Brexit |OT| UK Referendum on EU Membership - 23 June 2016

Did you vote for the side that is going to win?

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Lol this thread is a fucking rollercoaster

Literally two minutes ago everyone declared Remain completely fucked with no way to recover


I'm not as deluded as I make myself out to be
The BBC guys said we NEED London and Scotland etc to have about 70-75% Remain to even get to 50/50 so it's still not looking great for remain.

Expected a bigger Remain from Glasgow. Hopefully the other big boroughs and cities will be like 75-80% Remain.



Trump is just a blow hard with no real chance of winning. He represents a minority here who are just angry the country is becoming more diverse.

It seems like the UK is actually swallowing the migrant fear mongering hook line and sinker. I think the difference is the U.S. is a nation founded on immigrants so it's harder to scare most of us with that garbage.

We're not perfect but it takes a special kind of redneck to believe isolationism is a viable strategy in the current world we live in. If you isolate yourself the rest of the world is going to just leave you behind.


From what I can gather...

UK's left wing sticks head in sand and denies real problems related to immigration and integration.

This pushes moderates concerned about their safety into the hands of extreme nationalists who threaten the global economy.

UK's left wing, rather than reforming policies on immigration and admitting areas where they fucked up, will once again stick their head in the sand and just call their opponents' racists.

Is this about right?

Pretty much, and this thread exemplifies that astonishingly.
I think I've already drunk too much. Might as well back it up with more drink.

Ugh, fuck you Newport. First time I've ever been ashamed to be Welsh.



Same pattern everywhere. Leave are winning well. Sorry, Remain. I think there's as much chance that Narnia will save you as London
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