Hello Bloodborne Gaf!
I made this thread earlier today -
and ended up buying BB.
I have never played a souls game before and am looking for some beginners tips!
Classes/weapons? Strength/Stamina builds or something else? Things to look out for.
Any advice would be much appreciated.
Some things that really helped me, personally:
Weapon: In the end it's your choice but as a beginner I'd strongly advice to go with the saw cleaver for a start. You can get all the other weapons early in the game so so don't be scared to just go with one. Imo the saw cleaver combines all the strengths of BB's combat system and forces/enables you to go into the fight more aggressively.
I'm sure there are different takes on this but in the beginning you can't go wrong with (literally vital because=life)
vitality and (important)
strength. Mix it up with a bit of (it helps)
endurance from time to time.
Combat http://bloodborne.wiki.fextralife.com/combat
In the hub area there are little tips on the ground. Please make sure to learn the basic techniqes described there. There are three essential parts that will make you a badass fighter in no time:
Transformation combo (I'm not sure what it's called exactly at the moment

Every weapon has two modes and you can switch at any moment with one button, even while fighting. For example:
Attack+Attack+Transform (this changes the weapon mode and is an attack at the same time. The next attacks will be executed in the new mode)
One smooth and very powerful combo. There is a weak and a heavy basic attack so experiment with them as well. It's not hard to grasp as long as you understand the basic template of attacking, changing the mode on the fly and continuing to attack. Makes for good damage.
2) Parry
That's what the gun is for. You don't usually use it as a weapon as it's too weak for that. You have to understand the animations of the enemy's attack. A typical enemy attack looks like this:
A.) Telegraphing the attack B.) executing the attack C.) recovery
With your gun you want to disrupt the attack animation just after A.) when the B.) forward motion of the attack begins.
The enemy will kneel down giving you time to do a visceral attack with one press of the basic light attack button. Don't worry about the bullets, many enemies drop them so you'll probably never have shortage.
3) Dodging & the regain system
The enemies will have a hard time even hitting you if when you have perfected dodging. Use it generously.
If you lose energy you can take it back by hitting the enemy!!! The time window for that is limited (you'll see that you health bar isn't fully empty yet. The bright part of the meter shows how much you'll regain if successful).
So try to be aggressive. Go in there, dodge if you can and stay ahead of the curve. I love this dynamic.
Bloodborne can be punishing but it it gives you everything you need to survive and become stronger.
Explore! Search every corner for good stuff.
Level Up!
Back off if necessary! Running isn't shameful Sometimes acting a little cowardly saves your life.
If you die, don't lose hope! The experience you'll gain in combat is much more precious than any loot you'll find in the beginning of the game. Also you'll get blood vials which you use for healing.