STEAM 2013 Announcements & Updates VIII - Don't ask when the sales are starting.

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Serious Sam is a wicked gahbidge series for chowdaheads.
Oh neat, The Last Express is on Steam now. I was always so close to buying it from [rival video game store]. Has anyone had the chance to play it? If so are the improvements good over the GOG version or just retrofitted from some iPad release?

From the Steam page:
• Advanced hint system
• New more intuitive UI & improved inventory
• Challenging achievements to test your sleuthing skills
• Cloud Saving (Steam)
• In-game bonuses (unlock characters biographies and more)


Brb. Have been Playing The Typing of the Dead: Overkill today. For some reason Im typing with only 2 fingers, can't type with more, same when I write this comment.


Here are my previous comments on Criterion games way back in July of 2013:

I no longer trust Criterion to treat me like a sentient creature anymore. Their games are fun, but usually require you to sit in front of an unskippable tutorial on breathing, blinking, and the rudimentary concepts of what a videogame is.

If a caveman were thawed out of some ice, I'd plop him in front of a Criterion game as I'm pretty sure it'd bring him up to speed on the last 40,000 years of human endeavor.

Not only do I cover basically all of Totalbiscuits complaints, but I do it in 3 sentences and not 15 minutes.


Criterion (or the Ghost of Criterion) can keep their shitty tutorials and soundtracks.


We don't have "get out of jail free" cards, but if we did, she'd have one.
...Apparently when you purchase multiple games from the Humble Store in one transaction, you still only get one gift URL. why.jpg >:/

ModBot said:
Instructions for participants:
I am giving away a Humble Store gift package. To enter this giveaway, send a PM to ModBot with any subject line. In the body, copy and paste the entire line below containing the key.

Rules for this Giveaway:
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- This giveaway is a LIGHTNING raffle. The winners will be selected by random draw 15 minutes after the draw was created. Any games not claimed after that point will be given away first come first serve.
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Giana Sisters Twisted Bundle & Half-Minute Hero -- MB-AEDCEB33AD01465D - Taken by kurahador. 15 entrants total.

...So hopefully one of you wants both.


Serious Sam is a wicked gahbidge series for chowdaheads.

Criterion (or the Ghost of Criterion) can keep their shitty tutorials and soundtracks.

My favorite part of this gif is that there is a moment where Francis thinks to himself, "I don't have to do this."


man that mount & blade 2 blog entry made me so happy

even if it's not real news or anything, it just gives me hope

I'm also for some reason really pleased with them keeping the papyrus font lol, and while the graphics are a lot better, there's some promise of looking as ridiculous as warband

I mean just look at this shit lol


it's godly

Is there a link? I need this game, but I hope they don't pull an Egosoft and dumb their traditionally hardcore pc game down to appeal to that huge console audience curious to try this game
that doesn't exist


Same, but won't buy it for 2 years as it looks like a £5 fighter compared to the quality fighting games we now have.

£5 for all of "Season 1" and I'll bite.

...but dat Next Gen development cost! They gotta cover it up somehow!


Apart from Simcity . the settlers and the upcoming Banished . are there any other well made City builder. type games on steam ?
Because SteamGAF. Note : non-BTA tier

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Instructions for participants:
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- This giveaway is a raffle. The winners will be selected by random draw 3 hours after the draw was created. Any games not claimed after that point will be given away first come first serve.
- If the key is already taken you will not receive a reply. Replies may take a minute or two:

Humble Bundle Zen : Non BTA -- MB-28B9485027D869D4 - Taken by BorntoPlay. 16 entrants total.



Is there a link? I need this game, but I hope they don't pull an Egosoft and dumb their traditionally hardcore pc game down to appeal to that huge console audience curious to try this game
that doesn't exist
sounds unlikely since paradox is still publishing, so I imagine it's still gonna be pc exclusive and pretty nuanced and feature creep'd as usual

here's a link to the blog, it's not much info but it was posted today and it's a sign of life for a game that kinda seemed dead in the water


Unconfirmed Member
Hey, I played through F.3.A.R. twice and enjoyed it both times. All co-op, though. I think I would've found it to be an incredibly boring, generic shooter if I didn't have a buddy to goof around with the whole time.

I will also always call it F.3.A.R., because if they want to do some stupid shit like that I'm going to continue using it.
That's what Stallion always says. I need to convince one of my friends to suffer through it with me, just so I can prove him (and now you too!) wrong. The title having a "3" in place of the "E" is simply salt in the wound.

Oh, and I'm still sorry that I made you lose the Pokemon tournament. My Pikachu rarely misses his Thunder, and he chose to do it when it was most needed to succeed. I should evolve him one of these days.

AC2 is a far far superior game, you'll find your fun.
Trust me, I know stuff.
If he's anything like me, he'll lose his fun after 10 or so hours. Having forced myself to go through the remaining 12 hours, I'd suggest to stop playing it as soon as it starts getting boring. I know I would have loved the game if I had done that, instead of acquiring a strong dislike for it.


sounds unlikely since paradox is still publishing, so I imagine it's still gonna be pc exclusive and pretty nuanced and feature creep'd as usual

here's a link to the blog, it's not much info but it was posted today and it's a sign of life for a game that kinda seemed dead in the water

Thanks for the link. I never played M&B for the sweet graphics, but I thought the character model looked like a huge improvement over previous. Super excited for this game.
Speaking of Bethesda, I'm currently playing New Vegas. Modded it up, which took a little while(mainly watching tutorials and learning about how to do it and which ones to get), but worked without a single problem. I've played the game before, but it was on the Xbox360 without any of the DLC. What a difference it is this time around. This is the same game:
Yeeeeeeah more people modding FNV the better, experience the game of the generation!

I will say this every time FNV and L4D2 are mentioned because I too am a robot.


Finished DIRT 3 fellow GAFfers.


I'm amazed at how nice this game looks. Seriously. From rain, dust particles, heavy snow, mud and the locations are filled with tiny details. Shadows are great, sound is real enough and the variety of different countries is also good since it can provide different terrains to race. While racing it's amazing to see the flow of the game, steady framerate make this game great too.

- Finished all the races and won the final Championship. Got the 1st Place in all races (which the voice from the game states, which was a nice touch).

- I wish I could skip the Gymkana events. I did not get 1st place in those, I just wanted to be done with them but I also did every single event.

- Later on I pretend to continue Dirt 2 which is great by not having those Gymkana events and I like the soundtrack in that game, better than the one Dirt 3 have. After that, I'm out of stock regarding this genre in my Steam Library so let's see what happens.

Regarding the need of GFWL (which will be removed soon)

- Opting out of the Beta in Steam solved any issue I was having before almost 99% of the time. The other issues I had was when exiting the game would freeze and I could have to ctrl+alt+del and close it. The other issues was the fact that my keyboard stopped being responsive even if after exiting the game. It happened twice. Removing the Usb and plug it back in was the only apparent solution.

It was fun, the length was decent enough and I wonder if after the GFWL stop existing they will implement Achievements or even cards (I'm just using an excuse to replay the game at a later date).

+ 1 Game Completed. -1 of my not-so-long-Backlog ;)


They added a new beta to the Enslaved registry app titled, 'congoiron galaxy.'

If that means something to those that have beaten the game, then let me know. Otherwise, looks like they are working on a patch to fix some of the issues.

Dusk Golem

A 21st Century Rockefeller

I want to give some extensive thoughts on this little horror game on Steam called Cold Fear. Available for $9.99 regularly, and though it's published by ubisoft, the game is actually DRM-free. It's an older title that released towards the end of the Xbox/PS2 life-cycles (and released on those as well, but I have heard the PC version runs best).

I had heard about this game previously mainly because it is a Resident Evil 4 clone (or as some call it, Resident Evil Boat or Resident Evil 4 Lite). This is not too surprising when you consider that the studio that made it, Darkworks', previous horror game before this was Alone in the Dark: New Nightmare, another Resident Evil-clone game. In fact, the studio seems to have this big thing for horror, as they have released six games in the last 15 years, and half of them are horror titles (the newest one they released was I Am Alive).

Cold Fear plays like possibly the truest form of new Resident Evil meets old Resident Evil I have seen. The game switches up between a Resident Evil 4-style camera (when you're aiming, during certain gameplay segments), and fixed camera angles (ala' old-school Resident Evil). Assuming you aren't horrible with fixed-camera angle controls, the transitions were done pretty well and weren't nearly as disorienting as I thought they might be. They were handled and placed well in my opinion. A few good subtle scares, mixed with shoot-shoot, bang-bang, but with some limited ammo edge (though not extensively). And while it isn't the prettiest game around (even back for when it came out in 2005) it is not a bad-looking game, and had a few special effects throughout I thought were pretty ace.

The audio was also pretty nice. The voice acting was surprisingly okay to good, the music fit the mood perfectly with a few rather unnerving tracks, and the sounds in the environment did a lot to help build up the couple of locations that appear in the game.

I also have to mention now that I love ocean settings, and though Resident Evil Revelations most recently took place on a ship in the RE universe, this game handled its ocean setting much better I feel. They included things like furniture sliding around based on the turn of the ship (yes, the ship occasionally will churn itself back and forth), waves that sweep up onto the ship decks you have to watch out for or else they might sweep you away, actually pretty good rain effects, Some slight sea-fairing mist in a few places... The setting felt a lot more believable and more oceanic, which is good in my eyes.

Probably the single most surprising elements for me was how interested I got into the story. Not so much the character drama (which there's a bit of, and not many of the characters are that-well fleshed out) but the story told in the files in the game. While it wasn't mind-boggling and there wasn't any twists to be found, I found the background story and papers about the monsters and people who were here immensely interesting, probably the most interested I'd been in a horror games files in a long while. There was one file towards the end of the game that was a bit stupidly long, but they were mostly well-lengthed as well. Unfortunately the game has one of the most disappointing endings I've experienced in a while as well.


The combat in the game felt a bit like a poor-man's Resident Evil. It was serviceable and fun, but not anywhere near RE or Dead Space levels, though I must give credit that a lot of the monsters were rather original for this type of game. What is unfortunate is that some of them were almost hilariously cheap. The lesser 'cheap' enemy of the two I refer too is actually one of the main enemies in the game, which is this parasite thing that kind of looks like a starfish with extendable limbs. Ala' RE4, these things sometimes pop out of enemies when you kill them (they make a distinctive chirping sound). What is cheap about them is how fucking tiny they are, and how stupidly long their reach is. They can crawl on walls and ceilings, and can be hard to spot, but from several meters away (like, the length of five grown men from head to toe) they can extend their limbs to attach onto you and start rapidly draining your health away. They won't let go until you either get out of their range, or kill them, and they can drain health fast. And they almost never appear alone, they usually have a pack of themselves around. The second enemy is this fellow:

He appears in the second half of the game, and HE IS A BITCH. This enemy can crawl on ceilings, usually appears in really dark locations (where you can only see its eyes), can crawl into vents and appear elsewhere (this was before Dead Space, so wasn't inspired by that), and is the fastest enemy in the game. This would all be fine, EXCEPT when the enemy gets two meters close to you it will ALWAYS, ALWAYS trigger a one-hit kill move. There is a chance to avoid it with a REALLY quick QTE, but it's hard, and this enemy does this so fucking much, and it doesn't even make sense as the attack takes about 2-3 seconds to do, which would be enough time to get away from the bastard, but the moment he triggers it you're locked into an animation with him and can't move. You don't face many in the game, but god dang it, they killed me more than anything.

And it wouldn't be as bad, but the saving system in this game only happens at story intervals. Sometimes you'll go long segments of gameplay without a saving point, sometimes you'll get a save point almost immediately after the last one. Typically appear around cutscenes, but think something more Resident Evil 1 or 4-ish would of worked better here, especially as you do some backtracking in this game (like the older Resident Evils).

But outside of my complaints above, I actually really enjoyed the game. Some of the enemies were really interesting (and most pretty fair), some of the scenarios and scares were actually pretty well-done. It was a pretty good length, and while a few rough edges, I would say the game was a pretty decent knock-off, worth it for those who like this sort of style of horror game. It has an action-survival focus, but it was scarier than any recent Resident Evil game I can recall. And like a lot of good horror games from yesteryear, and though I couldn't say it's a 'great' game, I think it's a good game that is worth it for anyone who is interested in this type of thing. It's well-priced for what it provides, and I honestly do think it's a shame this game never got a follow-up.

(reposted from elsewhere on GAF, but decided to put it here as well)


I want to give some extensive thoughts on this little horror game on Steam called Cold Fear. Available for $9.99 regularly, and though it's published by ubisoft, the game is actually DRM-free. It's an older title that released towards the end of the Xbox/PS2 life-cycles (and released on those as well, but I have heard the PC version runs best).

Surprisingly, Ubisoft actually released good PC ports during the PS2/Xbox/GC generation that were DRM-free.



Thanks for the impressions.
I've been meaning to jump on this game for quite some time and forgot it was even on Steam. Back when it was releasing I would always gander at it especially in the game mags. If it hits a sale price come the winter sale i'll pick it up. I did want to ask did the PC port have controller support or was the M&KB stuff fine....also a bit OT but have you went back to play Extermination or RLH on PS2 yet? Just asking since i'd like to hear your impressions on those.


Thanks for the link. I never played M&B for the sweet graphics, but I thought the character model looked like a huge improvement over previous. Super excited for this game.
yeah I personally got a lot of enjoyment over the super low-fi graphics and sound effects. the "outch!" death screams always cracked me up and just how goofy everything looked made the game really entertaining for me heh


I see some people have been playing FEAR too. I'm slowly working my way through the game, and boy it has been a ton of fun. Gunplay is fenomenal, (especially in slow motion, watching how bullets move the air in their path and the satisfying impact of shots on enemies, with chunky salsa flying everywhere is just awesome) and the game is definitely much less jump scary than I thought it would be, which is a relief. FEAR doesn't really sets out to scare you with monsters jumping out of closets screaming at you, bur rather by building a thick, oppressive atmosphere.

My highlight of the game so far involves throwing a grenade to a group of enemies, activating slow motion just as the grenade is exploding, and watch how enemies die all around me as I finish off the survivors with the shotgun , all of this in the middle of fire and a slow mo shower of blood and gore. Badass.
I reloaded that part of the game like a dozen times.


a kinder, gentler sort of Scrooge
There's this riddle trophy in Arkham City, that's...out of the city? How do you get it?

There will be some sort of alcove for you to enter.
If it's in the water, you'll have to figure out how to float, glide, or pull yourself over. If it's on the ground, something to crawl through, smash through, or destroy the wall with an explosion.

I've been looking into this one and your thoughts really help. Thanks for sharing.
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