinda awesome! The backgrounds were definitely the highlights there. I hope we get a season 2 :)

Not sure if I should go back to Zvezda or start Bakemonogatari now

Hmm, Bakemonogatari is not available in Brazil, so I'll just go with Zvezda so I can watch it on Vita. Too lazy to turn on the TV now.


Kindaichi Case Files R 1

I wish she was Ran
I really wanted to like this a lot, but the first episode has been pretty average. The characters lacked the charm of Detective Conan's cast and it doesn't seem to have a good setup outside of a genius high school student who can solve cases. Still, this is only the first episode and it only established the suspects of the murder case. The investigation part for the next episode should be pretty telling of the quality of the anime.

I remember reading years ago a comment saying how Kindaichi has better locked room murder mysteries than Conan. I have no idea how true that statement is since I never read the manga, but I really hope we do get a locked room episode very soon and see how it's handled here.
Pocket Monsters Black/White Special 02


Congrats Iris! It only took you 125+ episodes to catch your third Dragon Pokemon.

I'm sure you'll become a Dragon Pokemon Master by the time Ash turns 11!
Shingeki no Seki-kun 14

That day, Tako Weiners remembered the terror of being ruled by Seki-kun.

Seki-kun das Essen? Nein, wir sind der Yokoi!

Possibly the meanest burn in Pokemon history.
It's especially mean because Ash's skills in pokemahnz has been on stagnation. The more time doesn't pass in the show the more he sucks. Which makes sense, considering how much he sucks now compared to before.

Baby Steps 1

I saw mainly lukewarm reactions for the episode today.... but I think it's my favorite opening to a sports anime I've watched yet. I mean we have the nerd who doesn't work out that everybody likes, he doesn't melt down when cute girls talk to him, and his reactions are pretty good considering he knows he's going to embarrass himself and tells others. Also they've established romantic interest on the first episode, unlike other sports anime which are just about bros being bros with the occasional secondary girl .

Also the opening scene makes it seem like he's going to continue to nerd out once he's playing tennis decently, as seen by the notebook he was carrying with different graphs and trajectories for the balls. So nerd sports anime with romance possibility, might be my choice. Especially since I can believe this guy could get better by hard work and physics/science, and he doesn't have innate powers/skills like in freaking Kuroko No Dragon Basket Z.

If anything this sparked my interest to read the manga and see how the show adapts it. If anybody knows of any other sports anime similar in set-up (likable main character, geeky, romance, getting better with maths) then let me know.


Star Driver 25-fin
Well god damn at that finale. I've seen it like four times and every time I'm left in fucking awe. It nails all the right tones emotionally, visually, musically, and just in GAR. It's everything a mecha finale should strive for (other than the Wako bits I guess). What I find great about this episode other than all the epic moments is that Takuto does an act out of selfishness but it's very much in line with his character. He's spent the entire series doing stuff for everybody else and this is the first time that he does a major decision essentially for himself.
Reiji is actually a pretty good villain when all is said and done. He has a strong motive for his actions and the narrative spends a lot of time dissecting him. It stands in sharp contrast with KLK's villains. Also the
father/son dynamic
is again brought to the forefront and not just some sort of note left on the side. The protagonist and villain have a really strong link not just due to their goals but also personality and history.
The finale also by reusing the villains in that they
assist Takuto
really helps to justify the time spent on them earlier in the series. It also fleshes out the Cybodies to an extent as well and that they're not just heartless tools.
On an animation level, I really can't rant enough. The animation is up there with the best of the TTGL episodes. Like fuck. Some really great storyboarding and shading help a ton too.

I should also commend the music, they outdid themselves with the placing of it. There is some really appropriate use of Monochrome and some of the OPs. After seeing how flat KLK used it, good usage of music is really critical for a good finale. There's also a great orchestral version of one of the OPs over midway into the episode.

He wrecked Sugata's character with this line.
Now as for the series, there are issues such as with some of the characters, some of the later villains, lack of plot progression, and asspulls. That said, I liked it much more on my rewatch than the first time through. I'm sure a large part of that is due to me knowing what to expect and not to get my hopes up, like knowing what Wako is. Also having seen tons of stock footage now, it doesn't bother me as much. So in short, lowered expectations.

That said, the show does have a really likable crew, even a lot of the villains are pretty charismatic, for the most part and the production values can be truly outstanding. After seeing AO and DTB2, the writing being even semi-comprehensible is another plus.

If the Captain Earth finale is even close to being as good as the SD finale....


sealed with a kiss
Seki-kun das Essen? Nein, wir sind der Yokoi!

It's especially mean because Ash's skills in pokemahnz has been on stagnation. The more time doesn't pass in the show the more he sucks. Which makes sense, considering how much he sucks now compared to before.

Baby Steps 1

I saw mainly lukewarm reactions for the episode today.... but I think it's my favorite opening to a sports anime I've watched yet. I mean we have the nerd who doesn't work out that everybody likes, he doesn't melt down when cute girls talk to him, and his reactions are pretty good considering he knows he's going to embarrass himself and tells others. Also they've established romantic interest on the first episode, unlike other sports anime which are just about bros being bros with the occasional secondary girl .

Also the opening scene makes it seem like he's going to continue to nerd out once he's playing tennis decently, as seen by the notebook he was carrying with different graphs and trajectories for the balls. So nerd sports anime with romance possibility, might be my choice. Especially since I can believe this guy could get better by hard work and physics/science, and he doesn't have innate powers/skills like in freaking Kuroko No Dragon Basket Z.

If anything this sparked my interest to read the manga and see how the show adapts it. If anybody knows of any other sports anime similar in set-up (likable main character, geeky, romance, getting better with maths) then let me know.

the manga is really really good, be sure to check it out ^^

and yeah you spotted all the reasons that make it so much better than other sports manga



Baby Steps 1

I saw mainly lukewarm reactions for the episode today.... but I think it's my favorite opening to a sports anime I've watched yet. I mean we have the nerd who doesn't work out that everybody likes, he doesn't melt down when cute girls talk to him, and his reactions are pretty good considering he knows he's going to embarrass himself and tells others. Also they've established romantic interest on the first episode, unlike other sports anime which are just about bros being bros with the occasional secondary girl .

Also the opening scene makes it seem like he's going to continue to nerd out once he's playing tennis decently, as seen by the notebook he was carrying with different graphs and trajectories for the balls. So nerd sports anime with romance possibility, might be my choice. Especially since I can believe this guy could get better by hard work and physics/science, and he doesn't have innate powers/skills like in freaking Kuroko No Dragon Basket Z.

If anything this sparked my interest to read the manga and see how the show adapts it. If anybody knows of any other sports anime similar in set-up (likable main character, geeky, romance, getting better with maths) then let me know.

I actually really liked the first episode as well, despite the stupid hair. Don't understand the impressions.
I will actually, Baby Steps seems like my kind of sports manga. I need a break from same-ol' tropes shojo manga anyways. There needs to be more nerds-using-brain to play sports anime instead of believing in the heart of the [blank]ball.

My biggest issue is his hair.



started playing fate/extra on a whim

red saber is my waifu


mmmmmmmmm I agree look at that sexy ass motherfucker. Brb going to my bunk to the jedi arts.


So how long before end-of-thread GIF spam gets replaced by end-of-thread WebM spam?

I dunno. I've long wondered when we see something try to replace animated gifs that had audio, given how often they are video clips overlayed with the quote in text.

Non support from Apple (and I suppose MS too) will get in its way though.

EDIT: Oh lord. That webm embed plugin for chrome makes that webm thread hurt my computer. Loading all those videos at the same time.
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