(Note: Big thanks to Blargonaut for making the logo! Also the Bear character in my avatar is from comics made by Liz Climo! Check her out!)
Love Boat [Mafia] |OT| Till Death Do Us Part
Amount of players: 30 (= 15 pairs)
Crab Scale of Complexity: 5/10
Game Mod: Burbeting
The Final Survivors of the Tunnel
2. [m] Karkador & [m] Zippedpinhead
6. [m] UltraJay & [m] Boo Boo'n
15. [f] Sophia [m] hobohodo & [m] Ty4on
14. [m] Never Forever & [m] CzarTim
5. [m] Blargonaut & [m] Kawl_USC
8. [m] *Splinter & [m] Cabot
3. [m] Timeaisis & [m] FluxWaveZ
4. [m] LaunchPadMcQ & [m] Gorlak
7. [m] Coppanuva & [m] Flame_AC
11. [m] Rest [m] Dusk Soldier & [m] Karu
1. [m] Kingkitty & [m] Hyperactivity [m] Ri'Orius
9. [m] TL21xx & [m] Camjo-Z NEW
13. [m] El Topo & [m] Miracle [m] Giant Panda
12. [m] Kyanrute NEW & [m] Retroid
10. [m] MagnumBoy20xx & [m] batsnacks
Example Ordinary PM:
Example of typical Lover Chat Opening Post:

Love Boat [Mafia] |OT| Till Death Do Us Part
Amount of players: 30 (= 15 pairs)
Crab Scale of Complexity: 5/10
Game Mod: Burbeting
There once was a gigantic amusement park in an unspecified location in Planet Earth. The park was quite popular indeed, but one of the attractions was mostly abandoned from usage completely. This attraction, was of course the Tunnel of Love, where lovers would get onto a Love Boat, which would then carry them through a Tunnel filled with absolutely romantic things.
Alas, in this day and age, love is not the hottest new theme for amusement park rides, so the Love Tunnel was mostly abandoned. This came to a change however, as one day, fifteen couples filled with love made their way to the tunnel entrance, holding hands and whispering all sorts of loving things for each other. Then suddenly, a strange figure appeared before the lovers. It was a bear
Welcome to the Love Tunnel! I am Burbeting, the caretaker of this Tunnel, and also your guide! I can sense wondrous sense of love coming from most of you! I just know most of you people have truly find your special other!
The loving couples looked at each other and sighed as loudly as typical lovers could. However, it seemed that the caretaker had not completely finished.
However I sense that one or more of the pairs do not emit any sort of love . I almost could call them loveless couples What a travesty! Only true love can come into my Love Tunnel! But I have no idea which one of you couples are the loveless, and who are not
After a short moment of silence, and people muttering to each other, the bear started to walk towards the Tunnel itself. He snapped his fingers, and then suddenly the swan-boats started to move in the water into the Tunnel. With a short sigh, the caretaker looked at the fifteen swan-boats that moved quite slowly.
Ah well, it will be a long ride anyway. Might as well let you lovers figure out who the Loveless couples are. Im way too old for that. Also do remember, that pairs always die together...
The Final Survivors of the Tunnel
2. [m] Karkador & [m] Zippedpinhead
Pair of Old People who love to peek at things, Survived the Game!
Ordinary Pair, Survived the Game!
Ordinary Pair, Survived the Game!
14. [m] Never Forever & [m] CzarTim
One True Pairing, Lynched D1
Scum Best Friends, Lynched D2
Pair of Sleepwalkers, Night Killed N2
Ordinary Pair, Lynched D3
Ordinary Pair, Night Killed N3
Scum Divorced Couple, Lynched D4
Ordinary Pair, Lynched D5
Pair of Medical Students, Night Killed N5
Ordinary Pair, Lynched D6
Ordinary Pair, Night Killed N6
Scum BDSM Lovers, Lynched D7
10. [m] MagnumBoy20xx & [m] batsnacks
Metal Lovers, won N4
Example Ordinary PM:
Its true, oh its true!
It is so, so true!
What is?
The Amazing, Pure and Unrivaled love between [REDACTED] and [REDACTED], of course!
Who cared where you two originally met? It could have been in a cinema, or in a café, or maybe just in the internet. What matters is that you two love each other most dearly, with absolutely no restraints. It will be just a question of time, until you two get married, have children and grow old together!
But first, you will embark on a great quest quest to journey through the Love Tunnel with many other lovely couples well obviously you guys are the most lovely, but thats beside the point!
You are partnered with [REDACTED]
You and your pairs shared role is Ordinary Pair of Lovers. You are Aligned with LOVE (That means TOWN).
This means, that neither of you have any special powers. But you guys can vote!
Also, as you are a Pair of Lovers, you will get an private Lovers Chat in the Outer Gafia to use for communication to each other. Remember, that if one of you dies, your pair will die with you.
Your Lovers chat is here: [REDACTED]
The Game thread is here:
You will win, if everyone, who is aligned with the LOVELESS, are defeated!
Example of typical Lover Chat Opening Post:
Welcome to your private lover chat!
You may use this chat during either day or night phases. Please treat this chat as if it was PM conversation, aka. Please dont't directly quote anything posted in here!
May Love always reign!