Playing old games with new-age settings is awesome. I've been playing gzdoom, darkxl, dxrebirth, eduke3d, swp... pretty sure it's spoiling me for when I'm forced to just use dosbox.I've found that I actually like the look of games from that era when coupled with tons of AA. I appreciate how clean the image looks compared with a lot of the filters and crap games have thrown on them today.
Those project car shots look like CG. Good job on those felipepl.
Playing old games with new-age settings is awesome. I've been playing gzdoom, darkxl, dxrebirth, eduke3d, swp... pretty sure it's spoiling me for when I'm forced to just use dosbox.
I love this game. The best in the series until the Criterion Hot Pursuit.project cars pff
heres some NFS Porsche 2000
games so awesome, does anyone know how to force AA? nhancer didnt work
Not so sure about it, but I would dare to say that the polygon count in pCARS models is equivent to Forza 4 Autovista project cars models have higher polys than forza 3 and gt5 highest LOD? i'm guessing so
I love this game. The best in the series until the Criterion Hot Pursuit.
Not so sure about it, but I would dare to say that the polygon count in pCARS models is equivent to Forza 4 Autovista mode.
Downsampled from 1440p + in-game 4xSSAA + tons of texture mods
Jesus what kind of frames do you get running like that
Around 30. I just pretend I'm playing a powerful Xbox.
Around 30. I just pretend I'm playing a powerful Xbox.
Such a nostalgia trip.
Source port?
Oh there's a game I don't think I've tried with my new CPU. Wonder if I can hold a steady 60fps with any AA. If not, then downsampling+AA it is.hahah. That's exactly what I do with NFS:HP. 1440p+4xSSAA = my next gen.
I love this game. The best in the series until the Criterion Hot Pursuit.
Aion - 2880x1800, x8 MSAA
Click to enlarge, click link to open full res in new window.
Rayman Origins - 2880x1800
Click to enlarge, click link to open full res in new window.
Are those D3 spoilers? Not even 5 full days after release, yegh, thanks.
Seriously what the fuck. I tried scrolling past them quickly, but still saw them. Thanks for that. How stupid.
Are those D3 spoilers? Not even 5 full days after release, yegh, thanks.
This thread has always been spoiler heavy for any games, get over it or get out.
I didn't post the images, but I'm afraid you're wrong about this, sorry.But not this spoiler heavy for a recently released game - thanks for that
This thread has always been spoiler heavy for any games, get over it or get out.
I've seen plenty of courtesy for recent games when it comes to screenshots, with numerous members making the effort to link to and appropriately label spoiler images.
Make the decision if the thread is to be spoiler free/tagged or 'anything goes' so I can update the op accordingly.