May Wrasslin' |OT| May I Fancy You To A Nice Arse Whipping?

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
doesnt bliss play a babyface on talking smack and talk about how she almost died even though she's supposed to be a heel?
You're nuts. Orton doesn't know the meaning of selling. Also liked the Rollins Joe match till the end. Shame cause that was a good match too. I'm convinced WWE just can't do good endings anymore.
Orton's probably so used to being injured, he doesn't even like pretending to do it.

I liked the ending because Joe doesn't look weak, I thought it was going to end with the Bret Austin finish, still joe would've looked good that way too.

But they should consult pat on these finishes, it could've been different but it was better than the usual bs.

What'd you think about the cw ending? I thought it was a good way to show that Neville is truly scared and knows that it was going to be over. I'm wondering where they go next.


Orton's probably so used to being injured, he doesn't even like pretending to do it.

I liked the ending because Joe doesn't look weak, I thought it was going to end with the Bret Austin finish, still joe would've looked good that way too.

But they should consult pat on these finishes, it could've been different but it was better than the usual bs.

What'd you think about the cw ending? I thought it was a good way to show that Neville is truly scared and knows that it was going to be over. I'm wondering where they go next.

I liked the match but wasn't a fan of the ending. I prefer clean endings in my PPV matches. You build up to this match it should have an ending. An occasional screwy ending is ok. But it makes me feel cheated to see this build up and ultimately it's for nothing. I'd rather have had Neville win clean or even via grabbing the tights putting feet on the rope or something.

Now to the end of the House of Horrors match. Not a fan of Jinder and co's interference. It's totally not needed and makes Bray look weak as hell. Other then that I again liked the House of Horrors match.


I enjoyed the fuck out of Payback.

Bayley and Bliss put on a hell of a match. Bliss sold really well in that match. Nice flying elbow by Bayley. Good result

Love Jericho and KO's match here more than I did the last one. Smart story telling. Got a little clumsy for a sec. Jericho uses chest slaps when he's in a creative rut and used them a lot here.

I skipped House of horrors.

Braun and Roman was so fucking fun to watch. Felt weird that they booked Braun to barely beat a one armed Roman though. That was my biggest complaint there. Great stuff tho


So let me get this straight. You book Strowman as a monster. You have him pretty much cripple Roman. Yet he barely beats Roman in this match. For as "Crippled" as Roman was this match should not have been near that close. At least Roman didn't win though.

Still was not a fan though. Only way you could have made Roman look any stronger was if you'd have booked him to win. Meanwhile your monster struggled to put a crippled Roman Reigns away.
I enjoyed the fuck out of Payback.

Bayley and Bliss put on a hell of a match. Bliss sold really well in that match. Nice flying elbow by Bayley. Good result

Love Jericho and KO's match here more than I did the last one. Smart story telling. Got a little clumsy for a sec. Jericho uses chest slaps when he's in a creative rut and used them a lot here.

I skipped House of horrors.

Braun and Roman was so fucking fun to watch. Felt weird that they booked Braun to barely beat a one armed Roman though. That was my biggest complaint there. Great stuff tho

There was a lot of groovy stuff that played off of Mania here:

All the finger work with Owens/Jericho which made Jericho winning a great finish...

And then the elbow drop being Bayley's big finish at Mania made the near fall here with it mean something both for the crowd and for Bayley kicking out...

I totally get why Bliss winning is kinda backwards (and it did along with House of Horrors kill what was a really hot crowd dead) but goddamn if I didn't love it, especially because as I mentioned before i have an inclination of how the Sasha turn is happening and I'm excited for it more now
So let me get this straight. You book Strowman as a monster. You have him pretty much cripple Roman. Yet he barely beats Roman in this match. For as "Crippled" as Roman was this match should not have been near that close. At least Roman didn't win though.

Still was not a fan though. Only way you could have made Roman look any stronger was if you'd have booked him to win. Meanwhile your monster struggled to put a crippled Roman Reigns away.

Dude Roman got in like a few moves tops.... And was careful only to ever really do offense with his undamaged side... He didn't barley beat Roman, he bloody well power kicked out of his damn finisher, he beat Roman and beat him solidly.

That's it PsychoRaven, you know what happens after someone claims to love House of Horror but then thinks Braun only barely beat Roman? Who thinks that match made Braun look weak. You know what happens? Huh? You know what happens?!

You're not getting my positivity crown!


Overall I liked Payback. It wasn't awful but it wasn't great. I'd say a 5 or 6 outta 10. Kind of middle of the road.

Dude Roman got in like a few moves tops.... And was careful only to ever really do offense with his undamaged side... He didn't barley beat Roman, he bloody well power kicked out of his damn finisher, he beat Roman and beat him solidly.

That's it PsychoRaven, you know what happens after someone claims to love House of Horror but then thinks Braun only barely beat Roman? Who thinks that match made Braun look weak. You know what happens? Huh? You know what happens?!

You're not getting my positivity crown!

Oh no whatever shall I do? I know. I'll rewatch a 10/10 BattleAtTheBigTop again.
There was a lot of groovy stuff that played off of Mania here:

All the finger work with Owens/Jericho which made Jericho winning a great finish...

And then the elbow drop being Bayley's big finish at Mania made the near fall here with it mean something both for the crowd and for Bayley kicking out...

I totally get why Bliss winning is kinda backwards (and it did along with House of Horrors kill what was a really hot crowd dead) but goddamn if I didn't love it, especially because as I mentioned before i have an inclination of how the Sasha turn is happening and I'm excited for it more now

Well said

That Jericho and KO match really highlight just how much work goes into telling such a simple yet effective story. I wonder who thought that up . Details like that are missed in a lot of matches in general and I'm curious to know if KO and Jericho cooked the way these two matches would go down or if a Pat Patterson was involved etc.


Well said

That Jericho and KO match really highlight just how much work goes into telling such a simple yet effective story. I wonder who thought that up . Details like that are missed in a lot of matches in general and I'm curious to know if KO and Jericho cooked the way these two matches would go down or if a Pat Patterson was involved etc.

Yea. I'd say Jericho and KO had a great match. I'd say Bayley and Alexa has a damn good match. The Tag Title match was pretty good too. I'd say the HOH match was just pure goofiness but it was dumb fun. The others all had some good and some bad.
Yea. I'd say Jericho and KO had a great match. I'd say Bayley and Alexa has a damn good match. The Tag Title match was pretty good too. I'd say the HOH match was just pure goofiness but it was dumb fun. The others all had some good and some bad.

It was a solid 8/10 for me. Thought they all did a good job. I need to give the Bray and Orton match a chance though. I wasnt prepared to sour my mood but impressions have been good to it.
Well said

That Jericho and KO match really highlight just how much work goes into telling such a simple yet effective story. I wonder who thought that up . Details like that are missed in a lot of matches in general and I'm curious to know if KO and Jericho cooked the way these two matches would go down or if a Pat Patterson was involved etc.

Sorry with the Elbow drop I meant of course Bliss kicking out... it made a great near fall and made Bliss look great kicking out of it.

Owens and Jericho probably did a lot themselves, probably a lot more freedom on a non Mania PPV...

Like unless Owens doesn't get the title back I am totally fine with this 50/50 ish booking. Jericho really deserved getting one win out of this feud anyway and I'm pretty sure this ends with Owens murdering out of Smackdown on Tuesday... I mean unless he is sticking around... then I dunno what to say but I doubt he's staying around


I'm tempted to check Braun's match, as he's my current favorite in the company and did a great job at getting over as a monster, even though he backed out more times than he should have.

It's a shame he's in RAW, I'll most likely miss most of his future run because of that...

We PG in here too?


Gotta sell that Menome merch to the kids, brother.
It was a solid 8/10 for me. Thought they all did a good job. I need to give the Bray and Orton match a chance though. I wasnt prepared to sour my mood but impressions have been good to it.

8/10 is where I'd put it without House of Horror but because of HoH and specifically because the goofy pretape was a set up basically 8 minutes of lame brawling with literally zero spooky bullshit I'd drop it down to at most a 7/10

Honestly given how good the match was I'd have put Bayley vs Bliss on last just because the combo if Bayley losing and the HoH being boring as fuck to watch in the arena the crowd went from smoking hot to ice cold and really didn't come back
I'm tempted to check Braun's match, as he's my current favorite in the company and did a great job at getting over as a monster, even though he backed out more times thanbhe should have.

It's a shame he's in RAW, I'll most likely miss most of his future run because of that...

Gotta sell that Menome merch to the kids, brother.
But kids hear/chant Sina/Roman sucks every week. 😔


It was a solid 8/10 for me. Thought they all did a good job. I need to give the Bray and Orton match a chance though. I wasnt prepared to sour my mood but impressions have been good to it.

I think if you go into it with the right mind you'll enjoy it. I went into it like an episode of MST3K. It delivered laughs beyond galore. It was like someone said let's make something so goofy that you can't help but laugh. They did too. It had cheesy syfy level horror movie music and effects. Came off almost like one of those horror movie spoofs you see from the Wayans brothers. It had stuff so ridiculous that you can't keep a straight face. I really wish someone who was there during the filming would tell all. I absolutely believe that it probably took a while to shoot from how much everyone was laughing when making it.


Pretty good ppv especially for one I had zero expectations of. Man that OT thread got all gross towards the end of the show huh?
Man that OT thread got all gross towards the end of the show huh?

Yep made me really appreciate our usual crowd here so much more...

Some of y'all might be a bit too pessimistic sometimes but none of ya are gross... It means I get to actually talk and debate wrestling rather than have to fight off bullshit sexism.

So <3 to you all, even a specific Demon Barber.
Honestly, Payback was pretty bad. I think
most of the ends were the biggest downsides for me. They felt like they were cleaning up
after mania most of the time.


I forgot who posted this in the OT thread but the WWE comic that has Balor sling-blading a demon to get his silly headdress is pretty amazing
I read the first few issues of the WWE comic. Each issue has an supernaturally-themed/far-fetched mini-story at the end and Balor's is one of them. There's an Ultimate Warrior and New Day one too.

The main story (Rollins joining the Authority, winning the title and then getting injured) is actually not terrible. It's how you would imagine things went backstage if you thought wrestling was real. I can see young kids getting a kick out of it.
lol Alvarez: A House of Horrors is a match in a house with a bunch of horrors in it...

I'm starting to warm up to Alvarez's bitterness.... I almost disagree all the time with but he's funny as fuck to listen to when he's not going on an over the top rant.


I enjoyed the fuck out of Payback.

Bayley and Bliss put on a hell of a match. Bliss sold really well in that match. Nice flying elbow by Bayley. Good result

Love Jericho and KO's match here more than I did the last one. Smart story telling. Got a little clumsy for a sec. Jericho uses chest slaps when he's in a creative rut and used them a lot here.

I skipped House of horrors.

Braun and Roman was so fucking fun to watch. Felt weird that they booked Braun to barely beat a one armed Roman though. That was my biggest complaint there. Great stuff tho

Probably the best way to watch.

I'm enjoying the Jinder stuff so far at least. It's all very basic heel stuff but he's doing fine...could all fall apart as there's a Jinder Mahal vs. Randy Orton match waiting at the end.

This seems like a decent spot for the Bollywood Boyz. There's not a whole lot of upside to being a 303 lb. combined weight tag team in WWE and they don't seem like they would get too far in the Cruiserweight division as individuals. Jinder's J&J Security for now and they could always transition back to being more comedic later on.


lol Alvarez: A House of Horrors is a match in a house with a bunch of horrors in it...

I'm starting to warm up to Alvarez's bitterness.... I almost disagree all the time with but he's funny as fuck to listen to when he's not going on an over the top rant.

I don't know if you listen to their Retro reviews but last weeks retro Raw was really fun because Alvarez was in a particularly good mood. It was almost eerie.

He always seems motivated when they talk about Total Divas on Filthy Tom too. Shame he could give a fuck about anything else on that show but we got Tom for that.
Jesus Alvarez really hates Sheamus... blames him for ending Daniel Bryan's career.

He's actively calling for Sheamus to be fired.

LOL I take back what I said about not liking Alvarez's rants: his on Sheamus is fucked


Jesus Alvarez really hates Sheamus... blames him for ending Daniel Bryan's career.

He's actively calling for Sheamus to be fired.

LOL I take back what I said about not liking Alvarez's rants: his on Sheamus is fucked

I've honestly thought that the Brogue Kick should be banned.

There doesn't seem to be much margin for error in that move and no one should be getting kicked in the head.
Holy crap Alvarez thinks Alexa Bliss is awesome... The one thing this angry fucker likes in WWE is Alexa Bliss

He rants, accurately that Bayley losing in her hometown was kinda dumb, but then says the good news (Alvarez had good news! :O)) was that the match was good and Bliss is awesome. He calls himself the biggest Alexa fan in the world, not true it's probably me but guys one of the most negative fuckers (about WWE) out there and one of the most positive found common ground in thinking Bliss is awesome <3

If you're wondering what he likes about it's everything most who like her like: her character, her mic work, etc... Thinks she's not the best worker (who does) but that it's WWE and you need to be more than just a wrestler and she's good at her job (yup!). I'm honestly in shock that this is the common ground I have with Alvarez...

Also apparently Nia Jax was supposed to be in this beat Bayley in her hometown slot pre-shakeup... yikes.


I've honestly thought that the Brogue Kick should be banned.

There doesn't seem to be much margin for error in that move and no one should be getting kicked in the head.

You could say for just about all of the striking finishers though. They've pretty much all fucked someone up at some point or another. (Wouldn't bother me since they are pretty boring to watch)
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