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2004 Prediction Thread: Phase 1


It’s time to test your game industry ESP skills. In preparation for the coming holiday season, I think it would be a good time to start making some predictions. Will Halo 2 outsell GTA San Andreas? Will Nintendo DS really launch this year?

So I invite all of you to post your questions. I will then compile the good ones into a nice little questionnaire for you all to fill out, and I’ll wrap it, seal it, and stamp a nice “Do Not Until Jan 2005” notice on it. We can then break it out after the Christmas dust has settled and see how we’ve done.

First, here are some rules:

-We’ll start of by posting questions, then I’ll start another thread asking for everybody’s answers after I compile the questionnaire.

-Make scientific questions that can be evaluated by facts. (I.e. “Which game will score higher on gamerankings.com: Metroid Prime 2 or Halo 2?” = good. “Which game will be more difficult: Doom 3 or Half-Life 2” = bad, since it’ll be too hard to judge. “A major game studio will close its doors by the end of the year” is also bad, since it’ll be hard to judge exactly what “a major game studio” is.

-Feel free to make joke questions, but I won’t include them in the final questionnaire. :)

-I’m hoping to get the questionnaire out in a few weeks and then gather all the answers by the first of September.

EDITED again: Here's what we have so far:

Q: What will be the best selling game of 2004 (according to NPD)?

Q: True of False: Half-Life 2 will ship in 2004.

Q: Nintendo DS will launch with how many games?

A) 1-3
B) 4-6
C) 7-9
D) 10 or more

Q: What will be top selling game for each platform?

Q: What will be the best selling game for November? (Considering all the big releases that month)

Q: Which game from 2004 will average out to have the highest score at Gamerankings.com and/or Metacritic.com?

Q: Will MGS3 sell as much as this year's Madden?

Q: Will Prince of Persia 2 sell more than it's criminally passd over predecessor?

Q: Which racing game will sell most units after GT4?

Q: Will any of the big 3 online game sites (Gamepsot, IGN, Gamespy) score Killzone higher than Halo 2?

Q: Will any game get a perfect 10 from either of the above 3 either, and if so which game(s)?

Q: Will Halo 2 sell over two million in the first few months?

Q: Will any GameCube game sell over a million during the holiday season?

Q: Will Madden 2005 sell more or less than GTA:SA?

Q: What will be the best selling portable game of this year?

Q: What will be the best selling movie tie-in game of this year?

Q: Between Doom 3 and Half-Life 2, which will sell more?

Q: Between Doom 3 and Half-Life 2, which will score the higher on gamerankings?

Q: Will PSP ship this year in Japan?

Q: PSP will launch at:

A) Under 20,000 yen
B) 20,000 yen - 29,999 yen
C) 30,000 yen - 39,999 yen
D) 40,000 yen - 49,999 yen
E) Over 50,000 yen

Q: Will the Madden curse continue this year?

Q: Will Tecmo release a second Hurricane Pack by the end of the year?


What will be top selling game for each platform?

What will be the best selling game for November? (Considering all the big releases that month)

Who will be number 2 in worldwide sales? Xbox or Gamecube?
-Which game from 2004 will average out to have the highest score at Gamerankings.com and/or Metacritic.com?

- Will MGS3 sell as much as this year's Madden? If not, do you fear the impending borg invasion?

-Will GTA: San Andreas feature gameplay out of vehicle as satisfying as the in vehicle gameplay(unlike its predecessors!)?

- So, two handhelds comparable to a portable N64 with 2 screens vs. a portable PS2? Do you think Nintendo will be able to get through this one with their portable cash cow in tact?
Will middle aged Japanese men with Beatles haircuts be jumping from office windows in Kyoto around the time the PSP launches? Is Sony's handheld Godzilla going to take a big bite out of big N?

-Will any games from Sega's fall and winter line ups, excluding their sports titles, average above an 8 at Gamerankings and Metacritic? Which game?(well, we know Astro Boy for GBA will probably, but what else...)

- Will any Rareware game exceed 1 million units sold or shipped this gen. on xbox?

- Will Halo 2'w environments have even a fraction of the nuanced architecture, puzzles, exploration etc. that Metroid Echoes will surely have, that Metroid Prime had? Or will itstay squarely in its previous design form, with very little exploration, not much of any puzzles, and hugely entertaining shooter gameplay which does carry the show well even if, imo, a puzzle here and there, some boos battles, and a little platform jump puzzle fun would be cool??!?
Will Prince of Persia 2 sell more than it's criminally passd over predecessor?

Which racing game will sell most units after GT4?

What will Fable average on GameRankings?

How many outages will XBox live have after the release of Halo 2? :D

How will MS spin the above? OMG Halo 2 is so popular that even OUR datacenters can't handle it!

Will any of the big 3 online game sites (Gamepsot, IGN, Gamespy) score Killzone higher than Halo 2?

Will any game get a perfect 10 from either of the above 3 either, and if so which game(s)?

How many outages will GAF have when *insert XBOX/PS2/Cube fanboy event* happens? hehe

Fanboy event e.g. Forza scores higher than GT4, Killzone scores higher than Halo 2, Cube sells more than Xbox...


is beloved, despite what anyone might say
Will Phantasy Star Collection come out this year?

What will be the biggest selling RPG of the year (Tales of Symphonia? SO3?)

What major games will do poor financially?

What will be this year's Disgaea (extremely niche game that gets big mainstream success)

Will the Japanese game industry improve this Xmas?

When will Capcom announce Megaman X9, Megaman Battle Network 5 (Red, Blue, Green, Yellow, Purple editions), and Megaman Zero 4?
How many bans will occur due to complaints of low scoring games?

Will Halo 2 sell over 2 million in the first few months (as a lot of people claim)?

Will any GameCube game sell over a million during the holiday season?

Will Madden 2005 sell more or less than GTA:SA?

Will Viewtiful Joe 2, Katamari Darmacy, Taiko Drums, and other cult-creating oddball games sell more than predicted?

How much exposure will the companies try and get of their games this year?


What will be the best selling online game of this year?

What will be the most played online game of this year?

What will be the best selling portable game of this year?

Which big November game will have its commercial played more on Cartoon Network (which seems to subsist on this revenue)?

What will be the best selling movie tie-in game of this year?


Battle of the Titan. Assuming HL2 is coming this year, which game, between Doom3 and HL2 will sell more and wich one will score the best on gamerankings ?
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