2012 High-Res PC Screenshot Thread of Don't Use Imgur

Stallion Free

Cock Encumbered

Hopefully someone reads this instead of blindly posting.


  • Limits: 2 screenshots per post. If you have more than 2, make more posts or use thumbnails.
  • Naming: Always include the name of the game with the screenshots.
  • Compression: Don't compress your screens or use a host that compresses them (Steam, Imgur).
  • Emulators: Emulator screens are fine. However, you should list the emulator used.
  • Stretching: Do not post stretched screenshots (4:3 to 16:9 for example).
  • Spoilers: Please do not post spoiler screenshots from recently released games.
  • Thinking: Think before you post. Is the screenshot really worth posting?


  • Fraps: DON'T TAKE JPEGS WITH THIS. The free version takes .bmps/.pngs and those should be the initial format you take screens in as it is lossless.
  • Irfanview/Photoshop: Use one of these to convert to jpeg at 100% quality, crop out black bars or resize pictures.
  • Nvidia Inspector: Program for Nvidia cards for fine tweaking AA/AF and other graphical settings for games.
  • Radeon Pro: Program for ATI cards for fine tweaking AA/AF and other graphical settings for games.


  • Nvidia Inspector: This guide covers how to force AA externally and the basics of using the program.
  • Radeon Pro: Would someone like to do a similar guide?
  • SGSSAA: This guide covers how to implement Sparse Grid Super Sampling, courtesy of BoobPhysics101.


  • Picpar: Brought to you by none other than X3sphere, a simple and efficient image host.
  • Abload: Easy to use, doesn't compress jpegs further, auto-converts bmps to png nicely.
  • Minus: Great interface, love way to share albums of screens.
  • Skydrive: 25 gb of storage, easy to set up folders, slideshows, no picture size limit.
  • Flickr: Good stuff if you are a paid user. Otherwise you are stuck with some limitations and shouldn't really use it.


Here are some great looking games from 2011. Click for full-size. Hopefully 2012 is even better!


Battlefield 3

Dirt 3

Assassin's Creed: Revelations


What about Google/Picasa web albums? Many of us have Google accounts so uploading there is convenient. Any reason not to use it for pic hosting?


Pointless tip: If you are like me and your computer explodes or your browser freezes while loading a page of large screenshots (especially at 100ppp), you might want to hit Esc and then just load each post individually.


The last game I played in '11 and first in '12. And I finally got triple buffering working. I think it was the Steam overlay causing it not to work.




Looks like fin is ignoring the rules already.

I will repost my arkham city shots from the last thread when I sober up. Happy New Year everyone by the way.

Mafia II looks great above. I would've bought it via the holiday Steam sale if my mobo's PCI E slots were all working and I could use PhysX. Sinc, they're not I will have to wait until I score an nvidia card or get a motherboard that actually works properly.


How about resizing/downsampling screenshots to make them look better (bullshots) -- can we at least have a rule to request people mention it if they use downsampling in an image editor? Of course if the game plays with built-in downsampling then that's different.


How about resizing/downsampling screenshots to make them look better (bullshots) -- can we at least have a rule to request people mention it if they use downsampling in an image editor? Of course if the game plays with built-in downsampling then that's different.

I'd actually like that, people have to mention when they did something to it. I see it way too often that people downsample and then someone comes along in complete awe of the IQ, which is pretty much on false grounds.


How about resizing/downsampling screenshots to make them look better (bullshots) -- can we at least have a rule to request people mention it if they use downsampling in an image editor? Of course if the game plays with built-in downsampling then that's different.

This is a most blantant personal attack!


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
Another thread, another year of bitching from myself at the impossible magic IQ everyone achieves in their screenshots that I cannot, for the life of me, attain.


Just got BF3. Looks amazing, makes me wonder why I don't get such smooth framerates on Crysis 1? I think it may be my processor or my RAM (do loading times take so long in BF3 for everyone else?) bottlenecking it, but in Crysis I get like 22 - 25fps during combat... on BF3 I get about 40fps throughout multoplayer, the lowest was 35fps.

Anyway, I think I had the colour correction injector already installed when I took these, and not everything is maxed:



Fuck off I didn't use imgur.


Another thread, another year of bitching from myself at the impossible magic IQ everyone achieves in their screenshots that I cannot, for the life of me, attain.

I hear ya. It would be nice if people would post their settings along with their screens, like if they're using an FXAA/SMAA injector, mods, ini/autoexec tweaks etc. That way the thread could be educational as well as good looking.
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