Assassins Creed Unity Leaked PS4 version shots (Confirmed 900p / 30fps)


What a blurry mess :(

Edit: My friend played it today at some show in Helsinki. He said AC IV looked better and now I believe him. He played Unity on X1 and ACIV on his PS4.


Blurry timeeeee


Oh lord...


There's a reason it's called 'Assassin's Creed Parity' around these parts..

This looks kinda bad...Yikes!
Where dem shadows at? huehue...


might be compression or something else, but that doesn't look good to me at all. didn't they talk about how they got the next-gen graphics in comparison to mordor?


might be compression or something else, but that doesn't look good to me at all. didn't they talk about how they got the next-gen graphics in comparison to mordor?

This one is 630kb, not the highest quality, but not some shit 200kb image.

dafuq is this.



I can't *believe* these lazy developers keep making file sizes so damn large. Btw, how does technology work?
Guess I'll buy the PC version four weeks later. Or five.

Or in January.

Or whenever Ubi finally releases it.
So fucking blurry. PASS

Seriously how does it look so blurry, it's not the resolution alone. Some 720p games last gen look very sharp.
What a blurry mess :(

Edit: My friend played it today at some show in Helsinki. He said AC IV looked better and now I believe him.

May not have to do with the 900p but what AA solution they are using, which kind of means that if they did 1080p they may not have to use a poor AA solution that blurs the image. Also it may have to do with how these screens were taken and uploaded.

However the IQ is pretty good, looking at this screen the wires and such are very clean with no jaggies.


might be compression or something else, but that doesn't look good to me at all. didn't they talk about how they got the next-gen graphics in comparison to mordor?

What blows my mind is how they trumpeted once we'd see the game in action- it was like a next gen title like never seen before. 900p is not working in this game's favor. At the very least, they need some stronger shadow details because at this point it looks like total hog blurry dead hogwash.
I'm gonna have to go back and play black flag to refresh my memory but this game isn't looking so next gen as it was in previews way back when.

Not surprised though, it is ubi.


Yep, that's what 900p does. But the game just generally looks lacking. Shadows and AO for example still look really low quality. I think Watch Dogs on PS4 even looked better. Granted not as many on-screen characters but it still had fairly geometry dense environments.


My guess is they are using some kind of very aggressive form of PPAA. 900p shouldn't be this blurry. It is very blurry, but also very clean.


After playing Second Son and hearing confirmation of GTA5 being 1080p, plus the way this game looks, I just feel Ubisoft fell short with this game's engine...


I mean it looks a bi shitty in those maybe it looks good in motion. Ac4 looked real good maybe it was the more sparse environments?
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