if it wasn't almost 1am, and a huge pain in the ass with the cables, I'd fire up my ECS and get the exact syntax for you. All I can say further is that on my BIOS, the selection in in the second column, towards the top. Inside, only two values can be changed. These values stay at 133 normally, but if I put them to 100, then my AMD underclocks to 1ghz. It could be completely different with yours, but chances are good that they are similar. You might try setting the defaults or tripping the CMOS, you'll know success if your CPU registers as lower during boot up.
I don't know about IE or Encarta (so 1993!) running slow, but my first instinct is that you have lots of shit running i the background. You said you had a "patch" that disabled services? I dunno about that patch but I highly doubt there is such a thing to turn off your AIM, Real, and Winmx shit for you. Clear out your system tray.
Hit ctrl-alt-delete and check the performance tab, there it will show you how much RAM is free and what the current CPU load is. If either of these values are taxing, and you're not doing anything with your PC, then something is running in the background sapping up resources. This is the most common cause of peoples PCs starting to run slow. Cleaning up with Adaware and Spybot are a good idea too.
I sure hope some of this helps, and I sure hope your paper isn't due tomorrow. Just get the PC to a usable state, no matter how ghetto it looks, and get your work done. After the pressure is off, look into reformatting your PC if you did indeed have tonsa shit running in the background. I'm the kinda user who will wipe my PC clean and start over the instant I feel my rig is "running dirty," and it sounds like yours is.
When you have a little money, get a AMD CPU cooler. I can reccomend the Thermaltake series as being very effective, and very loud. The Volcano 7+ kicked ass, but I got mad at it anyway. I put a 9 on my sister's AMD, and it does a good job. Often these and other brands of coolers have thermometers or limiters to control how fast the fan spins. I found a nice middle ground with the 9, but be prepared for a decibal increase. These shouldn't cost you much at all, but I think you mentioned problems with Newegg. Well, first thing's first.