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Alien Hominid screens


works for Gamestop (lol)
















i had a hard time beating the flash game, this will be notoriously difficult. and also the best game of whichever year it comes out in.
i just wanna blow some shiiiiiiiiit up!!!!


Haha! I have no idea what's going on in a single one of those screenshots! Can't wait for this game!


My god, how great it looks. I can´t believe that some weeks ago, when I discovered the flash game and I was thinking "how much I would like this for a console", was the the day I saw this game would have a console version (I think it was for the gamespot preview).

Will be mine.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
I swear, the boss icons are ALMOST MAF-like...


BenT said:
It's only 30 fps, like Metal Slug.

Ouch, that sucks. Not only that, it's poorly animated as well. HOWEVER, I certainly can't complain when these guys are living their dreams. :) The game looks like a lot of fun and the team making it is quite small. I hope it is somewhat successful for them.


dark10x said:
Ouch, that sucks. Not only that, it's poorly animated as well. HOWEVER, I certainly can't complain when these guys are living their dreams. :) The game looks like a lot of fun and the team making it is quite small. I hope it is somewhat successful for them.

Hahaha, screw you too. I watched the vid, and the animation was great.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
Matlock said:
Hahaha, screw you too. I watched the vid, and the animation was great.

I guess I should have been more specific...

The animation of the main characters doesn't look so hot only because they didn't bother to draw transitional animations between many motions. When the character changes between shooting forward and shooting up, there is no animation between that. One second, they are pointing forward...and the next minute they are pointing up. I watched the whole "On the Spot" show where this game was first revealed, so I saw several minutes of constant footage. That was pretty much my main complaint.

I mean, look at Metal Slug in comparison and you can see what I mean.

Like I said, though, I don't really want to critisize these guys too much here. They are doing a seemingly great job for a first project.


dark10x said:
Ouch, that sucks. Not only that, it's poorly animated as well. HOWEVER, I certainly can't complain when these guys are living their dreams. :) The game looks like a lot of fun and the team making it is quite small. I hope it is somewhat successful for them.

xenosaga/mgs3/ffx threads this way -------------------> "exit alien hominid thread"


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
nitewulf said:
xenosaga/mgs3/ffx threads this way -------------------> "exit alien hominid thread"

You got the wrong guy, I'm afraid. I enjoy shooters almost as much as those kind of games. :) While I mostly stick to the vertical or horizontal type (such as Border Down or Silvergun), I enjoy the on foot games a lot as well. I played the shit out of Metal Slug 3 (thanks to a friend of mine pushing me to do) as well as plenty of other similar games.


i understand that! its just that...what are you talking about man???
how do you even notice such things, when i was playing the flash game i was playing it...im not discounting your opinion at all, but...noticing and complaining about the lack of transitional animations between crouched and standing shooting stances in a maniacally paced shooter where enemies are coming from all directions is kinda ridiculous. and i dont know, may be my standards are low, but the flash game is wonderfully animated, like a cartoon. well, if i sit there and look for animation flaws, im sure i could find them, but that would defeat the point of the game.
in fact im of the opinion that MS games are too animated, i always thought so...and the pace is slow.
hominid is much more fast paced, so too many frames wouldnt even be noticeable in the heat of action.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
nitewulf said:
i understand that! its just that...what are you talking about man???
how do you even notice such things, when i was playing the flash game i was playing it...im not discounting your opinion at all, but...noticing and complaining about the lack of transitional animations between crouched and standing shooting stances in a maniacally paced shooter where enemies are coming from all directions is kinda ridiculous. and i dont know, may be my standards are low, but the flash game is wonderfully animated, like a cartoon. well, if i sit there and look for animation flaws, im sure i could find them, but that would defeat the point of the game.
in fact im of the opinion that MS games are too animated, i always thought so...and the pace is slow.
hominid is much more fast paced, so too many frames wouldnt even be noticeable in the heat of action.

Dude, do you know how HARD Metal Slug would be if you increased the speed?! It plays perfectly as it is. This comes from someone who used to hold Contra above Metal Slug. Of course, I don't think all similar games should move at the same pace either.

To be fair, though, I knew there was a flash game...but I've never had the chance to play it. In fact, I did not even hear about this game at all until I saw the show at Gamespot. THAT'S why I noticed that animation shit! I was watching a 45 minute Gamespot show over Lunch break at work. :p They showed a LOT of footage from this game, and most of it was from, like, one level.

Still, those kinds of things stand out to me for some reason. When I first saw Dolphin Blue (which I still want to play, despite the fact that I've heard mixed opinions) in motion, that was the first thing I noticed. The animation was cut back in comparison to MS (and I think a lot of the original Metal Slug guys were responsible for it). I can't help it, to be honest. Visual flaws stand out SO MUCH to me that it can hurt my experience with a game. It's a CURSE, I tell you. I wish I could just ignore those problems like I did when I was young... :(

BTW, do you have a link for the flash game, though? I'd love to try it out!


New law. No one is allowed to comment about the game until they play it (especially since it's on newgrounds for free :))


there's an awesome video on their webpage at www.alienhominid.com

it's cool because i just saw the Iron Giant not too long ago, and this reminds me of that.

(more specifically: alien lands on earth during cold war, US thinks it's a communist weapon)
I saw something about this game on G4 the other day and thought it was neat how what was originally a flash game is being made into a console game. I hope the game looks better in motion than those screenies suggest or that they're just washed out captures.
nitewulf said:
i had a hard time beating the flash game, this will be notoriously difficult. and also the best game of whichever year it comes out in.
i just wanna blow some shiiiiiiiiit up!!!!

I got the chance to play the game for quite a bit the other week and it controls quite well, which certainly makes the game less insanely difficult.

The build that was ComicCon was uber hard, and now there's going to be multiple difficulties.

If you're well versed in Metal Slug on Contra, then you should do fine.


actually as i played the flash more and more, i got used to it, the trick is to stand in one place, face back and forth and keep shooting, and move whenever you get the chance...jump when a low shot comes in. just the boss itself is annoying because he doesnt let you get that many shots off before shoving you backwards.


After playing Gradius V, with its wonderful graphics and polished look, this is like a big mess. I liked the look before, maybe my eyes have to adjust for a while. Or perhaps I'll have to see it in motion.
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