Played an hour on PC. Didn't start too well. For some reason the game decided to display at 4k and DSR didn't work. All I could see was the top left corner of the game! This has happend before with Ubisoft games.
Anyway, restarted and got fullscreen. Changed a few graphic options and started. It's quite pretty, not spectacular but very clean. Only the smallest amount of AA and I wasn't at the highest AA option. So yeah, pretty enough for me.
But then I found I could'nt fire my gun. So I restarted again. This time it worked.
After a while got used to the controls. Using a controller it all felt fine. Maintained a good 60fps 90% of the time. And this is with all graphic options at or near highest (GTX980, 4790k@4.2ghz, 16GBRAM@2133mhz).
The cover system works well. Fights were okay. Seems to have a fair amount of customisation though that was'nt available in the Beta for the most part. The reticule waiving around put me off at first but then I remembered it was more of an RPG than straight up shooter so that's fine. Weapons sounded good. Animations seemed okay but again nothing really special.
Would I get it? Maybe. But I'd rather wait to see how decent the single player is. I'm really not interested in PvP.
Anyway, seems decent enough. Not as tasty looking as its E3 reveal, but that's no surprise.
I agree, and its strange because the Alpha was much more populated with NPCs enemies and NPCs in the windows of buildings. It feels like they scaled back the encounter spawning too much.World for most part is disappointingly empty, at least this zone in beta is dead. With friend we found somewhat extensive sewer segment while exploring PvE zone and...
It was empty, absolutely nothing there to see or do or find.
Same experience I had, it was great. But after that it fell off for me.I had a very different darkzone experience from some of you guys. I went in killed a couple rogues, extracted my items, saw a group coming through killing people so I grouped up with some random guys nearby, wiped them out, stole our loot back as well as theirs, extracted it, hunted down some named npcs, fought the other group again. It was awesome! Lots of fun, and I can't imagine how cool it will be once I get to play with a group of friends.
World for most part is disappointingly empty, at least this zone in beta is dead. With friend we found somewhat extensive sewer segment while exploring PvE zone and...
It was empty, absolutely nothing there to see or do or find.
So just got the game installed and started it there no way to customize your character yourself? Like the only options I could see were to select male/female and then "Randomize" there was no way I could figure out how to actually select my characters face/hair, etc.
So just got the game installed and started it there no way to customize your character yourself? Like the only options I could see were to select male/female and then "Randomize" there was no way I could figure out how to actually select my characters face/hair, etc.
So just got the game installed and started it there no way to customize your character yourself? Like the only options I could see were to select male/female and then "Randomize" there was no way I could figure out how to actually select my characters face/hair, etc.
Where are these bullet sponges? I put people down in like 3 seconds.
So just got the game installed and started it there no way to customize your character yourself? Like the only options I could see were to select male/female and then "Randomize" there was no way I could figure out how to actually select my characters face/hair, etc.
yeah that was a big letdown, I found some items and a mobile phone pickup but no thugs or clans to battle with at all.
Anyway to request my code? Still nothing from Ubi besides the initial email saying I'm in.
Where are these bullet sponges? I put people down in like 3 seconds.
Still nothing myself, even after being onto customer support, waiting for a reply to my last email. Really annoyed, already pretty much missed the first day of the beta now and I already paid off a Sleeper Agent edition.
I can vouch for the spongy bullets. Straight headshots weren't putting them down.
For guys on the PC version which is the better setting for ambient occlusion? Ultra or HBAO?
But why ? You have a PS4, no ? You could play on that by pre-ordering digital and downloading the beta, then cancel.
Woo, finally got into the PC version. Lets see how a 980 Ti compares to the PS4.
What is not nice?
No idea what to do in the dark zone. Killed some dudes, seen loads of players, all friendly but some dick who said don't shoot, don't shoot, then shot me as I was walking away.
Extractions zones? no idea what they're for.
Loving the environment though.
Any gear you find in the DZ you need to extract.No idea what to do in the dark zone. Killed some dudes, seen loads of players, all friendly but some dick who said don't shoot, don't shoot, then shot me as I was walking away.
Extractions zones? no idea what they're for.
Loving the environment though.
No idea what to do in the dark zone. Killed some dudes, seen loads of players, all friendly but some dick who said don't shoot, don't shoot, then shot me as I was walking away.
Extractions zones? no idea what they're for.
Loving the environment though.
Extraction zones are for loot. You have to extract any loot you get in the dark zone
No idea what to do in the dark zone. Killed some dudes, seen loads of players, all friendly but some dick who said don't shoot, don't shoot, then shot me as I was walking away.
Extractions zones? no idea what they're for.
Loving the environment though.
Shoot first...ask questions later.
I liked what I played but I'll hold off until I see how much content the final game ships with, this is Ubisoft we're talking about after all.
What I really didn't like was how a group attacked me in the dark zone they were all shown as rouge but once I started shooting back I was flagged as rouge as well even though there were only players of the rouge group around, so there was no chance I accidentally shot someone else.
Extraction zones are for loot. You have to extract any loot you get in the dark zone
and where do i get loot? because i was running around and i have no clue were to find loot...
there were no silver boxes or anything and nothing an the map.
playing Dark Zone alone is not fun.
OH LAWD please let me go home already, this day feels let it won't end![]()
PS4 controller is supported straight from the batdoes pc have controller support?