C'mon, no one on HaloGAF is up for testing a map? 
Seriously, send me a message. Tag is ThatsMyTrunks.
Seriously, send me a message. Tag is ThatsMyTrunks.
C'mon, no one on HaloGAF is up for testing a map?
Seriously, send me a message. Tag is ThatsMyTrunks.
I don't get the reference.![]()
Love love love this game. If I get tired of ordnances(and I haven't) I just play a different playlist that doesn't have it. I like how playlists don't force you to play an objective based game now, I can just play what I want.
I'm enjoying this game.
Seriously now, what fucking game are you guys playing? Because it bears no resemblance to what I've been playing every night.But really though, I agree. I just feel like teamwork is gone in 4; there's literally no emphasis on it.
How about instead of increasing the bloom on the DMR (What the fuck is wrong with you?) 343 creates maps with it (and the other precision weapons) in mind? When you give people the ability to be incredibly accurate at long range maybe you shouldn't put maps in the game that are wide open and lack any sort of cover. It's the same with Hemorrhage in Reach, it does not work.
My issue with JIP is that it further undermines the idea of Halo as a team sport rather than an onanistic individual pursuit.
But that's every FPS these days, so what are ya gonna do.
Big team fucking sucks in this game.
She's worked for Microsoft as a producer/manager since 1995 (and with MS Game Studios/343 since 2005). I think it's probably a good bet she's worked on other games.![]()
But then your map design is severely hindered. I'd say the only map that comes close to solving this problem is Meltdown. And even then it has some long ass sighlines.
DMR needs to go from BTB. Last time BTB was fun to play and balanced was Halo 2 and 3. I wonder why?
In Halo 3 Valhalla is a great map for BTB. In Halo 4 its shit.
You've never seen Grandma's boy?
She's their boss. If you've not seen this movie, you REALLY need to. It's one of my all time favorite comedies.
Seriously now, what fucking game are you guys playing? Because it bears no resemblance to what I've been playing every night.
No emphasis on teamwork? No map movement in BTB? I wish I could see the saved films of these games to put visuals to those words, because in all the matches I've played, if you're not working as a team you get stomped, either by better positional play, team shots, or vehicle control. And teams always shift from point to point on the maps, whether to control key terrain or to grab vehicles / global drops. Or do you just leave those tanks and banshees and gauss hogs and snipers and rockets and incendiary cannons for the other team?
I also see a mix of DMR, battle rifle and light rifles being used. Primarily DMR on large maps and primarily BR on small maps, but I am seeing that mix.
If DMRs are getting you down, move out of positions exposed to the longest site lines. If ARs are chewing you up maybe you should try to maintain medium-long range engagements and not push in to close quarters so much. If your vehicles are getting blown to shit in five seconds try to play them as support, behind and flanking where your on foot teammates are, so they can provide you some cover fire from AV weapons and close range EMPs.
As for individual ordnance empowering players to just camp out at their base, it really depends upon the ordnance they receive and how best to make use of it doesn't it? Snipers and Binary Rifles, sure. But maybe they have to move to get the enemy tank of mantis or banshee with the Binary. And they'll definitely want to move to engage if they get a SAW or damage boost or overshield. And if the enemy team is down on points, let them sit there and stew while you take the strong ground so if they even show their head they get popped from three angles.
I'm starting to think that some here aren't playing the actual game itself, but some alternate mental version of it and then bitching about the cognitive dissonance here. No, its not Reach, and its not Halo 2 or Halo 3 and its not COD.
But really though, I agree. I just feel like teamwork is gone in 4; there's literally no emphasis on it.
Just noticed there are medals for SpOps on Waypoint (I presume this is old news). Shame they couldn't implement Campaign/SpOps scoring.
Yeah well it never should've been in the game. People with sense said it back when we were talking about remakes, then when it was announced and everyone magically forgot about that with some head over heels excitement, and now people are surprised that the map doesn't play well.
My enjoyment in H4 BTB totally depends on playing anything not called Ragnorak.
Don't be delusional. The sky isn't falling. Teamwork is here to stay.
Do you play with friends? Good luck winning a game without teamshoot and callouts. You can't setup snipe without people to defend. Distraction. Assist. Mongoose. Capture the Flag. Warthog. Oddball. King of the Hill. Are you out of your mind?
Don't be delusional. The sky isn't falling. Teamwork is here to stay.
Do you play with friends? Good luck winning a game without teamshoot and callouts. You can't setup snipe without people to defend. Distraction. Assist. Mongoose. Capture the Flag. Warthog. Oddball. King of the Hill. Are you out of your mind?
Tell that to the KILL way point.
Teamwork is a lot less present in this game as opposed to past halos.
Ignorant post about theoretical crap.
I have never seen it. Slipped through the cracks.You've never seen Grandma's boy?
She's their boss. If you've not seen this movie, you REALLY need to. It's one of my all time favorite comedies.
That's mean.
I have never seen it. Slipped through the cracks.
Netflix doesn't have it for streaming. Amazon does - but it's not a Prime freebie. I'll add it to my Netflix queue; I should get it... sometime next year.![]()
AR and DMR nerf crying is the most hilarious. Really, if you suck or can't comprehend guns having different effective ranges and combat utilities, you shouldn't be crying about balance. Just because your precious BR is getting beat out by an automatic weapon in it's effective range doesn't mean it needs nerfs.Seriously now, what fucking game are you guys playing? Because it bears no resemblance to what I've been playing every night.
No emphasis on teamwork? No map movement in BTB? I wish I could see the saved films of these games to put visuals to those words, because in all the matches I've played, if you're not working as a team you get stomped, either by better positional play, team shots, or vehicle control. And teams always shift from point to point on the maps, whether to control key terrain or to grab vehicles / global drops. Or do you just leave those tanks and banshees and gauss hogs and snipers and rockets and incendiary cannons for the other team?
I also see a mix of DMR, battle rifle and light rifles being used. Primarily DMR on large maps and primarily BR on small maps, but I am seeing that mix.
If DMRs are getting you down, move out of positions exposed to the longest sight lines. If ARs are chewing you up maybe you should try to maintain medium-long range engagements and not push in to close quarters so much. If your vehicles are getting blown to shit in five seconds try to play them as support, behind and flanking where your on foot teammates are, so they can provide you some cover fire from AV weapons and close range EMPs.
As for individual ordnance empowering players to just camp out at their base, it really depends upon the ordnance they receive and how best to make use of it doesn't it? Snipers and Binary Rifles, sure. But maybe they have to move to get the enemy tank of mantis or banshee with the Binary. And they'll definitely want to move to engage if they get a SAW or damage boost or overshield. And if the enemy team is down on points, let them sit there and stew while you take the strong ground so if they even show their head they get popped from three angles.
I'm starting to think that some here aren't playing the actual game itself, but some alternate mental version of it and then bitching about the cognitive dissonance here. No, its not Reach, and its not Halo 2 or Halo 3 and its not COD.
lol - don't you live in the midwest or something?I have it on DVD. If you're willing to come pick it up, I'd gladly let you borrow it.
But then your map design is severely hindered. I'd say the only map that comes close to solving this problem is Meltdown. And even then it has some long ass sighlines.
DMR needs to go from BTB. Last time BTB was fun to play and balanced was Halo 2 and 3. I wonder why?
In Halo 3 Valhalla is a great map for BTB. In Halo 4 its shit.
and side note. Technically/realistically speaking.... why is it possible to thrust backwards?
lol - don't you live in the midwest or something?
(Very kind of you, though, thanks.)
Midwest? No, those fools are weaksauce.
I live about an hour-ish from the most dangerous place in the world (not kidding).
Just one of the symptoms of building a studio and your first game and the next game in an ambitious series all at once, I guess. I'm very forgiving of stuff being cut; it's intentional positive design decisions that bother me.I'm still surprised at just how far back options were cut for Spartan Ops. Just difficulty and player count, not even skulls or scoring.
Tell that to the KILL way point.
Teamwork is a lot less present in this game as opposed to past halos.
I prefer halo 4 Valhalla much more then halo 3 valhalla
Just one of the symptoms of building a studio and your first game and the next game in an ambitious series all at once, I guess. I'm very forgiving of stuff being cut; it's intentional positive design decisions that bother me.
Although cutting the grenade launcher is utterly inexplicable.
I listed the specific points I was answering there, so I'd appreciate not putting words in my mouth. I haven't run into the situations you're talking about but I'm not going to claim that they can't happen - but I'd guess that those are the exceptions and not the rule.Yup, we're all just imagining those games where literally ALL of the global ordinances drop on one side of the map or the random ordnance that one team gets is much more useful. I guess I've also imagined the games where 5 people on the enemy team got sniper ordnance drops while our side's personal ordnance is crap like a scattershot, needler, etc. Nope, we're all just living under one grand delusion...
We aren't just thinking up scenarios that could happen. They *have* happened. And more often than simple flukes. If your matches aren't against complete morons, these artificial handicaps are often insurmountable, to no fault of your own. YAY FUN!
BTB Infinity Slayer is just not good and is quite flawed. Infinity Slayer is a marginal improvement. Simply every other playlist than BTBIS is more fun.
Weak sauce?!?! Don't test me bruh!
Alamagordo eh? I'm in the middle of a class that covers trinity and the manhattan project. Pretty cool.
On a wide open big team map. You act like the fact that the weapon can be used in some capacity somehow negates the fucked-up situation. God, some people are dense.But I will say that if you get a scattershot or needler and can't manage to put them to effective use, that's on you. Or just take the grenades or power up and move on.
It's fine. It's not the grenade launcher.Sticky Detonator is great.
where you're going with their flag, etc etc because the waypoint doesn't give you 100% of the information at a distance. Just enough to direct the action and give you a piece in this fight.
On a wide open map you can hightail it to one of many closed in areas, sneaks, or cover points. At the absolute worst you could rally with your team to provide some cover fire as you move as a group across the field. I'm also going to assume you've provided yourself specific loadouts for larger maps that provide you help to get your ass out of the open. So yes, thats on you.On a wide open big team map. You act like the fact that the weapon can be used in some capacity somehow negates the fucked-up situation. God, some people are dense.
I'll just let you keep living in your fantasy world and won't bother to convince you further.
Just one of the symptoms of building a studio and your first game and the next game in an ambitious series all at once, I guess. I'm very forgiving of stuff being cut; it's intentional positive design decisions that bother me.
Although cutting the grenade launcher is utterly inexplicable.
I prefer halo 4 Valhalla much more then halo 3 valhalla
Hey you, I just completed that Lara Croft game, wanna do some co-op?press the x-ray vision button
Yeah, definitely the best new weapon.The railgun kind of makes up for it imo. Pretty cool gun.
Trinity is pretty neat to check out at least once. Oddly enough, most of the real work didn't actually take place here, but in the desert at White Sands Missile Range (WSMR), which encompasses literally 1/5th of our state's land area.
I was referring to Juarez when I was talking about the most dangerous place, in case no one caught that. In any case, us federal employees gotta stick together. Thanks for your service.
Lol, you're silly. What are you doing for the fed? Didn't know you we're doing that kind f work.
Juarez is pretty bad, that's for sure.
Hey you, I just completed that Lara Croft game, wanna do some co-op?
I would take a screenshot but 2007 was five years ago and I don't have a time machine.
Is there a way to disable the waypoints for global ordnance? On most of the forge maps I've played that try to have a kind of standard spawning system for weapons making each spawn an initial drop gives each one a waypoint, and some of these maps have 10+ grenade/power-up/weapon spawns.
I would take a screenshot but 2007 was five years ago and I don't have a time machine.