After watching giant bomb's stream with Super Mario Maker today, I realized that he wasn't having the trouble that I seem to have been when using the cape in this game.
I've played Super Mario World since I was a kid, and I never had trouble getting Mario to fly before, but in Super Mario Maker, everytime I've had the cape, I've had trouble getting him airborne. Immediately when he gets within jumping height, Mario always seems to get into the glide position, and never gains any height for me. I can't seem to figure out why! I'm not holding back, and I'm specifically holding just the run button, the direction I'm moving, and tapping the jump button. That's how I've done it for years, but for some reason in this game, he always starts gliding immediately.
Has anyone else had this problem?
You must be misremembering, because you have to hold the jump button to fly, as you had to do in the original SMW. You have to tap the jump button for Raccoon Mario in SMB3 and just press a shoulder button for the Propeller cap in NSMB. It's nice to see each style retain their own 'flying physics'.
Anyway, I would like to post some of my levels. Don't hold back with criticism (or praise).
You can't get 'stuck' in my levels, so you never have to restart to beat them.
Shell in the Ghost (House) <- recommended!

A beginner's ghost house. Not a maze, just puzzles designed to teach you how to carry shells and do the spin jump. You never need to do a running jump (but it can help).
Hidden 1-up mushrooms: three.
Storm the fort!
7D46-0000-0070-1F2F *new code*
A beginner's level designed to teach the difference between big and small shells and the powers of a spiny helmet. It's fairly short, but contains an optional secret.
Hidden 1-Up mushrooms: three + ?
Also, take a look at one of my 'classics', which are a bit more difficult:
Bowser's Underground Lair
Code: 23A4-0000-0035-251E
Bowser's following you through the level, but can't attack you directly at first. Flee and watch out for where and when he jumps! (I playtested this fairly long. Was tough to make him follow you until the end.)
1-Ups: 3
The secret cavern under 1-1
Code: F9A2-0000-002D-517D
Style: SMB1
I realise now 1-1 'remakes' are getting tired, although I felt really clever back then when I did this stage

. Anyway, the stage has several floors and you must traverse each of them. Took a while to get the look exactly the way I wanted. I hope it'll be appreciated.
1-Ups: 2 + The chance to get over 100 coins.
As a matter of course, I'll play levels of anyone commenting (here or on miiverse) or starring and will leave a star or comment for you.