Winter 2012 Anime Thread 2.22: You Can (Not) Outpost Cajunator

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The first season sustains itself because there are some other things besides romance involved, and it's just unrealistically slow, as opposed to the second season where things are actively sabotaged by unbelievable and infuriating misunderstandings.

Hey man, to quote the great Phil Collins: You can't hurry love


recorder and whatever 12

you'd think by now the police would be aware of atsushi's situation and they'd explain to the people's that call 'em what the deal is.


sealed with a kiss
recorder and whatever 12

you'd think by now the police would be aware of atsushi's situation and they'd explain to the people's that call 'em what the deal is.

But then they wouldn't have any material for the second season!

I'm so bitter about this


Flower Declaration of Your Heart 2

Why does the boring Rei clone do that stupid woof thing?

Madoka is likable and the show looks great but it doesn't have a lot going for it other than that. At least it seems to realize its plot is incredibly silly and trite.


The first season sustains itself because there are some other things besides romance involved, and it's just unrealistically slow, as opposed to the second season where things are actively sabotaged by unbelievable and infuriating misunderstandings.

It wasn't solely the misunderstandings themselves, (well... yeah), it was exacerbated by the fact that the side characters just stood there and watched it all unfold for reason unknown to modern man.

Flower Declaration of Your Heart 2

Why does the boring Rei clone do that stupid woof thing?

You'll find out later, there is an actual reason for it.


sealed with a kiss
Flower Declaration of Your Heart 2

Why does the boring Rei clone do that stupid woof thing?

Madoka is likable and the show looks great but it doesn't have a lot going for it other than that. At least it seems to realize its plot is incredibly silly and trite.

that changes, and not in a good way.


That's because Honneamise ran their business poorly and suffered the consequences. A few of Aniplex USA's releases have completely sold out.
From what I remember they ran extremely low print runs. That was probably a minor financial success for them.
There are few casual fans in anime, tbh. The people who actually buy anime will likely pay whatever price.
Those seem like two unfounded assumptions bolted together.

If we use a rather shaky indicator, Anime Convention attendance figures, as a guide then apparently anime fandom grows year-on-year. Ignoring for a moment all the problems inherent in relying on conventions to self-report their attendance figures, there's clearly a huge number of people on the 'fringes' of the anime scene. Maybe they only watch a small amount of popular shows, the big shounen action titles, or whatever is on CrunchyRoll. Either way, they definitely seem to exist, or there wouldn't be so much legal and illegal tormenting, downloading and streaming of anime titles.

Secondly, anime is not like gasoline, which people are required to buy even as the prices climbs higher and higher. People aren't required to buy anime to carry out some important function of their lives or to carry on living. It's luxury.

The hardest core of the hardcore will certainly carry on buying it whatever the price, but that tells you very little. I remember listening to an ANN Cast last year where they talked with a guy at Funimation about bringing over high quality (e.g. nice packaging) DVD/BD releases of anime and the Funimation representative talked about the figures they have which show that certain consumers will only purchase anime when it's cheap and cheerful. This is why RightStuff will invariably have some kind of crazy, insane discount sale from time to time.

Still, it seem obvious that there's only really a small fraction of people who are actually interested in owning an anime, so higher prices for that small group seem inevitable.
Revolutionary Girl Utena 2


Once apon a time, not so long ago, anime birthed the phenomenon of "slice of life", in which the otaku realised he was willing to part with vast sums of money and what little remained of his dignity in exchange for a voyeuristic journey into the world of attractive school girls (and accompanying merchandise of course). Before that there was Utena. Back then it simply wasn't enough to subject the audience to endless vapid scenes of going to school, sitting at your desk, chatting with your friends, going home and doing homework. Oh no. There was at least an unspoken rule that nobody could possibly be interested in something so mundane. However there remained in many cases a story requirement to include said scenes regardless.

Different anime tackled this issue in various ways. Utena decides to take a cue from a more biblical insight and turn water into YURI. And thus we have the beginnings of today's episode. Utena, seen strutting like a boss, almost being carried by the wind, is set apon by a group of all female blushing admirers. That long flowing hair, that hourglass physique, that 4:3 excentuated facial gauntness. What's not to like? With a smile and a wave, Utena is off to kick ass and do calculus and she's most certainly not out of ass.

What's most striking about this introduction to today's episode is that it's almost as if the previous one didn't happen at all. Despite being
magically teleported to another dimension, made to climb a long winding staircase and duel a student council member wielding a magic belly saber infront of a giant floating upside-down castle
Utena doesn't seem to bring the episode to mind AT ALL. You see folks, in real life we call that sort of stuff BATSHIT INSANE. In Revolutionary Girl Utena, that kinda thing is just called Monday.

Anyway, clearly she has more pressing matters to attend to. Wakaba's still throwing her toys out of the pram after Saionji allowed the love letter she sent him to be posted on the school bulliten board. She takes this out on Utena with the silent treatment, because Utena didn't write any love letters to the biggest jerk in school. How could she do this to me? Really though, Saionji is a shitstain on the underpants of humanity, I have no sympathy for her at all.

For lack of genuine emo ways to express her inner sorrow, such as listen to My Chemical Romance, Wakaba puts it behind her. You can tell she's hurting, but is wary of Utena's concern. Understandable in many ways, after only a single episode it's fairly obvious to see Wakaba will be one of the most consistantly cheerful and endearing characters in the series. Shifting gears, Utena turns to see Anthy standing in the doorway. OH RIGHT,

The crazy kicks in far earlier this episode,
as we jump immediately to a random outdoor elevator, which instead of the standard shopping mall muzak, is accompanied by haunting themes to indicate it's probably related to the student council who are probably EVIL. We get a strange monologue regarding chicks and egg shells. Apparently the student council are the chicks (admittedly the male members DO look like chicks) and the world is the egg. Soon they must break free or they will die before being born. I'm not making this up guys.

Kurama Touga asks if letters have been received from "End of World". I'd imagine they'd probably be marked "This is not a circular". It seems the council has, individually received letters from this "End of World". Inside was undetailed instructions for the future and a description of Saionji's failure the previous day. That leads to a discussion of Utena, whom they refer to as "The Rose Bride". One of the council members is displeased that Utena isn't a student council member, it's all just a little too strange. After all, the only person allowed to win magic duels with sabers pulled from a girl's chest are student council members, didn't you know? Touga just finished playing Final Fantasy VII, so that being fresh in his mind, he lets this dissenting student council member know that there aint no gettin offa this train we on.

Blue haired kid has his stop watch out again, clicking furiously. The time says 16 minutes 42. A bad omen.

As bizarre as this whole scene was, I feel a slight growth in clarity as to the modus operandi of the council. In Hebrew we'd call this the pshat, the simple or literal reading of the situation without going any deeper. It's made fairly obvious that they are part of "a game" of sorts, organized by the "End of World" for which they are fully entitled not to partake should they choose. It seems to me that the game is connected with their spiel about revolutionizing the world. Anthy is obvious a key in this, but so too Utena, sharing the same rose signet ring as the members.

While clearly there is much I'm missing here, notably the deeper more metaphysical/allegorical connections (which we'd call drash), it's nice to see that there might actually be a plot here which isn't just a load of balls.

Back to Utena, she's now dealing with Wakaba on hyper cheeriness overload, as they hold hands and skip their merry asses down lollypop lane. I found this scene somewhat amusing, Utena looks far more drained and unkempt than after her
magical duel
. Apparently Utena's new dorm is haunted, which scares her a little untill she sees it and oh thank goodness. It's a completely white non-descript building just like the rest of the completely white non-descript buildings in this completely white and non-descript town. thatsracist.gif
Seriously, Mirror's Edge has NOTHING on this show.


Nobody seems to be in, so Utena just makes herself at home. A quick shower, a bite to eat and oh hi Anthy, a bit to eat and...WAT. Yes, Anthy dressed in suitable servant-girl atire, is now conveniently sharing a room with her master Utena. My eye subconsciously drifts towards the layout of the room, noticing the presence of only a single bed therein. My mind races. Could this mean what I think it means? Yes. Yes it does.

They have a seemingly normal conversation, you know,
for two people who had just yesterday taken part in a duel in another dimension. That is untill Anthy mentions it's NOT a coincidence them having the same room. What really? That whole Master-servant thing was serious? Anyway, Utena takes the opportunity to ask her some questions, which now you come to mention it she HAD been kinda wondering about. Like the castle and the sword. Apparently Anthy doesn't know. Mysteries she says, before asking Utena why she dresses like a dude in hot pants.

Introduction time! It's been at least 1 and a half episodes too long since we had a cute mascot, so here ya go. His name's Chu-Chu and he's a palm-top monkey wearing a tie with a pierced ear that just screams hipster. Chu-chu is Anthy's friend and Utena asks him/her/it to be her friend too! Cause she was totally looking for a friend who can't say anything more than "Chu" to replace Wakaba who never shuts the hell up.
I'd love to make fun of Chu-chu more but truely he/she/it is undeniably cute and whats more, Utena looks all the more cute by extention.


Anthy gives a little exposition to Utena, her betrothed, about the role of the Rose Bride. Only she ends up telling us things we already kinda knew. See, this is why she ended up on the receiving end of five fingered justice in episode 1.
As it turns out, Utena would kinda rather not duel more people to the death. Seems kinda risky and her momma raised her good. Meanwhile, Saiojni stares at a katana whistfuly, a wry smile creeping across his face as he contemplates the evil he will do with such fanciful toys, resisting the urge to raise his pinky to his mouth.

Touga arrives to interrupt Saionji's sparring session with thin air. Apparently they are in Saionji's "domain". Is this some kind of alpha male territory complex I wasn't popular enough to know about from school? Anyway, turns out Saionji's pretty bitter over his loss and humiliation. He maintains Anthy is HIS punching bag and nobody elses! He wrote it in his diary and everything! "Anthy and my fist, together forever". I'm not making this up guys.
More techno/fantasy babble ensues.

Meanwhile, Utena eats dinner and talks to herself, while Saionji heads over to spaz out on Anthy. He slaps her one for old times sake, but it's not the same, his abuse is only half-hearted, they've moved on. Utena runs out only to get challenged to a duel...time paradox! Apparently those who dare defy the student council have a habit of being taken round the bike sheds and given a good beating, if you know what he's saying. Once he's finished his WWE style "fightin words", he makes a tactical and hasty retreat. Run away today to wife beat again tomorrow.

Normality? In my Utena? It's more likely than you'd think.

Sadly it doesn't last though, after all this we get another scene, similar to that in the first episode, of two doll-like shadow characters talking vaguely about Utena. They also stage a duel as cowboys. This divorced from reality break-away serves as a bridge between the close to regular scenes we just witnessed and the bonkers, other world antics to come. Utena's way of testing the waters.
Who are these people? Why are they so different from the rest of the show? Are they supposed to be an outer reflection of the inner thoughts/musings of the viewer? If so, why do they make no freaking sense? It's like Mr Worm and Mr Snail from Eternal Sonata all over again.

Now that you're sufficiently broken in;
we're back to Utena opening the door to Duelists Garden with the recycled animation from the first episode. Indeed, recycled is quite a good word to describe much of what's going on here. It's like the writers all got STONED and found the script for the first episode, forgot they already used it and thought it would be a good idea to include that here. Complete with climbing the unrealistically long winding staircase VERY SLOWLY while accompanied by The Absolute Destiny: Apocalypse. This is the second time I've seen all this and it makes even LESS sense than the first.


Good news guys, the GIANT FLOATING UPSIDE DOWN CASTLE is still there. Whew, I was worried for a second. I guess it would be too inconvenient to delete anything from that to the clothes Saionji and Anthy were wearing, when reusing the old footage. Anthy calls apon the power of Dios blah blah, this time it's Utena to pull the magical saber out of her breasts. Strangely Utena knows the mantra about the "world revolution" which she recites.

The actual swordfight here is MUCH better than the first episode, possibly because they both have actual swords. We get an interesting song playing in the background about how life was born 3 billion years ago. Creationists am cry. It recites the different eras (in English) like the Cambrian and the Oldovian, cause you know, they rhyme! Japanese people won't know what this song's about! Just make sure it rhymes and it'll be Ok.

Anyway, Saionji has the upper hand. Being the head of the schools Kendo class and having a first degree black belt in girl punching, will do that for you. He tells Utena the Sword of Dios actually doesn't have any powers at all. Wow, that's kinda underwhelming. Basically Anthy is just a giant Sword Caddy.

The swords swing, back and forth, clashing together. They seem equally matched but they're not, Saionji is toying with his prey while Utena is sweating, clearly struggling to keep up with the speed of Saionji's lunges. Indeed her defence starts to tire as quickly as she does, but much to her praise she doesn't give up. She was all set on losing this fight but the requirement to put this fool out of his misery once and for all is overwhelming. That's the why, but she struggles to see the how.

That is untill in a fit of rage Utena summons a spectre from the giant floating castle that looks like the Prince she met in episode one, who transmutes into her body embuing her with superhuman strength and tidied hair, cause the heros gots to look good.
As the song hits a dizzying crescendo on "Ammonite" we finish both the fossil record and the fight with yet another charge, akin to the finale of episode 1. The moment of impact is covered by a rose to save production budget and this show being rated for blood content. FATALITY.

Utena doesn't know what happened. Off in the distance, Touga watches on in disbelief, pondering to himself whether this is the power of Dios to bring the revolution. And we're back home with Utena eating cake as if nothing happened. How ironic that the only thing not a lie is cake.

Anthy however is quick to ask the burning question, why she didn't throw the fight. Utena claims she did it for Chu-chu, cause he'd get teased. Yeah sorry Anthy, I really don't care that Saionji beats you, but the monkey with the tie getting mocked is just ONE STEP TOO FAR.

Anthy smiles. To be continued.


In the end, this episode was more a continuation of the first than initial impressions gave. Already though we know a little bit more about the council and the plot actually seems to be coming together. I assume this is only an arc, but even so I'm pleased to find that we seem to already be in the deep end of plot (drowning in it, even) without any needless filler.

I'm enjoying Utena really, despite what my actual review may indicate. The characters are likable, especially Anthy. I thought I'd hate her, but she's nice and somewhat mysterious.

I still haven't got a hang interperating of any metaphysical and/or pyschological undertones, but somehow I get the impression Utena doesn't need you to switch on your brain to enjoy either. Perhaps it's even better that you don't.
The first season sustains itself because there are some other things besides romance involved, and it's just unrealistically slow, as opposed to the second season where things are actively sabotaged by unbelievable and infuriating misunderstandings.

I liked the first season of Kimi ni Slow-doke, but I confess I skipped right ahead to the end of season 2 for the last episode lol.

Ryu x Chizuru
was my shameless ship from that show, though.


Flower Declaration of Your Heart 2

Why does the boring Rei clone do that stupid woof thing?

Madoka is likable and the show looks great but it doesn't have a lot going for it other than that. At least it seems to realize its plot is incredibly silly and trite.

Because it's absolutely glorious! what other reason need exist?

Those seem like two unfounded assumptions bolted together.

If we use a rather shaky indicator, Anime Convention attendance figures, as a guide then apparently anime fandom grows year-on-year. Ignoring for a moment all the problems inherent in relying on conventions to self-report their attendance figures, there's clearly a huge number of people on the 'fringes' of the anime scene. Maybe they only watch a small amount of popular shows, the big shounen action titles, or whatever is on CrunchyRoll. Either way, they definitely seem to exist, or there wouldn't be so much legal and illegal tormenting, downloading and streaming of anime titles.

Secondly, anime is not like gasoline, which people are required to buy even as the prices climbs higher and higher. People aren't required to buy anime to carry out some important function of their lives or to carry on living. It's luxury.

The hardest core of the hardcore will certainly carry on buying it whatever the price, but that tells you very little. I remember listening to an ANN Cast last year where they talked with a guy at Funimation about bringing over high quality (e.g. nice packaging) DVD/BD releases of anime and the Funimation representative talked about the figures they have which show that certain consumers will only purchase anime when it's cheap and cheerful. This is why RightStuff will invariably have some kind of crazy, insane discount sale from time to time.

Still, it seem obvious that there's only really a small fraction of people who are actually interested in owning an anime, so higher prices for that small group seem inevitable.

Anime completes me.
Anime is my escape from the rest of life's bullshit. I need this stuff, man.

All too true in animegaf.

It's not actually illegal to torment people with bad anime.
I can see arguments against it, but how else would I have discovered how great School Days is?


sealed with a kiss
That doesn't make things any less confusing, but I'm glad at least somebody read some (all?) of that.

It's easy to get lost when you only watch an episode a week, I may have to find time for more.

Just watch it at the same pace as me, one episode a day!


That doesn't make things any less confusing, but I'm glad at least somebody read some (all?) of that.

It's easy to get lost when you only watch an episode a week, I may have to find time for more.

Why do you stretch your words like you stretch your video


The Light of El Cantare
Brave 10 11:

I'm jealous of people whose mental illnesses apparently make them much, much happier than they otherwise would be.

lol @ almost half of the show being devoted to
Kamanosuke being trapped in an illusion that exists to retread the same gender identity shit we've been bludgeoned over the head with for pretty much every scene Kamanosuke is in

lol @
new slut-tastic costume. Seriously? A
garter belt
? Ahahahahaha.

lol @
everyone just getting stabbed right through with swords multiple times and not even dodging.
The total lack of
battle choreography
in this series has been hilarious. Double lols at
how many gaping wounds Saizou has now but he's not bleeding out at all

And now for cajun's (and others') weekly dose of Isanami so that they don't have to watch the show:

Thank God there's only a single episode left. It's really been a test of my masochism.


sealed with a kiss
Brave 10 11:

I'm jealous of people whose mental illnesses apparently make them much, much happier than they otherwise would be.

lol @ almost half of the show being devoted to
Kamanosuke being trapped in an illusion that exists to retread the same gender identity shit we've been bludgeoned over the head with for pretty much every scene Kamanosuke is in

lol @
new slut-tastic costume. Seriously? A
garter belt
? Ahahahahaha.

lol @
everyone just getting stabbed right through with swords multiple times and not even dodging.
The total lack of
battle choreography
in this series has been hilarious. Double lols at
how many gaping wounds Saizou has now but he's not bleeding out at all

And now for cajun's (and others') weekly dose of Isanami so that they don't have to watch the show:

Thank God there's only a single episode left. It's really been a test of my masochism.

I was smart enough to put this on hold 3 episodes in
so I can marathon it all at once and shorten the pain


A. Where is Wakaba's right hand?

B. What does getting "a single" have to do with being "a cool gal"?

C. Why haven't I watched After War: Gundam X yet?

D. All of the above.

The picture is clearly the wrong resolution.


Brave 10 11:

I'm jealous of people whose mental illnesses apparently make them much, much happier than they otherwise would be.

lol @ almost half of the show being devoted to
Kamanosuke being trapped in an illusion that exists to retread the same gender identity shit we've been bludgeoned over the head with for pretty much every scene Kamanosuke is in

lol @
new slut-tastic costume. Seriously? A
garter belt
? Ahahahahaha.

lol @
everyone just getting stabbed right through with swords multiple times and not even dodging.
The total lack of
battle choreography
in this series has been hilarious. Double lols at
how many gaping wounds Saizou has now but he's not bleeding out at all

And now for cajun's (and others') weekly dose of Isanami so that they don't have to watch the show:

Thank God there's only a single episode left. It's really been a test of my masochism.

You provide a great service. My hat's off to you sir. I guess I didn't watch enough of this show to really understand how bad it is.


Guilty Crown
I really like the design on Ayase's mech during the last episodes. Kinda reminds me of Jehuty. Also
Should have let Shu die with Inori wtf was the point of making him blind? You guys actually made me think Ayase ended up with Shu too. Am disappoint. Oh Gai with his ALL ACCORDING TO KEIKAKU :lol

Shakugan no Shana better not have a disappointing ending.
The picture is clearly the wrong resolution.

I agree, but the last time I posted with the correct (read: 16:9) resolution, pizzaroll had assembled an unruly mob to chase me out of AnimeGAF.

Anyway, the picture is 319x239. Far too boxy and prone to black bars to be something I'd put my name to.

Shakugan no Shana is disappointing in general.

I'd agree, but it's hard to be disappointed by something that looked/sounded bad to begin with.


A Good Citizen
I agree, but the last time I posted with the correct (read: 16:9) resolution, pizzaroll had assembled an unruly mob to chase me out of AnimeGAF.

Anyway, the picture is 319x239. Far too boxy and prone to black bars to be something I'd put my name to.
It wasn't an unruly mob; it was a rule-abiding group of individuals who do not appreciate the vandalism of art.

Also your post is kinda long and doesn't really say anything. With that length you better cover editing techniques and cinematography at least.


I agree, but the last time I posted with the correct (read: 16:9) resolution, pizzaroll had assembled an unruly mob to chase me out of AnimeGAF.

Anyway, the picture is 319x239. Far too boxy and prone to black bars to be something I'd put my name to.

I'd agree, but it's hard to be disappointed by something that looked/sounded bad to begin with.

Yes, that kind of shit is exactly what makes it terrible.
Although the story itself is still somewhat interesting if I'm honest.
This show definitely is one reason I don't like kugilolis.


Guilty Crown
I really like the design on Ayase's mech during the last episodes. Kinda reminds me of Jehuty. Also
Should have let Shu die with Inori wtf was the point of making him blind? You guys actually made me think Ayase ended up with Shu too. Am disappoint. Oh Gai with his ALL ACCORDING TO KEIKAKU :lol

Shakugan no Shana better not have a disappointing ending.

Hey Envelope.

It wasn't an unruly mob; it was a rule-abiding group of individuals who do not appreciate the vandalism of art.

Also your post is kinda long and doesn't really say anything. With that length you better cover editing techniques and cinematography at least.

You know, I think we just got off to a bad start cause of a misunderstanding man. I'm serious. We are both concerned that the viewing quality of our audio-visual experience in Japanese animation may be hindered by modern technology's advancements. We just go about remedying that in different ways. Me with forced aspect ratio, you with indifference.

It says plenty, you should know not to try and take a post like that (and indeed, like this) seriously. I wrote it for your and my amusement, it's actually one of the reasons I'm watching Utena. Isn't that what AnimeGAF is all about? (aside from the trolling newbies with horrific recommendations)


A Good Citizen
You know, I think we just got off to a bad start cause of a misunderstanding man. I'm serious. We are both concerned that the viewing quality of our audio-visual experience in Japanese animation may be hindered by modern technology's advancements. We just go about remedying that in different ways. Me with forced aspect ratio, you with indifference.
It's not indifference -- it's preservation, and respect. You are an art vandalizer.

It says plenty, you should know not to try and take a post like that (and indeed, like this) seriously. I wrote it for your and my amusement, it's actually one of the reasons I'm watching Utena. Isn't that what AnimeGAF is all about? (aside from the trolling newbies with horrific recommendations)


sealed with a kiss
Revolutionary Shoujo Utena 3
It's not like anyone actually reads this anyway


those clamportions

The Student Council President is the smoothest son of a bitch I've seen.
He had Utena blushing in a matter of seconds; that takes a special kind of skill.

Utena has a massive harem, as evidenced by the opening portion of this show. Utena-sama isn't particularly displeased by it either, but she doesn't want Anthy getting too attached to her, because she still pretends she wants an actual boyfriend. Anthy sure likes teasing Utena, probably because Utena is the only person in this show who won't abuse her. :(

So much footage is reused in this show, this time it was the elevator sequence and the narration about the Prince. Why are there so many female crossdressers in the student council? Is it some kind of requirement? Utena has the better uniform, though.

A villainess of sorts is introduced in this episode: Nanami, who happens to be the sister of the SC President. (someday I'll be able to remember his name). She's a total brocon, and really has it out for Anthy, who she desperately wants to humiliate.

Forming her master plan of ripping off TLR and using dissolvable clothes, she pretends to befriend Anthy so that she can lend her a very special dress.

She's no match for Utena's dressmaking prowess, though. That girl's got skills.
Cue a nice slow romantic dance, with Nanami grinding her teeth in the background.


Utena is so cute

I felt incredibly cheated by the lack of ABSOLUTE DESTINY APOCALYPSE in this episode. :(

This episode mostly served to introduce the new characters of Nanami and the SC Pres. Utena still wants nothing to do with the dueling game. Anthy still receives regular beatings. :(

Pizzaroll Section:

There were some particularly clever shots in Anthy's cardgame with

Episode 4 writeup will probably be longer than this one, since a lot more happened in it.


Revolutionary Girl Utena 2

In an odd and totally unintended coincidence, I read Haruki Murakami's Hard-Boiled Wonderland and the End of the World between watching the last episode and this one. Merits of that book aside, I can't help but wonder (given the explicit Super Frog callout in Penguindrum) if there's any relationship between the End of the World in that book and the one mentioned by the student council in Utena.

There's very little information at this point, but if one can draw any sort of connection between them, the show is going to start functioning on some pretty insane levels.

I like it so far. I like how it goes about broadly defining its cast members in its exaggerated way. I like the over-the-top grandeur of this boarding school. I like how the show is (like Penguindrum) willing to confidently extend and show grand mysteries that it seems in no hurry at all to answer. Knowing nothing whatsoever of either genre I am about to mention, it feels like an interesting mashup of shojou romance and magical girl... "magic".

That staircase sucks, though. I'm going to hate it if I sit through it every time. I feel like the soundtrack is trying to puff up something really mundane, and it makes me hate both the music and the visual.
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