Eurogamer: Nintendo Switch to get Pokémon Sun and Moon third version: Pokemon Stars

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It was doable on 192p.

I'd say it's more doable on the 2D DS games because they can abstract the Pokemon sizes away with pixel art. With the 3D models, this is more difficult, there are already issues with Pokemon sizes relative to humans in the battlefield (Wailord is teeny, for instance), I don't expect this to be fixed until the DPPt remake or a later gen where they can design the region around it.
Sun/Moon's overworld is more realistically scaled, so Pokemon outside of battle generally have proper proportions instead of being one tile big like in the previous games. I don't think they'll do it, at least not for Stars.

Boss Doggie

all my loli wolf companions are so moe
I'd say it's more doable on the 2D DS games because they can abstract the Pokemon sizes away with pixel art. With the 3D models, this is more difficult, there are already issues with Pokemon sizes relative to humans in the battlefield (Wailord is teeny, for instance), I don't expect this to be fixed until the DPPt remake or a later gen where they can design the region around it.

The GCN and Wii "stadium" games did scale just fine

Ah wait Pokemon follower? Yeah it won't work


Junior Member
after the Modbot will have close the thread!
Btw, expect a pre-E3 announcement for 3DS/Switch
This kinda goes against what Eurogamer said about Stars being Switch-exclusive. Though funny enough, I was thinking cross-gen before this news initially broke.

I'm gonna go with a Pokémon Direct in the Spring.


So, assuming this is legit, when should we expect a reveal from TPC?

If it's releasing this year after all, then a reveal might be happening near April/May. They won't wait until E3 but I assume the game will have a significant presence in Treehouse streams.
This is sooooooooooooo going to be on 3DS lol.

Honestly, it being Switch exclusive hardly made any sense to me. Nintendo/Gamefreak have never made a new version of a Pokemon generation completely exclusive to different hardware like that before. For example, the 3DS was well established in 2012, and yet Black & White 2 came out on the DS.

Pokemon Stars (if it exists) will probably come out for Switch, but it will also come out for 3DS, so at that point, it's not gonna do the Switch much favors.
With FE Warriors being on New 3DS too I can totally see this third version being cross platform.

They have to milk the engine running on 3DS until the last drop as IntelligentSystem is doing.


Im thinking cross gen or switch exclusive. I know it would buck the trend but I think that the Switch might be a special scenario

That said I wouldnt be surprised if it was 3DS in the end
This is sooooooooooooo going to be on 3DS lol.

Honestly, it being Switch exclusive hardly made any sense to me. Nintendo/Gamefreak have never made a new version of a Pokemon generation completely exclusive to different hardware like that before. For example, the 3DS was well established in 2012, and yet Black & White 2 came out on the DS.

Pokemon Stars (if it exists) will probably come out for Switch, but it will also come out for 3DS, so at that point, it's not gonna do the Switch much favors.

Itll sell well


Junior Member
I thought the stuff hypothesised as to be coming in to the Switch version (models that follow you) were not possible on 3DS?
The Pokémon walking behind you thing is speculated to be for Stars when it was datamined from Sun/Moon. I don't think Eurogamer or Emily Rogers ever commented on that.
They're already signalling that they're transitioning some of their portable franchises to the Switch next year with Fire Emblem. I see Stars firing the starting gun on that this Christmas.


They could release it on both consoles and its still selling like crazy on the Switch. It's Pokemon, guys. I know people who'd buy both :p


If it was exclusive to Switch, then maybe it'd have a bigger chance, but considering it's probably also on 3DS, wouldn't basically everyone just buy it there?

No. People want to play the superior versions of games. I have no doubt that being on 3ds will cut into sales somewhat, but Stars on Switch will still sell a ton and be a system seller.
I was dead-set on Stars being Switch exclusive, but now I think it'll be on both 3DS and Switch. That will satisfy current 3DS owners, while still giving people a reason to buy on Switch. I know I would jump at the chance to play a better looking version of Pokemon Sun/Moon on my TV.


It will depend how much better it will look on switch, many people don't care about 3rd versions but would care about graphical upgrades.


Nintendo needs this to be Switch exclusive to push systems and push online subscriptions.

Exactly, the question is whether TPC and GF can be convinced to help out. That being said, as much as GF plays coy when its time to jump to next gen, they would be lost if Nintendo's handheld doesn't do well, so its kind of in their best interest as well.


They could release it on both consoles and its still selling like crazy on the Switch. It's Pokemon, guys. I know people who'd buy both :p

People buy both versions, I'm not so sure people would buy the same version twice on two different platforms. If you have a 3DS and a Switch why on earth would you buy the 3DS one? People usually buy both to get double legendaries (which you'd have from Sun/Moon) or version exclusive pokemon.

IMO Third Versions became stupid as soon as we started getting remakes too, Pokemon Stars only makes sense as an excuse to have a pokemon game on Switch without waiting a full generation. Putting it on 3DS brings back a tradition I don't frankly like.

Haven't bought a non-remake third version since Crystal, except for Black 2 (I didn't buy black 1)


Unconfirmed Member
A Switch exclusive Gen 7 Pokemon game never did feel right to me, and it always amazed me how some users here treat it like it's some sure thing. The 3DS has a significant install base, and it makes no sense to me that they'd start neglecting it so quick.


Im still hoping stars will be more of a sequel than a third version, like b2w2

And not to open a can of worms but the sun moon ending was borderline blue balling us by not
taking us to kanto with lily, who just leaves forever

Sometimes i wonder if they stripped a bit of sun and moon to have something more for stars


A Switch exclusive Gen 7 Pokemon game never did feel right to me, and it always amazed me how some users here treat it like it's some sure thing. The 3DS has a significant install base, and it makes no sense to me that they'd start neglecting it so quick.

But the 3ds already got 2 gen 7 games. Stars being (hopefully) exclusive to the Switch will push more hardware. It just wouldn't make any sense to release a third game of the same generation on the 3DS a year later. More focus on the switch is better imho
People buy both versions, I'm not so sure people would buy the same version twice on two different platforms. If you have a 3DS and a Switch why on earth would you buy the 3DS one? People usually buy both to get double legendaries (which you'd have from Sun/Moon) or version exclusive pokemon.

IMO Third Versions became stupid as soon as we started getting remakes too, Pokemon Stars only makes sense as an excuse to have a pokemon game on Switch without waiting a full generation. Putting it on 3DS brings back a tradition I don't frankly like.

Haven't bought a non-remake third version since Crystal, except for Black 2 (I didn't buy black 1)

People would buy the 3DS version so they don't have to pay for online with the Switch. Nintendo doesn't want that. They want people to buy it thus needing a Pokémon Stars to be Switch exclusive.


Unconfirmed Member
But the 3ds already got 2 gen 7 games. Stars being (hopefully) exclusive to the Switch will push more hardware. It just wouldn't make any sense to release a third game of the same generation on the 3DS a year later. More focus on the switch is better imho
At this point it isn't even a given that we're going to get Stars, just look at what happened to X/Y. Kalos never got its 3rd version and Zygarde's new forms were shoehorned into Gen 7. For all we know the next release could be Gen 4 remakes.


I think it's in Nintendo's best interest to push this as a Switch exclusive. Maybe it wasn't so necessary in the past, but Switch NEEDS to be successful.

I guess it's not totally up to Nintendo though?


Junior Member
People would buy the 3DS version so they don't have to pay for online with the Switch. Nintendo doesn't want that. They want people to buy it thus needing a Pokémon Stars to be Switch exclusive.
That's actually a solid argument for why Nintendo may push for Stars to be Switch-only rather than cross-gen.

I think it's in Nintendo's best interest to push this as a Switch exclusive. Maybe it wasn't so necessary in the past, but Switch NEEDS to be successful.

I guess it's not totally up to Nintendo though?
Nintendo definitely has a say, but so do The Pokémon Company & Game Freak.


I kind of doubt it's exclusive. I mean, for one thing, this would go against what Gamefreak historically does which is to release games on old hardware even after the successor comes out. And now it's pretty obvious Nintendo is planning to support the 3DS well into 2017, so it makes even more sense that the game would be multiplatform. I guess we'll see.


I kind of doubt it's exclusive. I mean, for one thing, this would go against what Gamefreak historically does which is to release games on old hardware even after the successor comes out. And now it's pretty obvious Nintendo is planning to support the 3DS well into 2017, so it makes even more sense that the game would be multiplatform. I guess we'll see.
There's always room for first. First mainline Pokemon a console and supporting a new hardware on its first year.


Even if Stars is exclusive, there will be more Pokemon releases for 3DS to follow. Whether they're Sun 2 / Moon 2, Diamond/Pearl/Platinum remakes or something else entirely.

This was always going to be the case and it was absurd for anyone to suggest otherwise.


I kind of doubt it's exclusive. I mean, for one thing, this would go against what Gamefreak historically does which is to release games on old hardware even after the successor comes out. And now it's pretty obvious Nintendo is planning to support the 3DS well into 2017, so it makes even more sense that the game would be multiplatform. I guess we'll see.

What game freak historically does shouldn't be something we should care about.

Gamefreak historically had 3rd versions of games and that was changed with Black and White sequels. Gamefreak then neither had a sequel or a 3rd versions to X and Y.

Also DS and 3DS were backwards compatible so releasing a Pokémon game on older hardware didn't matter as you can still buy the game with for the new hardware.

I personally think we will get

Pokémon Z - exclusive for 3DS
Pokémon Stars - exclusive for Switch


Even if Stars is exclusive, there will be more Pokemon releases for 3DS to follow. Whether they're Sun 2 / Moon 2, Diamond/Pearl/Platinum remakes or something else entirely.

This was always going to be the case and it was absurd for anyone to suggest otherwise.

You're the one being absurd to think the 3DS will get much support in 2019 which is right about when another pokemon entry would show up. Look at all their mainline releases. TPC never released one on a dying handheld once a new one was available.

I wouldn't be surprised if they do it for once with Stars this year but they definitely won't do it twice even if the next one was ready in 2018.


You're the one being absurd to think the 3DS will get much support in 2019 which is right about when another pokemon entry would show up. Look at all their mainline releases. TPC never released one on a dying handheld once a new one was available.

I wouldn't be surprised if they do it for once with Stars this year but they definitely won't do it twice even if the next one was ready in 2018.

Pokemon Black 2 and White 2 would like a word.



Monster Hunter XX will allow for cross-platform multiplayer between 3DS & Switch versions. I thought this was interesting as it means the same can very well happen with a cross-platform Pokemon title now.
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