They're still sticking to the "Release one thing a month" schedule right? So we might actually get a new character next month?
This is what I love/hate about mystery heroes. It's a game mode entirely dedicated to the rng.Just played a mystery game with a couple of people from gaf. Most of the match consisted of us vs three D.vas', two Lucios', and an Ana. Needless to say
Goddamn competitive off season is TRASH. People quit and there is nobody to fill slots.
I'm gonna go play something else till season 4.
This is what I love/hate about mystery heroes. It's a game mode entirely dedicated to the rng.
I had a game where we held the last point for nearly the entire time. I was Zenyatta, we had 2 Torbs, a widowmaker, and I don't remember the other two but nothing useful.
Enemy team's final spawn had 4 Dva's. It was a slaughter.
Yeah that's why I've kinda stepped away from Mystery Heroes. The rng hit me for like 4 games straight. Like our team would have a shit comp while the other team would have two soldiers/healers and a tank. Like fuck that. I think Blizzard should institute something to where the rng doesn't stack multiple heroes.
I got it on PS4.How are you guys playing off season? It doesnt seem to be available on PS4
Yeah that's why I've kinda stepped away from Mystery Heroes. The rng hit me for like 4 games straight. Like our team would have a shit comp while the other team would have two soldiers/healers and a tank. Like fuck that. I think Blizzard should institute something to where the rng doesn't stack multiple heroes.
I wish they had kept the Capture the Flag game mode...
It's available on PS4 for me.How are you guys playing off season? It doesnt seem to be available on PS4
Everytime I post in this thread, you have bad news for me.
Operation Keep The Gold Portrait Widow Alive
EDIT: We won
So... there's a lot of speculation that the new hero is actually a spider tank of some sorts. I really hope they do something weird, instead of a humanoid character.
Learn Ana and teach your other support to lucio. Playing ana will let your rein be much more aggressive since they know you can heal them.need advise on which flex hero to learn next
I play comp with a 6 man party 90% of the time depending who is online
typically or comp looks like this
Zarya/Rein/Roadhog or Dva/Tracer or Soldier/Zen or Mercy/Lucio
I'm the Lucio. I played Lucio prolly 99% of season 3.
we have 2 mercy mains who are pretty damn good, one can flex as Zen but it is nothing amazing
is it worth me learning Ana if that means our team will be without a Lucio? giving our healing options, the fact that I'm our only Lucio, and no one else will likely learn Ana?
Lucio just seems so valuable I'm having trouble playing another healer over him. Especially given Ana's learning curve.
we only have 2 people who play Rein and they aren't on as often as the rest of us so maybe Rein would be a good one to pick up?
How are you guys playing off season? It doesnt seem to be available on PS4
Tracer, Roadhog, Mercy, Winston can be seen. Can't seem to make out what the front Hero is (Reaper?). The mid one is ??
Early mockup for Overwatch from Blizzcon 2015.
Tracer, Roadhog, Mercy, Winston can be seen. Can't seem to make out what the front Hero is (Reaper?). The mid one is ??
Reminds me of LoL's Vel'Koz.
Just a question for the black overwatch players. Do you find the new character to be culturally insensitive? Like her clothes and the face paint? Or is that a thing? People on the official forums complaining about it and also people calling her 'ugly' which to me is just because she has very clearly African facial features and they are just a bunch of hateful little bastards. The cultural thing though, I have no reference point being white as fuck myself. Is this something that might offended people of a particular ancestry?
Can you link to the post you're referring to? I have no idea what you're talking about.
Sure. It's not just this post though, although this one seems to articulate the sentiment best. There are several posts and threads about this right on the front page.
Just a question for the black overwatch players. Do you find the new character to be culturally insensitive? Like her clothes and the face paint? Or is that a thing? People on the official forums complaining about it and also people calling her 'ugly' which to me is just because she has very clearly African facial features and they are just a bunch of hateful little bastards. The cultural thing though, I have no reference point being white as fuck myself. Is this something that might offended people of a particular ancestry?
Sure. It's not just this post though, although this one seems to articulate the sentiment best. There are several posts and threads about this right on the front page.
It seems overblown to me. Sure she isn't winning any beauty contest but I don't think she's exaggerated much either. As for the cultural insensitivity, you could argue the same for Pharah. So it's kind of pointless imo. It also is a single concept art so I'd have to see more to really get a good picture of what she will look like.
You haven't spent much time on the official forums, I see. Yes people are outright calling her ugly and then swearing up and down it's not because of her ethnicity or the fact that she's a female. A little odd then, that people didn't make threads complaining about junkrat offending their senses with his long, distended features and ghastly smile/big nose but hey, they are having an intense debate over the attractiveness of an 11 year old girl sooooI'm not black either but i find her character design to be quite cute. Are they seriously calling a 11 year old character 'ugly'? These people sound like assholes.
Genji can reflect Hanzo's ult?
Just a question for the black overwatch players. Do you find the new character to be culturally insensitive? Like her clothes and the face paint? Or is that a thing? People on the official forums complaining about it and also people calling her 'ugly' which to me is just because she has very clearly African facial features and they are just a bunch of hateful little bastards. The cultural thing though, I have no reference point being white as fuck myself. Is this something that might offended people of a particular ancestry?
Genji can reflect Hanzo's ult?
as long as he reflects the arrow that spawns the dragons before the dragons come out
as long as he reflects the arrow that spawns the dragons before the dragons come out
you're back!they also sorta hinted at it in the animated short
yeah, it's pretty cool although i can count on one hand the number of times i've seen itAh, watched a video of it. Makes sense. Sweet.
yeah, it's pretty cool although i can count on one hand the number of times i've seen it