July Wrasslin' |OT| All this G1 talk is making me Climax.

i was promised 100 wwe releases today

i mean i'm glad none yet since people had me worried emma would be gone

It was interesting to hear on JR's podcast with Lita and Medusa previewing the MYC, they actually touched on Moolah's prostitution stuff. Not in depth obviously, but I think that's the first time anyone related to WWE has acknowledged that stuff.
I think WWE are trying to hold back on referencing Moolah this year instead of trying to act like she was some great leader for women's wrestling. The tournament wasn't named after her but Mae Young and she didn't get a mention in the few women's history month promos they made a few months ago while Mae got one as did Lita and Trish.
Meltzer says that NJPW World subs are basically flat this year. No real increase or decrease from where they were at WK.

So as good a year as they are having quality-wise, it doesn't seem to be helping them on that front. At least not yet.

The barrier to entry on the site is rather rough. It's an Easter site design which is going to be off putting to westerners, couple with the instructions being in half-english and half-japanese.

Charity doesn't make you a good person is my point.

I would not be shocked if Cena is a moderate-republican.
Jericho has been pretty obviously conservative/right wing for a while now. There's a lot instances that made is clear as day.

His defending of DeMott was a red flag. That was a bad call.

If you're conservative, whatever, but I will never understand sticking up for someone who was physically and mentally abusing people.
That is was pretty disappointing to hear.


Who knows what could happen? You supposedly believe this meme trash you always talk about of WWE dying in 5 years but you can't even realize that NJPW World number will most likely stay the same no matter what for the next few years? If the terrific shows they've been putting on aren't enough to significantly move the needle now they won't move it next year, nor the one after.


they just had their first 2 shows on US soil, the real push hasn't even begun yet.



You forgot Big Dave
Alright then, who are the good guys in wrestling do y'all think?

The only one off the top of my head is Titus O'Neil with his work with the homeless and poor. I'm sure there are others though.
I've never heard a bad word about Becky or Bayley, both who seem to be as sweet as their characters in real life.

Sami also seems like a good guy who's only issue is being too controlling with matches.
I applaud New Japan for trying with the US expansion, but they've gotta do better, especially with how the AXS night 1 show and presentation went, for it to really translate to success and more fans

I love NJPW but I really agree with you and I was going to post similarly earlier. It is still very inaccessible for a lot of people. Nobody will jump through hoops on a badly designed site just to pay a sub where half the shows are broadcasted in English each year.

It is sad because it is a product a lot of people who enjoy wrestling would actually enjoy spending their time watching instead of hate watching or being constantly disappointed in WWE. They need to do better and they need to do more.

Even Stardom uploads videos with translated promos. Even among the friends of WrassleGAF there are only a handful of us who follow Stardom and the joshi scene in general.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
Didn't Cena steal Mickie James from Ken Doane, get him buried and then act like Mickie James was some crazy stalker to him?


I love NJPW but I really agree with you and I was going to post similarly earlier. It is still very inaccessible for a lot of people. Nobody will jump through hoops on a badly designed site just to pay a sub where half the shows are broadcasted in English each year.

It is sad because it is a product a lot of people who enjoy wrestling would actually enjoy spending their time watching instead of hate watching or being constantly disappointed in WWE. They need to do better and they need to do more.

Even Stardom uploads videos with translated promos. Even among the friends of WrassleGAF there are only a handful of us who follow Stardom and the joshi scene in general.

Well said, this is pretty much how I feel. So the whole "If they aren't watching New Japan now, they never will!" sentiment seems silly to me. There's a LOT more they need to be doing if they want a foothold with the western wrestling fan.
Speaking of Stardom, finally got around to watching the Mayu Iwatani/Yoko Bito match yesterday. Pretty good match.

Not to the standard of her last two with Hojo and Shirai though. But that's to be expected.


Njpw has had a pretty killer year in term of financial success. They been selling out almost every major show or close to it, which is something they haven't done for a while.And not to mention the merchandise boom. The true test for them isn't the American thing it is the Jan 4 2019 and 2020 dome shows and can they sell them out.


The Piece of Shit Hall of Fame Class

Dynamite Kid
Jimmy Snuka and Carlos Calon for MURDER
Grizzly Smith (Jakes's dad)
Michael PS Hayes
Fabulous Moolah
Ultimate Warrior
New Jack
Jerry Lawler
Shawn Michaels
Hulk Hogan
Vince McMahon
Bill Watts


Current list for new page.
The fact that the Ambrose and Rollins team up might lead to them getting the tag belts instead of another feud between them when it'd be the best thing to happen to both of them.

The new Arcade Fire is pleasant enough. Seems kinda unsubstantial.

They are way better as a live band in any case and I feel like the new album will be the same way. For better or worse.

Arcade Fire are great live but I still don't rate them next to My Bloody Valentine, Swans, Boris, Ben Frost, Xiu Xiu, Einstürzende Neubauten, Neurosis etc that produce really, really memorable live shows.

I have mentioned multiple times but Xiu Xiu doing their Twin Peaks set live is seriously phenomenal and something to always keep an eye on. The way they close that show is monstrously horrific.
Didn't Cena steal Mickie James from Ken Doane, get him buried and then act like Mickie James was some crazy stalker to him?

Yes. I posted about just that fact a little earlier. He cheated on his wife with Mickie, who was dating Ken Doane at the time. Then he got Ken Doane buried for confronting him about it. Then when he was done with Mickie James, he got her drafted to SD because he didn't want to see her or deal with the drama anymore.
Njpw has had a pretty killer year in term of financial success. They been selling out almost every major show or close to it, which is something they haven't done for a while.And not to mention the merchandise boom. The true test for them isn't the American thing it is the Jan 4 2019 and 2020 dome shows and can they sell them out.

The true test for them is the American thing though. They said themselves they want to be a worldwide company and have a presence in the US. Kidani himself said they want to challenge WWE. They can't ever be that unless they can get a major foothold in the US market.
While watch the WWE 24 on the Woman's Revolution I almost said out loud "Oh fuck you" when they mentioned Moolah and Mey as pioneers for women.

Then they called out Alundra too

But showed 0.5 shot of Bull


Any bad dudes in New Japan? I only remember Shibata having an affair but that's about it.

I don't know how I'd feel if Tana or Naito were garbage people 😔


wait is this rumor of
ko vs shane mcmahon
at summerslam legit?
Seems to have some weight. Pollock mentioned it too and he's usually pretty good at picking out the rumors that have some kind of truth to it.

I'd be good with that. Would be a million times more interesting than anything else KO has been doing for the past several months. He's been boring as fuck. Better than nothing.


Magnificent Eager Mighty Brilliantly Erect Registereduser
Yes. I posted about just that fact a little earlier. He cheated on his wife with Mickie, who was dating Ken Doane at the time. Then he got Ken Doane buried for confronting him about it. Then when he was done with Mickie James, he got her drafted to SD because he didn't want to see her or deal with the drama anymore.

To be fair Ken Doane was born buried. And moving James to smackdown was a better option than what Vince would have likely done and fired her.


The true test for them is the American thing though. They said themselves they want to be a worldwide company and have a presence in the US. Kidani himself said they want to challenge WWE. They can't ever be that unless they can get a major foothold in the US market.
If they want any chance to compete against the WWE then they need to be super strong in Japan and those two dome shows are going to be a measurement of how strong they are.

Any bad dudes in New Japan? I only remember Shibata having an affair but that's about it.

I don't know how I'd feel if Tana or Naito were garbage people 😔
kensuke sasaki may or may not have killed a young lion


I rather him than HHH. Im tired of HHH getting a guaranteed match at Mania every year sometimes in the Main Event too. Go away Paul.

People will cheer for
matches then complain about their favorite darlings not getting the stage

Well I'm tired of seeing
take a potential match away from someone else but on the other side, AJ vs
was pretty good. I just think it's a slight extension of the "not making new stars" problem


Any bad dudes in New Japan? I only remember Shibata having an affair but that's about it.

I don't know how I'd feel if Tana or Naito were garbage people 😔

We don't get much of the gossip from Japan. Most of it seems to come from paywalled blogs or 2chan.

I mean there's plenty of dojo hazing stories out there. I know Nakajima (current NOAH) `has a real bad reputation for beating up young boys.


It'll probably be Owens/Jericho again lets be honest
Nah. That triple threat on Smackdown felt like a blow-off for that. I mean, it was AJ after-all that shoved KO out of the ring after he did the work to take out Jericho.

I think the obvious story is KO getting more and more incensed that he's getting screwed out of his US title, and he's going to take it out on Shane since he put that triple threat match together.

Jericho right now is like 3rd on the list of people Owens should be going after.
Well said, this is pretty much how I feel. So the whole "If they aren't watching New Japan now, they never will!" sentiment seems silly to me. There's a LOT more they need to be doing if they want a foothold with the western wrestling fan.

Agreed, of course. I suppose it is just a matter of them finding balance between profit and expense when it comes to promoting the product in English and laying out their site better. As well as finding a more mainstream TV source.

I know they are doing shows in Australia and NZ soon, I will be at the east coast shows so it will be interesting to see how they do. I know they are planning on trying to do shows and open a dojo in Cali but with the G1 specials, so many people flew in it is hard to really quantify how many there are in that region that will go to shows regularly.

The future is exciting in any case.

Speaking of Stardom, finally got around to watching the Mayu Iwatani/Yoko Bito match yesterday. Pretty good match.

Not to the standard of her last two with Hojo and Shirai though. But that's to be expected.

I thought it was good. I like Yoko Bito, but Hojo and Shirai definitely stepped up in her absence. I know we have sort of spoken about it before, but I really don't know how Hojo and Shirai will go in WWE. People get upset comparing NJPW to WWE. Comparing the Joshi scene to WWE is even more difficult. I'm looking forward to seeing how the MYC turns out more than anything else in WWE at the moment. I really hope they give Evie a fair go because she is fucking awesome.

Njpw has had a pretty killer year in term of financial success. They been selling out almost every major show or close to it, which is something they haven't done for a while.And not to mention the merchandise boom. The true test for them isn't the American thing it is the Jan 4 2019 and 2020 dome shows and can they sell them out.

They are still 40,000 subs less than they expected within the first year of launching NJPW World so far as I know. And the free show they broadcasted drew 600,000. So they need to do something to get people to sub. Bushiroad are obviously behind them but as wonderful as the product is, I feel like there needs to be more done to really push it forward. Looking at merch sales but seeing subs stagnate makes me worry.


Nah. That triple threat on Smackdown felt like a blow-off for that. I mean, it was AJ after-all that shoved KO out of the ring after he did the work to take out Jericho.

I think the obvious story is KO getting more and more incensed that he's getting screwed out of his US title, and he's going to take it out on Shane since he put that triple threat match together.

Jericho right now is like 3rd on the list of people Owens should be going after.

If I had a dime every time I thought "that felt like the blow off" only for 10 more matches to take place between the two combatants, I'd out draw Ric Flair.
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