R reKon Banned Sep 27, 2016 #8,004 dead_zombies said: Trump edges Clinton on foreign policy. Click to expand... LOL
G gblues Banned Sep 27, 2016 #8,009 "Stah-mi-nah" doot doo, doot do-doot "Stah-mi-nah" Doot doot doot do "Stah-mi-nah" Doot doo, do-do-doot, do-do-doot, do-do-doot, do-do-doot, doot doot do-do doo
"Stah-mi-nah" doot doo, doot do-doot "Stah-mi-nah" Doot doot doot do "Stah-mi-nah" Doot doo, do-do-doot, do-do-doot, do-do-doot, do-do-doot, doot doot do-do doo
C Crayolan Member Sep 27, 2016 #8,011 Why is the guy who wants to make countries pay us for security treaties criticizing a former secretary of state? Trump is so clueless about foreign relations.
Why is the guy who wants to make countries pay us for security treaties criticizing a former secretary of state? Trump is so clueless about foreign relations.
D DontBeThatGuy Member Sep 27, 2016 #8,012 Forkball said: WELCOME BACK TO MONDAY NIGHT RAW Click to expand... Where the fuck is Jim Ross?
D Darkgran Member Sep 27, 2016 #8,015 fallingdove said: Both of these candidates are terrible. Watching this is depressing. Click to expand... What!!?!!!!!
fallingdove said: Both of these candidates are terrible. Watching this is depressing. Click to expand... What!!?!!!!!
B brotherbean Member Sep 27, 2016 #8,018 What the hell is wrong with Lester Holt? Why is he letting Trump dick him down like that? Moderate the debate Lester, it's your one job right now.
What the hell is wrong with Lester Holt? Why is he letting Trump dick him down like that? Moderate the debate Lester, it's your one job right now.
M MrSaturn99 Member Sep 27, 2016 #8,022 hypernima said: Stamina? What is this Dark Souls? Click to expand... I thought the announcer from Smash Melee, actually. STAMINAAAAAAAA
hypernima said: Stamina? What is this Dark Souls? Click to expand... I thought the announcer from Smash Melee, actually. STAMINAAAAAAAA
C Chaotic-Strike Banned Sep 27, 2016 #8,026 "Donald Trump knows exactly what he is doing." "Donald Trump knows exactly what he is doing."
E Empty Member Sep 27, 2016 #8,029 he's just completely changed the argument oh she has stamina oops but it's to do bad things
B Bubba_Sparks Member Sep 27, 2016 #8,032 I've only caught bits and pieces, but Hilliary seemed much more knowledgeable about foreign policy than Trump.
I've only caught bits and pieces, but Hilliary seemed much more knowledgeable about foreign policy than Trump.
G Gorillaz Member Sep 27, 2016 #8,035 this isn't lester's fault imo, alot of disrespect to moderators during elections, this is probably the worst
this isn't lester's fault imo, alot of disrespect to moderators during elections, this is probably the worst
scotcheggz Member Sep 27, 2016 #8,037 I don't want to know about either of these guys stamina tbh, can they stop using that word? I feel queesy
I don't want to know about either of these guys stamina tbh, can they stop using that word? I feel queesy
K Krejlooc Banned Sep 27, 2016 #8,038 lol, lots of "bad experience" and can't name more than one point
J Justin Bailey ------ ------ Sep 27, 2016 #8,039 She just FUCKING destroyed him with the stamina line! She had that teed up and ready to hit as soon as he brought it up.
She just FUCKING destroyed him with the stamina line! She had that teed up and ready to hit as soon as he brought it up.
Z Zubz Banned Sep 27, 2016 #8,040 How can you have bad experience? These Trump yokels guffawing in the background are the most annoying part right now?
How can you have bad experience? These Trump yokels guffawing in the background are the most annoying part right now?
E Enduin No bald cap? Lies! Sep 27, 2016 #8,043 zma1013 said: Click to expand... I was just going to post this.
Z Zeus Molecules illegal immigrants are stealing our air Sep 27, 2016 #8,047 Krejlooc said: let him talk, he's coming off like a maniac Click to expand... I've never seen a debate at this level where a candidate won by just letting the other candidate talk his nonsense and then try to explain it
Krejlooc said: let him talk, he's coming off like a maniac Click to expand... I've never seen a debate at this level where a candidate won by just letting the other candidate talk his nonsense and then try to explain it
M Maxios Member Sep 27, 2016 #8,048 She's tearing into him right now. This is the most beautiful thing I've seen in a long time.
W woodland Member Sep 27, 2016 #8,050 Lester is some weak-ass shit. Wasn't everyone praising him not too long ago?