Scientist Supreme!
Oh fuck me.@Tyler2ONeil: Trump said his son is 10-years-old. He is 11. #FactCheck
Oh fuck me.@Tyler2ONeil: Trump said his son is 10-years-old. He is 11. #FactCheck
This is the biggest win I've ever seen in a debate.
@Tyler2ONeil: Trump said his son is 10-years-old. He is 11. #FactCheck
Doesn't matter. None of that matters to Trump supporters.Trump was eviscerated. He couldn't stop talking about things that are completely wrong. Admitted to tax evasion, didn't give any kind of answer on birtherism, even poked at Rosie for no fucking reason.
TRUMP GONNA TRUMP This was an adult debating a child.This is the biggest win I've ever seen in a debate.
@Tyler2ONeil: Trump said his son is 10-years-old. He is 11. #FactCheck
@Tyler2ONeil: Trump said his son is 10-years-old. He is 11. #FactCheck
@Tyler2ONeil: Trump said his son is 10-years-old. He is 11. #FactCheck
Trump played it safe? Um... I guess it was pretty restrained of him not to mouth the word "cunt" while Hillary was busy describing coherent policies.They both played it fairly safe-ish, and each person's supporters think the other person won. And they both agree the moderator sucks. Pretty much how I thought it would go. We'll see what the undecideds have to say about it in the next few days.
Turns out Hillary really is a murderer after all.
Won't be my proudest fapThis debate will be uploaded to pornhub under the public humiliation category.
Lol@Tyler2ONeil: Trump said his son is 10-years-old. He is 11. #FactCheck
@Tyler2ONeil: Trump said his son is 10-years-old. He is 11. #FactCheck
The stamina part was the best imo.
This is the first time I said this, but, it was cringey as f###
@Tyler2ONeil: Trump said his son is 10-years-old. He is 11. #FactCheck
He said he made a wai..
I dunno. Im leaning towards Trump winning on account of his ability to deal with the cyber.
Who cold be a good moderator? Trump is insane. You can't moderate him.
@Tyler2ONeil: Trump said his son is 10-years-old. He is 11. #FactCheck
@Tyler2ONeil: Trump said his son is 10-years-old. He is 11. #FactCheck
Rosie O'Donnell
Brought up
In an
Presidential debate
She got overweight during her reining year and the miss universe organization humiliated her by making do exercises in front of the world press.Man if that's "fat", I wish I was that fat.
@Tyler2ONeil: Trump said his son is 10-years-old. He is 11. #FactCheck