2 Trains collide near Larissa, Greece, at least 36 killed, dozens injured.
"With at least 57 fatalities, more than 85 injured and 2 still missing, it is the worst disaster in the history of railways in Greece."
"With at least 57 fatalities, more than 85 injured and 2 still missing, it is the worst disaster in the history of railways in Greece."

Tempi train crash - Wikipedia
Greece train crash kills at least 38 people, many of them likely students
At least 38 people were killed when a Greek passenger train collided head-on with a freight train late on Tuesday, derailing carriages which then burst into flames in the country's deadliest rail crash in living memory.

Trains collide near Larissa, at least 36 killed, dozens injured |
A passenger train and a cargo train collided head-on in Greece on Tuesday night, killing at least 36 people and injuring dozens as the country’s deadliest rail crash in living memory threw entire carriages off the tracks.
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