The XCOM website has been updated and has some other small details:
- The mobile base is called "The Avenger" and is a converted alien ship.
- There are five classes now — I'm guessing "Ranger" is the new one. They mention "Momentum" as a new class ability.
- "The state of the world affects each combat mission's environment."
- "Use concealment to ambush enemy patrols."
- "Loot enemies for precious gear and artifacts."
- You can save fallen soldiers by carrying them to the extraction.
- "There are virtually infinite combinations of map, missions and goals."
- Also confirms head-to-head multiplayer on generated maps.
IGN said:...
Today, IGN First officially announces that the game 2K hinted at is in fact Firaxis Games’ XCOM 2, a full sequel to 2012’s critically acclaimed XCOM: Enemy Unknown and a continuation of the now 20-year-old legendary turn-based tactical squad combat series, which will be available exclusively on PC this November. Watch the debut trailer above for a glimpse into a future where the aliens are in control of the Earth, and XCOM has gone underground to fight to overthrow their Advent government. This new guerrilla force will face more powerful enemies in unpredictable combat scenarios as they fight to turn the tables on a technologically superior enemy.
Over the next month IGN will reveal huge details about XCOM 2, uncovered during our visit to Firaxis’ Maryland studio. Tomorrow you’ll get an in-depth overview and interview with Creative Director Jake Solomon that’ll highlight the major new features, including new soldier classes, new aliens, stealth-infused tactics, procedurally generated maps, and more. Following that, we’ll have a Rewind Theater examination of all the details in today’s trailer reveal with Solomon and Lead Producer Garth DeAngelis.
And, later this week we’ll go in-depth with Solomon and DeAngelis on the reasons behind the bold move to take XCOM from a multiplatform series to a PC exclusive, and how XCOM 2 will be tailored to take advantage of that single platform’s strengths – followed by Firaxis’ exciting plans to support modders and their work.
You might notice a lack of gameplay video, but fear not: in two weeks, we’ll debut the first in-game footage of XCOM 2 on our IGN E3 Live Show.