STEAM 2013 Announcements & Updates VIII - Don't ask when the sales are starting.

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They just released an official patch that fixed the FPS cap.


* Fixed leaderboard crash when switching between friends and world view
* Altered frame limiter to allow higher fps on fast machines
Still clamped to 60fps to prevent issues with physics system updates
* Added config file and additional options for some users
Allow borderless windowed mode
Allow frame limiter to be completely disabled
This option may cause issues if vsunc if forced off for the application
Force Refresh Rate option may allow some users to correct mis reported refresh rates without a DX registry change

And a Steam icon.


Gentlemen, we can rebuild it. We have the capability to make the world's first enhanced store. Steam will be that store. Better than it was before.
Okay guys I'm really getting hyped up over

I know a lot of people have said that it's fake but... I'm not so sure.

If it's not Bethesda doing this, the hoaxster is paying a LOT of money to run this site - even going so far as to post a 1-800 number you could call to "Reserve your home of the future - today!". Calling the number plays a 30 second clip of the Tranquility Lane music from Fallout 3 which is abruptly cut off by more morse code. Audio

They've hidden an encrypted code in the site that translates to:


So yeah, it may still be a hoax, but if it is it's one of the best hoaxes I've seen in quite a while. BELIEVE


So, is Skryrim Legendary Edition worth it?

You can get it for $18.36 from the Ubisoft Store using the "10thanks" code. They also have the vanilla edition for $6.75 if you use the same code.

Not sure if I should get the regular edition or the complete edition. Also, really hope the key isn't region locked D:
That's a good price for either. The Dragonborn DLC in particular is really good. If you like Bethesda games, you really shouldn't miss out on this game, despite all the hate it gets at times.

I see in the UK, I can only get it down to about £16 with that code, so I'll be praying for a good discount next week with Steam.

Speaking of Bethesda, I'm currently playing New Vegas. Modded it up, which took a little while(mainly watching tutorials and learning about how to do it and which ones to get), but worked without a single problem. I've played the game before, but it was on the Xbox360 without any of the DLC. What a difference it is this time around. This is the same game:



Serious Sam is a wicked gahbidge series for chowdaheads.
Okay guys I'm really getting hyped up over

I know a lot of people have said that it's fake but... I'm not so sure.

If it's not Bethesda doing this, the hoaxster is paying a LOT of money to run this site - even going so far as to post a 1-800 number you could call to "Reserve your home of the future - today!". Calling the number plays a 30 second clip of the Tranquility Lane music from Fallout 3 which is abruptly cut off by more morse code. Audio

They've hidden an encrypted code in the site that translates to:

So yeah, it may still be a hoax, but if it is it's one of the best hoaxes I've seen in quite a while. BELIEVE

Hey, I want to believe too. But the barrier of entry to do the hoax is still pretty low. You can get an 800 number for as little as 10 bucks a month (and some sites even give you a 30 day free trial). The bandwidth is probably the greatest expense.

Krystof Koreni

Neo Member
Thanks to Backlogger for Serious Sam The Second Encounter 2: II: Tounge Two-ister HDition! I look forward to quietly muttering "yaaaaaargh" as I run backwards, infinitely.


Thanks to Backlogger for Serious Sam The Second Encounter 2: II: Tounge Two-ister HDition! I look forward to quietly muttering "yaaaaaargh" as I run backwards, infinitely.

your post is too close in proximity for morningbus.

I expect serious sam stone throwing in 3... 2... 1...


Everybody is Mikkelsexual
Just finished F.E.A.R. 1



Gentlemen, we can rebuild it. We have the capability to make the world's first enhanced store. Steam will be that store. Better than it was before.
Hey, I want to believe too. But the barrier of entry to do the hoax is still pretty low. You can get an 800 number for as little as 10 bucks a month (and some sites even give you a 30 day free trial). The bandwidth is probably the greatest expense.

Good point - 800 numbers are cheap. For Enhanced Steam's bandwidth I pay about $60 monthly and I'm not serving up Morse code audio files or getting thousands of Fallout fanboys hitting my site at the same time, and it still gets bogged down where there is a big sale (even if it's not on Steam, such as yesterday's Amazon sale which kinda crushed my server a bit in the morning).

Either way, kudos to whoever is running the site. Be it Bethesda or some unknown joker, it's pretty impressively elaborate.


Speaking of Bethesda, I'm currently playing New Vegas. Modded it up, which took a little while(mainly watching tutorials and learning about how to do it and which ones to get), but worked without a single problem. I've played the game before, but it was on the Xbox360 without any of the DLC. What a difference it is this time around. This is the same game:

(images removed from quote)

Which mod(s) are you using for the higher res textures? I'm playing through it right now and wouldn't mind spicing things up in the graphics department :)
Not sure who said this the other day, but entirely agreed about the lighting in Dirt 2/3. It looks incredible, almost CG like when downsampled with max AA. Would be absolutely jaw dropping with some better geometry and texture work.


So is it impossible to play GTAIV online with Steam version now?
I redeemed key from Amazon on Steam and downloaded game.When it asked for cd-key I entered key that Steam provides with pop up message but it was incorrect.I found in the web that I should enter this key on in redeem code section and then game with correct cd-key should be available on Games for Windows Live Client.I entered key on and it was correct,then I downloaded GFWLC but there is no GTAIV here so I still don't have a key to enter in Steam to play GTAIV online.
I don't know what to do.
I would really appreciate any kind of help.

You should be able to play the game by launching it from Steam, and then logging in to the GFWL account you registered the key on. You don't need to download any GFWL client on your own, just do whatever it asks from you on Steam.


You should be able to play the game by launching it from Steam, and then logging in to the GFWL account you registered the key on. You don't need to download any GFWL client on your own, just do whatever it asks from you on Steam.

It still want's a cdkey from me.I found that I should take this cdkey from Games for Windows Client after redeeming code provided by steam.Problem is after redeeming it GTAIV did't showed in my Games for Windows client.
I will place a ticket on Rockstar site because they know about this problem.


Which mod(s) are you using for the higher res textures? I'm playing through it right now and wouldn't mind spicing things up in the graphics department :)
NMC's medium texture pack.

Nevada skies is the other big visual improvement I'm using as it makes nighttime look decent.


Finished Shatter. Um well that didn't take long. Reviewers claim it's the best Breakout clone ever, but it's too chaotic for me. I prefer the old-school ones. Still the soundtrack is the best part and as a matter of fact I'm listening to it right now!

Now gonna try CoD: MW2 since it's the only "NEW" CoD I managed to snag somewhat cheap.


I really should get around to playing FO3 and New Vegas some time. Too many games and not enough time.

The general consensus is that New Vegas is the better game right? Should I even bother with FO3?


RPS doesn't like Adventure Time: Explore The Dungeon Because I DON’T KNOW either:

In the end you’ve got a game that doesn’t look like the cartoon it’s based on, certainly doesn’t even try to capture the atmosphere of its source material, completely misunderstands how dungeon crawlers work, has the most dreadful, tinny chiptune music, and looks apathetic in every element.

This could have been a wonderful RPG, set in the show’s array of utterly fantastic locations, quests and side-quests sending you on various journeys, with pretty much the same combat mechanic. It could have been something that celebrated Adventure Time, made use of the amazing resources it had to hand. But instead this is an insipid, limp waste of it all, and a proper shame.



Everybody is Mikkelsexual
Yes. If I were you I'll go directly to FEAR 2, mayyyyybe you could add Extraction Point before, but not the other expansions IMO.

They're bad? If the gunplay is the same as FEAR 1 I would play them just to use the shotgun a little more.


Just remembered I still need to finish Fallout New Vegas. I'll do it after Blood Dragon and Bioshock 2, I promise :x

All those good games in one dose!

You can tell they were trying to pad the length of Bioshock 2 near the end, but its still a great experience. Best Bioshock in terms of gameplay, they really nailed that aspect.


Does not have twelve inches...
I really should get around to playing FO3 and New Vegas some time. Too many games and not enough time.

The general consensus is that New Vegas is the better game right? Should I even bother with FO3?

FO3 is better than Dark Souls, go play it right now.
Not comparable games really but I just wanted to motivate you to play it.


Does not have twelve inches...
They're bad? If the gunplay is the same as FEAR 1 I would play them just to use the shotgun a little more.

They don't hold up to the quality of the original except for maybe Extraction Point, gunplay wise I think it's the same but don't quote me on that because it's been a while... that being said if you have the time play them because IIRC they are short and you can finish them in a couple of hours.


Damn, that Pinball Bundle looks neat (as well as the Mobile one), but I don't know if I should buy it, my mother controls my credit card... Well, I could put most of the money on charity and she wouldn't mind, I guess :p


I really should get around to playing FO3 and New Vegas some time. Too many games and not enough time.

The general consensus is that New Vegas is the better game right? Should I even bother with FO3?

You should still play both, FO3 first and then FO:NV, there both great RPG's I'd then take some time off to recover and then start playing with mods on both games and complete all the endings for FO:NV.

(The endings for NV games are a bit of a cop-out tbh)


I really should get around to playing FO3 and New Vegas some time. Too many games and not enough time.

The general consensus is that New Vegas is the better game right? Should I even bother with FO3?

I've enjoyed them both equally, but I've heard it both ways. Some prefer 3, some prefer NV. You should definitely make some time for them.
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