How much is Lucios HP healing?
Some people on Reddit are reporting it's 750 at 3*
How much is Lucios HP healing?
Some people on Reddit are reporting it's 750 at 3*
Was hoping for a xeno spear from flip
Huh didn't know these could drop on NMs
Keep hitting those raids, youre wasting your time with an sr grid, what do you hope to accomplish with a weak grid?Updates and more questions.
Trying to build up to a SR grid since just leaching off public raids has gotten me one SSR Wind gauntlet only.
-How many copies of those SR weapons should I build towards?
-Is it ever a waste? Guide says building SR up to Sk3 is fine and I have no problems using one to feed a SSR later down the line.
-Almost have enough pendants to trade for my first omega...
Traded for a seraphic weapon. When does using it better my grid as oppose to SR stuff?
Is there a point to save Cerulean Stones?
If I got it right, that is the off element grid that Firepaoa uses.
It doesn't look like we'll be getting that swimsuit LegFes after all, there goes my hopes of sparking for Zooey. I guess it's next year for me.
Granted they could always announce it on Monday, but the later it goes without mention of it, the less hope I have.
Man, I really hope so!Everyone is expecting it on Monday, the schedule matches it perfectly too. 28-31 part 1 summer legfest. 31-2 part 2 with io's flb weapon.
Edit: Wait, Zooey can't be sparked? Only 2017 characters? The hell. :/
Well, I guess it's next year for me. Man, I've already waited a year, I can't believe they didn't make Zooey sparkable. So upsetting.
Yeah, I can understand why they did things as they did, it's still disappointing for me though. I know Zooey (supposedly) shows up every three months or so, so if that trend continues I'll just wait it out. I won't have a chance at the other summer characters, but I guess that's all I can do.yeh but it's completely understandable. last year's was just ridiculous when everything was sparkable. hot take but idgaf; this is how the spark pool for themed events should be done. the only thing cygames flubbed is making July have a less than favorable pool. July and August are both summer months. it doesn't make sense to me to sandbag July completely to blow your load on August. what I would have done is introduce old summer characters in July's legfes spark pool and have August's spark pool be for new characters only so I guess they've got half of it right this time. just makes sense to me. either spark for old summers in July or spark for new in August.
you can't spark Zooey but she's still in the gacha. you can still try your luck with the 90c rolls lol.
I've basically quit playing, but I had saved up enough for a spark a few months back waiting for chicken.May legfest be as kind to anyone else who sparks or pulls.
If you mean Melissabelle she is a good character in short fights (with my not so great grid she does like 1+ million damage in the first turn) eventually you end with two 1+ million nukes. I hope to some day have an ultimate sword with skill damage cap up team with her Siete and Lecia for brutal nukes.45 pulls got me one new SSR character. A hairy potato. You'd send that back and demand a refund if you were at a restaurant. Also got three gold moons and Baal so I was doing pretty good rate wise. I think this definitely means I need to spark.
Keep hitting those raids, youre wasting your time with an sr grid, what do you hope to accomplish with a weak grid?
The goal wasn't to build a weak grid; just that I couldn't even clear hard raids solo until I built out the SR version. Earth team is still sketchy on hard raids.
Used pendants to buy the Tiamat Bolt Omega. If I end up getting another one, should I uncap the first or build up the lvl/sk of a second. (I'm kinda tapped on feeding mats at the moment but should have enough when I save up enough)
Wait, what?By not making the xeno weapons flippable, theyve honestly made it pointless to even stay and fight in the raid especially when 2nd and 1st may already have a significant amount of honors.
Wait, what?
Then what the hell have I been wasting time doing?
That is an impressive array of unused characters, my first recommendation is that you need to grind if you want to be powerful in the game.Hey guys would like some tips
Hey guys would like some tips
Im playing this game semi casually im not really doing raids and the like but i guess i would like to do a bit more with the game what kind of team should i build what should i go for
I feel lost
Im just gonna post the ssrs and stuff since im guessing those are the best to use?
in case they arent showing up
screw it they arent showing up just posting the links instead :/
Absolutely nothing. If exp isn't a concern it's honestly more efficient to just poke as many raids as you can for the treasure drops.
That is horrible. I'm just going to spam extreme and hope I get a flip from that.Ouch.
Yup you can only get the spear from:
1) Event shop trades
2) Drops from EX/Maniac/NMx
3) Raid red chests
So in part 1 of this legfest, I sparked and got Hades, Titan, and Europa.
Now I actually need to build grids for these somehow.I wish I could get Gislas, but I'm F2P...
.So in part 1 of this legfest, I sparked and got Hades, Titan, and Europa.
So in part 1 of this legfest, I sparked and got Hades, Titan, and Europa.
Now I actually need to build grids for these somehow.I wish I could get Gislas, but I'm F2P...
Took about a break from the game after getting all the GW weapons I needed and came back to blow all my crystals (about 12k) on Summer LegFes. Was really hoping for at least Diantha (okay, more like Canna and Harie) and wound up with jack, lol. Probably the least luck I've ever had with a LegFes, but good motivation to try and save up for a spark next time and avoid the heartbreak.
...which is also way easier said than done because Grea looks way up my alley. Oh well.
Also the relentless pacing of events in GBF is as exhausting as it is amazing. Hard to figure out an optimal time to get to grinding out my grid when there always seems to be better ways to spend time in terms of immediate rewards.