Only god knows what the hell he meant
I've seen her say the exact same things many times. Too bad policy stuff gets no attention but tweets do.
This is like Christmas time for Vic Berger.
1v1, he is holding his own. That is bad for Hillary, she needs a KO, not a TKO or god forbid an L.
He was being sarcastic, duh.
Because he agreed with what she said?
I think Trump meant Alqaeda, ISIS. Sunni Jihadism in general.
That's a bold strategy, CottonI think Trump meant Alqaeda, ISIS. Sunni Jihadism in general.
Well thanks for contributing, lol.If this was purely a forum where the stronger logic would prevail, then sure.
But it isn't. It's basically a commercial arguing with another.
Only god knows what the hell he meant
Trump is "winning" because he hasn't melted down (yet) so the media will report both sides as equal in this debate, which is a huge win for him