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1080p DLP Toshiba due any week now

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Three new xHD4 (wobulated 1080p) DLP RPTVs from Toshiba due out within the next 2 weeks




Crutchfield has the 56HM195 listed for $3,199.99


And they also have the 62HM195 listed for $3,799.99


These prices are MSRP, I believe

Onecall has a page on the 72HM195, which should be shipping in early September

MSRP on the 72 incher is $4999...

Sofar, we have Mitsubishi and Samsung currenly shipping a line (or 2, in Samsungs case) of 1080p DLPs, Toshiba models coming within 2 weeks and Sony SXRDs coming 2 weeks after that...

Unfortunately, non of these TVs will accept 1080p via HDMI but hopefully that'll change with the JVC, Hitachi and LG LCOS sets due in Oct.......the LGs, at least, should accept 1080p via HDMI......


they call me "Man Gravy".
I'd really like to ask an executive "what's the fucking point of releasing a 1080p TV that is incapable of accepting a 1080p input"?

It just seems really retarded.
Klee, I've been unable to find any solid information on the LG LCOS set. Any preliminary word on this set? I'm impressed by the picture on the LG DLP's, but I think a large part is the shiny black casing around the screen. Also would LCOS be the best set for those of us that don't have theater room set ups? (Good for games, movies, television, wide viewing angle, and even in a good amount of ambient light?) Thanks for any answers


I like the look of those Toshibas, just don't like the fact that they are DLP. I saw the new Panasonics today and man they are hideous looking. No way I'd put one in my living room.


homerhendrix said:
Klee, I've been unable to find any solid information on the LG LCOS set. Any preliminary word on this set? I'm impressed by the picture on the LG DLP's, but I think a large part is the shiny black casing around the screen. Also would LCOS be the best set for those of us that don't have theater room set ups? (Good for games, movies, television, wide viewing angle, and even in a good amount of ambient light?) Thanks for any answers

61-inch=LG 61SL1D($3999 MSRP)

71-inch=LG 71SL1D($4999 MSRP)

Both due October 2005

Here is a pic of the 71-inch LCOS model beside a 62 inch DLP:


Both the 61SL1D and the 71SL1D will be using a modified version of this here chip:


Apparently, they will be the first 1080p RPTVs to have the Silicon Image SiI 9011 HDMI Reciever, which is designed to accept full 1080p video images through the HDMI connector...

There are several people on avsforums who state LG and SpatiaLight reps say the TVs will indeed accept 1080p video over HDMI......if so, this will be just the 3rd TV product (behind the 45 inch Sharp 1080p LCD and the Sony Qualia 004 R2 SXRD front projector) to be able to do this.....there is also a chance the 1080p JVC and Hitachi LCOS TVs will be able to accept 1080p, but that is what we thought of the Sony XBR SXRD RPTVs too and we all know how that turned out :(

I really like the "look" of LCOS TVs....I have a Sony Qualia 006, which is a 1080p LCOS TV ....and I really like the picture.....very smooth with no screen door and zero rainbows... good sources (D-theater) look better on my 006 than on any other TV I own....just a jaw dropping picture...

My HT is light controlled and my Marantz DLP front projector resides there, but I also have a Panasonic Plasma in my office (typing this on it right now) and the Qualia 006 is in my den....neither of these rooms are light controlled (ie, always dark) and they both handle ambient light fine....both the the 006 is the brightest TV in my house, followed by my Panny plasma so I don't think you will have problems with *any* LCOS sets as brightness is one of their strengths...

Compared to CRTs and the newer DLPs, LCOS TVs don't have as good contrast or black performance.....that said, the shadow detail on my 006 is pretty damn good, so it might be overblown....again, I don't see you having problems, but YMMV...

The biggest problems with just about *any* HD monitor (be it LCOS, LCD, Plasma or DLP) is OTA SD video.....this can range from "watchable" to downright horrid, depending on the quality of the broadcast...

D-Theater Tapes
OTA HD video

All of these look great-stunning on all my TVs, so keep this in mind when you shop and trust your own eyes :)


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
What would you reccomend to someone who is looking to spend 4k on a somewhat futureproof HDTV sometime this fall or very early spring?


not an idiot
1080p is better.

Klee, have you seen the 1080p LCoS sets? IMO, they look quite a bit better than these. The new JVC LCoS 1080p sets and Sony SXRD LCoS sets are just awesome. And the JVC can be had for about the same amount or less than these DLP's.


I would say:

Planning on buying a PS3?=Get the 61-inch LG LCOS for 4 grand (minus the 25-30% street price discount)

Planning on buying an X360only =Save a bundle by getting the biggest/best LCOS or DLP TV In your budget.....Perhaps one of the JVC DILAs or perhaps even the Sony A20 LCDs (dirt cheap)


not an idiot
Suikoguy said:
What would you reccomend to someone who is looking to spend 4k on a somewhat futureproof HDTV sometime this fall or very early spring?
The new JVC LCoS 1080p set hits stores in a couple months. The 720p ones are out right now (and imo have a much better picture than the DLP's and LCD's in its price range). If you can wait just a bit, the 1080p LCoS sets are a sight to behold.


shpankey said:
1080p is better.

Klee, have you seen the 1080p LCoS sets? IMO, they look quite a bit better than these. The new JVC LCoS 1080p sets and Sony SXRD LCoS sets are just awesome. And the JVC can be had for about the same amount or less than these DLP's.

If I turn my head about 30 degrees to the left, I can see a 1080p LCOS set right now :D

Seriously though, I have not seen the new, cheaper Sony XBR SXRD RPTVs but they should have fab PQ close to 006-levels in some areas and even beating it in others (contrast)...

I have seen both a JVC HD2K and a Sony Qualia 004 running movies off a Blu-ray recorder and the PQ was BONERIFFICK, to say the least :D

Yes, I am a big fan of the JVC D-ILAs....I don't own one, but I think they are a better value than most DLPs, but thats just me :)


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
Thanks, I think we will wait till October and reevaluate the market.
We are still remodeling from hurricane damage, so its not a huge rush.


Suikoguy said:
Thanks, I think we will wait till October and reevaluate the market.
We are still remodeling from hurricane damage, so its not a huge rush.

Yeah... by October you should have 2 other single-chip 1080p DLP options (LG and Hitachi) and FOUR more 3-chip LCOS options (Sony, LG, JVC and Hitachi)

All this, in addition to the the Toshiba xHD4 wobulated 1080p DLPs due any week now and the xHD4 1080p alreadly available from Mitsubishi and Samsung :)

If I were you, I would take a long hard look at the JVC and LG LCOS TVs, you should be able to get even the 70 inchers for under 4 grand out the door from reputable places like Onecall.com or jandr.com (when the TVs arrive)

BTW, here is a breakdown of the entire line 2005 JVC D-ILAs (JVC-speak for LCOS) from another thread:


kleegamefan said:
I can answer that one....

It is the HD-xxx86 line..

The ones that end in 786 are the Black HD-DILAs and the ones that end in 886 are the Silver HD-DILAs....like so:

HD-52G886 (52 inch 2006 model DILA with a Silver bezel)

HD-52G786 (52 inch 2006 model DILA with a Black bezel)

HD-56G886 (56 inch 2006 model DILA with a Silver bezel)

HD-56G786 (56 inch 2006 model DILA with a Black bezel)

HD-70G886 (70 inch 2006 model DILA with a Silver bezel)

HD-70G786 (70 inch 2006 model DILA with a Black bezel)

Then of course you have the "Z" 786/886 twins which are just like the others except they are 61 inch diagonal and have a Z instead of a G in the model name (this is not supposed to make any sense, BTW)

HD-61Z886 (61 inch 2006 model DILA with a Silver bezel)

HD-61Z786 (61 inch 2006 model DILA with a Black bezel)

In the fall we will have the much anticipated HD-xxFH96 line which use 3 1080p LCOS chips, just like the Sony SXRDs....they will come in three sizes (HD-56FH96, HD-61FH96 and HD-70FH96) and will all have black bezels, like this here HD-70FH96:



You getting any of these Klee?

I don't trust LG quality so I won't get one of those sets. Sony SXRD is hawt but no 1080P via HDMI is a disappintment.
Thanks for all the information from everyone. I guess I'll start looking into the JVC sets as well. Is PQ the main difference between 1 and 3 chip LCOS solutions? Also when are we going to start seeing more HD programming? I just checked Dish Network (my current provider), it's got like 5 channels for $10, then another 10 Voom channels for $5 more, and then you gotta pay for HBO and Showtime HD. All in all like 17 channels 13 of which are most likely throwaway (though I honestly can't speak from experience with the Voom channels).


Mrbob said:
You getting any of these Klee?

I don't trust LG quality so I won't get one of those sets. Sony SXRD is hawt but no 1080P via HDMI is a disappintment.

The next TV I get will be a replacement for my old-ass Marantz DLP(within the next year or so) in the HT.....probably LCOS-based...

The TV after that will be a replacement for my Panny HD Plasma(in a couple of years).....I would like this to be an FED of some kind....either a Toshiba SED or one of the carbon nanotube HDTVs....

I'm keeping the Qualia :D

homerhendrix said:
Thanks for all the information from everyone. I guess I'll start looking into the JVC sets as well. Is PQ the main difference between 1 and 3 chip LCOS solutions? Also when are we going to start seeing more HD programming? I just checked Dish Network (my current provider), it's got like 5 channels for $10, then another 10 Voom channels for $5 more, and then you gotta pay for HBO and Showtime HD. All in all like 17 channels 13 of which are most likely throwaway (though I honestly can't speak from experience with the Voom channels).

Thankfully, there are no plans for single chip LCOS TVs anymore....Philips had the ill-phated spinning prism single chipper but discontinuned it.....Intel canceled their plans for the Cayley LCOS entierly (the "cheap" Cayley was a 2-chip design) so all that is left are the 3 chip LCOS....NO RAINBOWS :D

You might be thinking about DLPs, most of which are single chip solutions.....the only 3-chip DLPs use the Mercury chipset from Texas Instruments and even then, they are only 720p!!! (WTF?)......*plus* they are too expensive even for my blood ($20K and up)....

DirecTV is actually upgrading their services....they just launched the first (of four) MPEG4 Sattelites:


Once all 4 are working, not only will this net us over 1000 HD channels but some of those will actually be 1080p, according to Mark Cubans HDNet reps....


not an idiot
Wow, that's cool.

Klee, are any of the sets that are coming out going to support 1080p Input? The upcoming JVC's?

AB 101

I say we take up a collection for KLee.

He is definetely lacking in some areas of his HT setup. ;)

By the way KLee, I never asked you but I have a Samsung HL-P5085W (Capt. Kirk)

What is your opinion of it. Got it for $2485.
If any of the forthcoming DLPs, LCDs, etc. accept 1080p input via HDMI, they are going to cost $$$$ so bear that in mind if you are planning to wait it out.


not an idiot
MassiveAttack said:
If any of the forthcoming DLPs, LCDs, etc. accept 1080p input via HDMI, they are going to cost $$$$ so bear that in mind if you are planning to wait it out.
i don't know... the new JVC's are actually going to cost a bit less than the current 720p's, or so i hear.


Once all 4 are working, not only will this net us over 1000 HD channels but some of those will actually be 1080p, according to Mark Cubans HDNet reps....

Holy Shit!!! If this is true, I guess I will be sticking with Directv a little longer than I expected.


they call me "Man Gravy".
Kleegamefan said:
You might be thinking about DLPs, most of which are single chip solutions.....the only 3-chip DLPs use the Mercury chipset from Texas Instruments and even then, they are only 720p!!! (WTF?)......*plus* they are too expensive even for my blood ($20K and up)....

Why would that surprise you? TI has been trying to reduce the mirror count on all their DLP chips for ages now. That's the whole point behind "wobulation". It's partly why I think DLP is a dead end technology for TV displays.


not an idiot
I agree... I think LCoS and LCD will lead the way until the nano stuff hits. LCD has really came into its own lately and I personally feel LCoS is a much better tech with less shortcomings. I see DLP as dead in the water.


Suikoguy said:
What would you reccomend to someone who is looking to spend 4k on a somewhat futureproof HDTV sometime this fall or very early spring?
There is no "future proof" TV. TV technology is moving fast right now, and anything you get is going to be outdone next year.

Go to a store and see what looks good enough for you. Don't spend more than you need to, and don't go on anyone else's opinion without looking at the field yourself.


tmdorsey said:
Holy Shit!!! If this is true, I guess I will be sticking with Directv a little longer than I expected.
99% will be local channels. hopefully they pick up something worthwhile, like the ex-voom channels, TNT, regional FSN HDs, etc.. and i dont mean ESPN2 ;P also it should allow them to stop downrezzing channels.. might just be enough to convince me to switch back to DirecTV


What flavour 1080p will these first sets support?


For movies, 24/30 should be fine, but for PS3 and future broadcasting you'd want 50/60 (which isn't actually defined by the ATSC but should be doable)
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