Scalebound cancelled [Platinum Games and Kamiya have commented]

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Jeez people, hit F5 before you post lol

On topic: I'm not entirely surprised by this. I thought Scalebound seemed to ambitious for Platinum, maybe i was right


Crazy, even thought it looked so bad for a Kaimiya Game. Still, they should be close to completion, it must be a total mess if they cancel it now, especially since Microdoft has so few games to show.
Not shocked at all. Every time I saw trailers and gameplay footage from this game I was disappointed and honestly, it didn’t look that great to begin with.
Really kind of hope it's not canceled because I really liked the way it looked. I wanted to see more since it's cute little gameplay reveal so I hope this is #fakenews 😂


I'm not surprised, and even though I give kudos to MS for probably giving Platinum the biggest budget they've ever worked with, I also feel that MS probably gave them way too much shit about tailoring the game for broader audiences rather than letting Kamiya and co do their thing.



When they first started, the idea was for a Wii game and we wanted to use a Wii remote to do the orders for the dinosaurs. You were in control of the dinosaurs, you were ordering the dinosaurs around, and they'd do cool things. Then after we made Bayonetta, we started the prototype. The first thing that I made a change to was making it a dragon game.

We changed the dinosaurs to dragons, but at that point the lead character was even weaker than [current protagonist] Drew is in the context of Scalebound. She was actually a little girl who was with these dragons. As we were making this prototype, I realized that I didn't want to just be watching the fight, I wanted to be more participatory in the fight. And I started talking with the staff about how maybe we should change this to be a swordsman or someone a little bit older. This was when the prototype got put on the backburner, so to speak, and the project was halted. Then we made The Wonderful 101.


Perhaps he's wondering why someone would shoot a man before throwing him out of a plane.
This shit sucks. We really need more character action games.
man i sure hope platinum survives :|

having a big budget open world game get cancelled will severely fuck up a company. Should have stuck to things that don't quite cost...a gorillion dollars

This shit sucks. We really need more character action games.

Need more? We need any. Platinum is the only company that makes them.
Kamiya getting screwed sucks. W101 is one of the greatest action games ever and Scalebound looked to be my spiritual successor to Okami.



A lot of money must have gone into this game's development. Sunk cost fallacy aside, it always interests me as to at what point - and why - a decision is made to can a game that has been in production for such a long time.


I'm not surprised considering how long its taken for it to be finished and how little we were hearing about it. Its a shame because I liked almost everything about it. I hope that Platinum can at least recycle some of concepts/ideas found in Scalebound for a future game.
I´m a huge platinum and Kamiya fan. They make a game and i buy it. And even i was worried about Scalebound. I still had/have faith in the game. Simply because of the people working on it but not because of what i actually saw. What i actually saw was kinda underwhelming to be honest.
Always thought it was weird it was running on Unreal and not Platinums tech.

Ill guess the Scorpio reveal will be when we know for sure but if its bad I think MS will just Phantom Dust it and say "its not cancelled... just no one is working on it"


He touched the black heart of a mod
The E3 showing looked pretty bad, but it still sucks for this to potentially happen to Kamiya's dream game.
I assume this story by Kotaku will smoke out a MS PR Response about this game's future. Hopefully, we find out if this is true or not very soon.


Oh, don't you dare Microsoft. :(

I haven't been to keen on what they've showed either but isn't this supposed to be Kamiya's dream game? Fuck


I just knew it would have been stupid to buy a XBONE for this. Announced too early, just like Zelda (At least it's coming).
It was PC bound too no?
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