Playstation Meeting trailer: See the Future. Feb. 20th [Will Be Livestreamed]

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GAF's Bob Woodward
Polygon notes sagely that this is conveniently a few days in advance of Destination PlayStation. So maybe PS4 will be there afterall too.
Microsoft went first last time, buy Sony still announced first.

Sony actuallt said they wouldn't announce anything tell MS did. Weren't ever talking about the actual launch date.

Its like they have two future consoles spec options sitting in a situation room with two red buttons. Depending on what MS announces dictats which button they hit lmao. Thats the was Kaz made it sound like lol


I hope Microsoft takes their turn soon too. If Sony and Microsoft are smart they will unveil now while the Wii U is doing so poorly to stop it from having any breathing room.


I guess they got tired of all the leaks going around. Good idea to wet people's appetites so they come back during E3 and so people can more openly discuss the PS4 during GDC.


Sony actuallt said they wouldn't announce anything tell MS did. Weren't ever talking about the actual launch date.
They said that? That seems pretty bizarre. I know they said they'd launch last if it meant having a better console, and MS said they were glad they launched before Sony last time, so they probably would again, but to talk specifically about announcements is kind of strange.
My body is very very very ready! Please show me Last Guardian next gen and some games!!!! SAVE US SONY SAVE US FROM THE GAMING GHETTO!!! PLEASE!!!
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