Go to the "family" site here...
Now that's what family is all about!! Scaring the everliving shit out of people so they'll conform to your demands on a whim!
The most important vote in Congress this session will be coming up soon. The Senate will vote to either abide by the Constitution and require a simple majority to end a filibuster, or to require 60 votes to end a filibuster as liberals desire.
Call your Senators today. Tell them you want them to vote to end a filibuster by a simple majority as the Constitution requires. Should the Senate fail to conform to the Constitution's rule of a simple majority, a minority of 40 liberal Senators can use the filibuster to force their agenda on every American.
Get your friends to call.
The toll-free number is 1-866-808-0065. Ask to speak with your Senator. When finished leaving your message, call your other Senator.
Here is the agenda the liberals want to achieve. They want Senators to filibuster any judicial nominee who will not support this agenda.
1. Approval of homosexual marriage
2. Legalizing euthanasia
3. Banning prayer in school
4. Banning the public display of the Ten Commandments
5. Banning the Pledge of Allegiance
6. Basing our laws on the laws of other nations
7. Maintaining abortion on demand
8. Forcing the Boy Scouts and similar organizations (including churches) to place homosexuals in positions of leadership
9. Complete protection for all kinds of pornography
10. Creating hate crimes laws to punish those who believe homosexuality is wrong
11. Denigrating Christianity to a secondary status
12. Making secularism the only legitimate religion
Donald E. Wildmon, Founder and Chairman
American Family Association
P.S. Please forward this email to family and friends.
Go to the "family" site here...
Now that's what family is all about!! Scaring the everliving shit out of people so they'll conform to your demands on a whim!