What is there for me to do if I have no interest in the dark zone? I did a mission where I saved the med bay woman and that seems like all I can do apart from randomly walk around
Anyone with both the PS4 and X1 beta's? How does it look on the PS4 compared to the X1 version? I'm playing on the X1 and trying to decide which version to get. It looks good on the X1 and runs pretty good also...
This game is so far below my expectations it's unreal and I didn't have high expectations to begin with.
First of all, my God, it looks like ass.
So far this shit is the opposite of fun for me.
wow I did not expect to see positive reactions at all.
What the hell? Something is wrong with my PS4 and/or settings. My text does not look like that at all.
It looks and runs better on PS4. It is imo quite a noticeable difference.
First of all, my God, it looks like ass .
Anyone with both the PS4 and X1 beta's? How does it look on the PS4 compared to the X1 version? I'm playing on the X1 and trying to decide which version to get. It looks good on the X1 and runs pretty good also...
Yeah you lost me there. Sorry it's not working out for you but it doesn't look like ass.
Anyone else feel like the gunplay is similar yo Ghost Recon? I think that's why I love it so much.
Nothing. Everything is locked away. Quite boring after one day lol
Not getting this complaint at all. Enemies seem to drop fine for me with a few controlled bursts to the noggin. I had no problems at all and I don't even consider myself to have that great of an aim.
Maybe it's just the shotgun? I have not used it.
Not at all. It's done in such away that the gameplay feels right, and it helps suspend disbelief enough that it doesn't bother at all.
It was my primary concern going into this game, but it works very well.
It feels much more authentic than the firefights in several other games I love.
Deus Ex, Fallout 3/NV/4, Metal Gear Solid1-V, all have completely Unarmored and sometimes near naked enemies that can take .50BMG rounds to the face several times in a row without dying. And I managed to love those games.
It seems like it should completely disconnect you and break immersion, but when it feels right, you get used to it, and it plays well whist still immersing you.
Honestly, no more that putting 15 arrows in a human thug, while a buddy whacks him with an Ax 10 times and another buddy drops 3 exploding fireballs on him before the boss human thug dies in WoW.
I'm with you on all of this. I think people will realize that there's not going to be much to do. They'll get tired of fighting bullet sponge humans that set up like a dunk hunt gallery and funnel towards you in waves, utilizing the same routes over and over. They'll soon tire of exploring areas that all look the same. We'll see loads of complaints that there is not enough content.
I dont think the game is "bad"; however, i don't think it's going to be anything close to a hit. I really wanted to see it give Destiny a run for it's money but i just can't see it lasting more than a few months as "something new to play besides Destiny that's kind of like Destiny".
Just fell through the world three times in a row, anybody else have this problem? I was running from the Base to the Dark Zone
Check your PS4's display settings, make sure it covers the whole screen.
I really appreciate the amount of customization allowed by the game. Not just graphics (PC) but all the UI stuff being tweakable is great.
Clearly you have played the entire fucking game to make such claims. You clearly do not like the game but love coming in to talk shit about it. Just be done with it man.
yep. A lot of people do not realize that you can customize your HUD and some graphic options on console as well. Wish people would try things before crying about them
Played for a bit and got bored quick. Just going mission to mission, kill these guys, loot this, etc. Not my kind of game I guess.
I can only play it with everything on low and low fps but i still have a blast with my group.
The game is pretty awesome. But the 1 million dollar question still remains, how long will it be awesome?
Also playing the game with mouse & keyboard feels great.
I'm with you on all of this. I think people will realize that there's not going to be much to do. They'll get tired of fighting bullet sponge ENEMIES that set up like a dunk hunt gallery and funnel towards you in waves, utilizing the same routes over and over. They'll soon tire of exploring areas that all look the same. We'll see loads of complaints that there is not enough content.
How big is the PC install?
I actually dig the game for what it is. It's an internet forum and there hasn't been any shit talking. I think most of us are discussing our experiences and time spent with the game. You know - opinion. I've spent probably 20+ hours with the game and wouldn't have done so if i didn't like it. I'm not sure if you're new to internet forums but it does sound like you should probably take a breath.
I'm with you on all of this. I think people will realize that there's not going to be much to do. They'll get tired of fighting bullet sponge humans that set up like a dunk hunt gallery and funnel towards you in waves, utilizing the same routes over and over.
Not yet, been playing solo and I didn't want to go in there alone. Trying to find my mic so I can party up with people and give it another shot.It's pretty early game stuff. Tried dark zone yet?
How big is the PC install?
I guess I'm pre-ordering this later.
27,7GB installed.
26.27 GB