Oh man you're a legend!
Oh man you're a legend!
Yes, it's true, it is very easy to find people's personal information online. The question is why would you ever tell someone who hadn't invited you to their home that you know where they live? Or could find out where they live?
You probably scared the shit out of that woman OP, I would not be surprised if you get fired over this (and if you were I wouldn't feel that bad for you.)
I'm speechless... omg
Ooh ooh ooh! someone guess my birthday! (month)
The Sunhi, Video legit scared me!
Such amazing editing, storytelling, suspense!
Pretty sure John Kowalski already knew my birthday
Man, you guys are *aggressive* about this shit. I feel like you guys underestimate how easy it is to find info people nowadays. And like a few have said, I will not believe anyone who says they've never done a simple google search of someone they know just to see what is available.
Now admitting it to that person who you don't know very well? That's just socially inept.
I think Sunhi is a sentient A.II wonder what Sunhi does for a living.
fucking hell lmao
As amazing as the ending is - all of it, actually - it's also probably not far from the mark for how creepy it was to be on the receiving side of the OP's exchange.
It's never even occurred to me to research my coworkers online. The whole story is just so strange.
Thanks for the laugh. 🤣
"Found" her address vs "Searched for" her address
I hope you're not scared! I'm not gonna do anything to you lol. And you've posted that you're swedish on gaf before. That's how I know.
Ghaleon hasn't been this shook since Halo 4 launch week.
As amazing as the ending is - all of it, actually - it's also probably not far from the mark for how creepy it was to be on the receiving side of the OP's exchange.
It's never even occurred to me to research my coworkers online. The whole story is just so strange.
Also, perfect.
Yeah, I'm worried about stuff like this becoming more common over time.GO"T" DAMN! Hahaha
I dated a guy for a short two weeks, who stalked me for years afterwards. He found out all this shit about me. Creeped me out. Thankfully I haven't heard from the guy since I changed homes and phone numbers.