July Wrasslin' |OT| All this G1 talk is making me Climax.


That face is amazing.

EDIT - GWF6 update - Event is now Monday, not Sunday because I'd rather watch Game of Thrones than Raw


GWF 6: The Never Ending Climax
Date: Monday, July 31st, 2017
Time: 7:00PM Eastern/6:00PM Central/12:00AM London
Where: Live from the Z-Pak Zone on www.twitch.tv/sephzilla - Replay will be available on YouTube



Huge matches fill a stacked GWF6 card as all of the championships are on the line, two #1 contenderships are on the line, GWF holds its first ever Elimination Chamber match, and two of the winningest undefeated superstars in GWF clash for the biggest prize in the game. Will the entire status quo of GWF's championship scene change dramatically? Will the never ending title reign of Beefy continue on?

GWF Tag Team Championshp
The Huggers of Destruction (Zach & Biggest-Geek-Ever) vs The New Nation of Domination (Bronx-Man & Kornflayx) [c]

Singles Match
RecRoulette vs SomewhatGroovy

Singles Match
Sinitar vs Serpentine

Submission Match
DMczaf vs BronsonLee

The BewareTheBatsie Winless Open Challenge
Mahonay vs BewareTheBatsie

B+ Championship #1 Contender Match
OwensIsNow vs Syder

GWF B+ Championship
Ithil vs RBH vs Tall4Life [c]

Extreme Rules Match
imBask vs sf2fanatic

World Title #1 Contender Elimination Chamber Match
FallingEdge vs Empyrean Heaven vs Professor Beef vs korly vs Recall vs Hasney

GWF World Championship
FlammableD vs Beefy [c]

Tom Nook

Predictions for Monday

GWF Tag Team Championshp
The Huggers of Destruction (Zach & Biggest-Geek-Ever) vs The New Nation of Domination (Bronx-Man & Kornflayx) [c]

Singles Match
RecRoulette vs SomewhatGroovy

Splatoon is hot right now.

Singles Match
Sinitar vs Serpentine

Submission Match
DMczaf vs BronsonLee

The BewareTheBatsie Winless Open Challenge
Mahonay vs BewareTheBatsie

B+ Championship #1 Contender Match
OwensIsNow vs Syder

GWF B+ Championship
Ithil vs RBH vs Tall4Life [c]

It's time...

Extreme Rules Match
imBask vs sf2fanatic

World Title #1 Contender Elimination Chamber Match
FallingEdge vs Empyrean Heaven vs Professor Beef vs korly vs Recall vs Hasney

Pro Beef defeated me on the last GWF. Worthy of a Title Shot.

GWF World Championship
FlammableD vs Beefy [c]



I'm still mad at you, Tom Nook, even though I'm down with that RBH prediction.

P.S. RBH vs. OwensIsNow for the B+ strap would be hot fire.
Will there be koalas

Legit question because of deforestation

I sure hope so, friend. For real though, they make nightmarish sounds. Kookaburras are another great Australian animal. I get 15 or so ahow up at my place everu day for a feed (which can be a bad thing). But they are awesome.

Jerk crab with beans and rice, can't beat it man

Maybe thats my problem, Ive only ever eaten crabs and prawns boiled in water. I would absolutely gove jerk crab a try.

Outside of every day foods and BBQ the only specialty food I can cook is South East Asian cuisine. Primarily north east Thailand and Lao. I love it but the sodium content is a concern.

I wish Thai restaurants actually served food Thai people eat because good fucking god.


Maybe thats my problem, Ive only ever eaten crabs and prawns boiled in water. I would absolutely gove jerk crab a try.

Outside of every day foods and BBQ the only specialty food I can cook is South East Asian cuisine. Primarily north east Thailand and Lao. I love it but the sodium content is a concern.

I wish Thai restaurants actually served food Thai people eat because good fucking god.

Never had plain seafood apart from when visiting fam in Kingston were it is fresh as fuck. But being Jamaican you are brought up on seafood big time. It's kind of expensive in UK though, so manly have chicken/lamb/beef and goat.


I love seafood. Probably too much, it may have contributed to me getting gout and now I've been recommended a mostly vegan diet.

Ah well, more calories for beer.


Also, I've bought the ingredients for Clamato beer off of Amazon. I'll have to find out what lager, tomato juice, clam juice, li.e juice, soy, hot sauce and worcestershire sauce all taste like together....

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
Why have there been like 600 posts in the last 5 hours of wrasslegaf

did something happen or are you guys just shooting on each other as usual
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