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3D shutter glasses and new nVidia steros drivers, who has used them?

apparantly this is the bomb and very affordable, those glasses seem cheap.

has anyone used them'? if so, how about writing a mini-review? i dont trust the garbage that some manufacturers have on their sites.
how about eye strain?
what games have you tried it with and what results have been better than others?
does the game need to contain a certain graphical element and so on? (i guess it has to be a 3-d engine)

edit: are there glasses which work with ATi cards? and are some nVidia only?


3d glasses of this type have been around for over a decade, and I'm pretty sure that they are available for ATI also. The problem with them is that they cannot completely block out the view from one eye fast enough, and so you see a slight double image.
indeed they have been around for over a decade, and one would think that advances in the tech would have been made due to:

a) 3-d is conducted right, fucking rocks

b) most popular games on pc are run on 3d engines

i was wondering where we are now with them, i know that on higher resolutions the framerate takes a huge hit, but coupled with a highend video card and a lower res, the refresh rate may be at a stage where the effect is quite 'pleasing'.

i need to know more.
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