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Amusing Sudeki-related story


I always love company stories, thanks. I wholeheartedly support the idea in one of the emails that the guy (or someone) should write a book about behind the scenes stuff.

It's quite sad to see devhouses in such troubles, but I think it actually makes the playing field more even for smaller devs, who may make up for their lack of manpower with good team spirit and such.

I hope Climax hires/gets better management for the sequel...

Also, one thing that he highlighted ("highlight with that awful small font seems a bit too extreme, though ;8), was that IGN's review says something about only one character being in boss battles? The hell? Yeah Buki was alone in the first boss fight but against that Farex guy you had the whole gang. Anybody who's completed the game to confirm the situation?


The black man everyone at Activision can agree on
IgeL said:
was that IGN's review says something about only one character being in boss battles? The hell? Yeah Buki was alone in the first boss fight but against that Farex guy you had the whole gang. Anybody who's completed the game to confirm the situation?

That one sentence in the review is why I dismissed the game... can somebody confirm how the rest of the boss battles work?


IgeL said:
I always love company stories, thanks. I wholeheartedly support the idea in one of the emails that the guy (or someone) should write a book about behind the scenes stuff.

It's quite sad to see devhouses in such troubles, but I think it actually makes the playing field more even for smaller devs, who may make up for their lack of manpower with good team spirit and such.

I hope Climax hires/gets better management for the sequel...

Also, one thing that he highlighted ("highlight with that awful small font seems a bit too extreme, though ;8), was that IGN's review says something about only one character being in boss battles? The hell? Yeah Buki was alone in the first boss fight but against that Farex guy you had the whole gang. Anybody who's completed the game to confirm the situation?

IGN is right for the most part. I guess they didn't consider some enemies as bosses.


DarienA said:
That one sentence in the review is why I dismissed the game... can somebody confirm how the rest of the boss battles work?

IGN is right.

The problem with boss battles is that you have to find their weakness and take advantage of it. Since the CPU controlled characters wouldn't really know, you'd end up babysitting them. Think of it this way, you can only attach a boss during a certain window of time. You know this, otherwise, the boss will do a huge amount of damage to you. The problem is that the CPU controlled characters don't know and they'd end up being obstacles.


Official GAF Bottom Feeder
Ya they didn't go the extra mile and design the boss fights around using 4 characters, but the boss fights as they are, are pretty decent.
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