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A guy question

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Hey guys, I am in a new kind of situation. I have only dated one girl and she was decently blessed in the breast department. We dated for a long time. I have always found girls that seem to have a decent 'set' to be pretty attractive. But I recently had to break up with her for by result of her stupid actions. Anyways, I am being presented now with a girl who looks to condone everything I have ever believed in, is smart funny, ambitious and has a lot going for her, and is interested in dating me. Really pretty in the face as well. But she is 'not blessed' in the breast department and am wondering why stuff like that is even coming to my head to think about. It is superficial stuff, but I was wondering how you other guys thought about stuff like that, and how much you consider it an importance.

And I am not some buff, cut up guy either... Just an average joe as far as the looks of my body go...


I don't mean to alarm you but you have dogs on your face
If she's perfect in every other way, just forget about the titties, man. I myself don't even care as long as they're not really tiny. Humongoid breasts are actually a turnoff for me.


Hollywood Square
From my experience, just because a chick has a killer bod, doesn't mean she knows how to use it. As long as there's something to grab -- go for the gold, guy!


Politically correct answer: Size doesn't matter.

Real answer: Don't date a woman you're not attracted to. If you're still attracted to her despite her shortcomings, then FHUTA.


Slo said:
Real answer: Don't date a woman you're not attracted to. If you're still attracted to her despite her shortcomings, then FHUTA.
This man speaks the truth. Also, look at the total package. If this is still a really big deal to you, then don't do it.

Deleted member 1235

Unconfirmed Member
what are we talking here? None? Some but not much?

If it really isn't your thing, then flag it. just remember smaller ones are more likely to stand the test of time.


Stick with her. You say she's perfect in every other respect? I say give her a couple of months. If you dont feel interested then, move on. If you grow in love with her titties will be the last thing you'll be thinking about.

Even if she was incredibly attractive ify ou don't feel something beyond her looks it doesn't go for more than 2-3 months.


No one is going to be perfect in every aspect... and it's more important to get along than it is to go "my woman has the big jugs yo."

Besides, big boobs just droop and look funky anyway, imo.


yeah, she is really awesome in alot of ways. Double major with a 3.9 gpa, and going to the same grad school I am currently going to. I kinda feel the same thing about the 'ones with small ones stand the test of time'. It is kinda like people who have been fat before, they are really more genuine and more likely to stick around cause they aren't all superficial.

Can't really describe how much she has cause I haven't seen her in person yet, but some pics of her make it seem like the landscape is pretty flat... Who knows, she might be an animal in bed though cause of pent up frustration because of the way our society puts a big emphasis on that...

I know I can get past it and make it work. Everything seems great and perfect. I just was wondering if it was weird to think like that... By the way, I am more of an assman anyway so I the choice doesn't totally depend on it...


My point is that its not up to YOU. If you give it a chance it might happen that it works. But you will know in a few weeks, and you should only stick with her if you feel geniuinely attracted, which in my experience doesn't happen because of anything in particular but a number of things combined. If you don't feel it don't force it, just call it of. Simple as pie.
Kingpen said:
But she is 'not blessed' in the breast department and am wondering why stuff like that is even coming to my head to think about. It is superficial stuff, but I was wondering how you other guys thought about stuff like that, and how much you consider it an importance.

Admittedly, that's one of the first things that gets me to notice a girl. However, it's importance isn't so great that I wouldn't date a girl that didn't have large breasts. Most of my previous girlfriends were on the larger breasted size but on the whole, that's not what made me stick with them. It made me notice them but in the end, it was their personality that made the relationship worthwhile.

So I don't think you should worry if that thought crosses your mind. You're just taking inventory so to speak. Seems like you really like her otherwise I don't think you'd even care why that thought would cross your head.
That'd be funny if he dated her for two weeks and then sat her down and said, "You know, I'm really sorry, but this isn't working out. Your boobs just aren't big enough."
Geeze, you two haven't even met yet... Either if you could call it quits from the first meeting, really from my experience nomatter how much you both think you "click" online, it could be a whole different deal in person.

Answer to your question: Too early to tell.


meeting her tomorrow... she is buying me lunch on top of a mountain that she asked me to hike with her... Or so she says. Man that makes me feel good.


Kingpen said:
Hey guys, I am in a new kind of situation. I have only dated one girl and she was decently blessed in the breast department. We dated for a long time. I have always found girls that seem to have a decent 'set' to be pretty attractive. But I recently had to break up with her for by result of her stupid actions. Anyways, I am being presented now with a girl who looks to condone everything I have ever believed in, is smart funny, ambitious and has a lot going for her, and is interested in dating me. Really pretty in the face as well. But she is 'not blessed' in the breast department and am wondering why stuff like that is even coming to my head to think about. It is superficial stuff, but I was wondering how you other guys thought about stuff like that, and how much you consider it an importance.

And I am not some buff, cut up guy either... Just an average joe as far as the looks of my body go...

So you're bascially thinking about not going out with her because she doesn't have tits? Man, grow the hell up.


Yeah. I'm sure you walk around introducing yourself to ugly chicks, just trying to find that diamond in the rough. Facts are facts, physical attraction is usually the only thing that forces people to get to know one another.


That throwing stick stunt of yours has boomeranged on us.
Wolfy said:
Looks don't come first you shallow assholes.

yeah, I've found that chicks with smaller breasts give better head... maybe to compensate?
levious said:
yeah, I've found that chicks with smaller breasts give better head... maybe to compensate?


It was inevitable that the PC police would flood this thread.

It's true though. No one, NO ONE actively seeks out ugly people. People are first attracted to each other because of physical characteristics.

All you asshats that are pulling the "shallow" card, would you actively seek out and date someone like this?
The Shadow said:
It's true though. No one, NO ONE actively seeks out ugly people. People are first attracted to each other because of physical characteristics.

I'm not so sure about that. What about "gold diggers"? :p

Sure, for males it's probably always looks first. But I doubt it's always the case for females.
adelgary said:
I'm not so sure about that. What about "gold diggers"? :p

There's no physical attraction there. It's all for the money.

Reminds of some commercial about a "Sugar Mom" where some buff guy looks really well off and he's swimming in this huge pool but then some ugly 50 year old woman calls him to her bedroom and asks him to rub her feet. He's obviously disgusted but puts on a smile for her.

Sure, for males it's probably always looks first. But I doubt it's always the case for females.

No. Females are the same way. It's perhaps not as emphasized in discussion as it is with guys but it's still there. You wouldn't see a 5'10" supermodel actively seeking out an old fat bald man either.

Do you think Anna Nicole Smith was really attracted to that old Texas guy she was married to or was it something else? If we weren't all so horribly and shamefully shallow, it wouldn't seem so obvious what her motivation was.
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