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Anjem Choudary sentended to 5yrs and 6 months jail

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Anjem Choudary, who preached hate over two decades with seeming impunity from legal punishment, has been jailed for five years and six months for his activities to support Islamic State.

Choudary was sentenced at the Old Bailey in London after his conviction in July for urging Muslims to support Isis in a series of talks posted on YouTube. He was convicted alongside his acolyte Mohammed Rahman, 33, who was also sentenced to five years and six months in prison. Choudary’s supporters in the public gallery shouted “Allahu Akbar” (God is greatest) as the judge finished sentencing.

Choudary, 49, avoided serious criminal charges for years, but his conviction for terrorism was agreed unanimously by a jury.

Sentencing the pair, the judge said they would remain a danger, even in prison, telling them: “I regard each of you as dangerous. You show no remorse at all for anything you have said or done and I have no doubt you will continue to communicate your message whenever you can.”

The judge added: “The jury were sure that you knowingly crossed the line between the legitimate expression of your own views and the criminal act of inviting support for an organisation which was at the time engaged in appalling acts of terrorism.”

The judge said both men justified Isis’s most appalling acts, expressed contempt for democracy and through the speeches they were convicted of trying to incite people to support Isis. The judge said they had “encouraged your audience. To believe that no one who failed to support the caliphate established by Isis could be a true Muslim.”

Among police there was some disappointment at the sentence of five-and-a-half years, meaning Choudary and Rahman are likely to be out of prison in just over two years. The judge imposed an order called a notification period to last 15 years meaning conditions could be placed on the pair when they are released.

The “hate preacher” and Rahman told their supporters to obey Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, the Isis leader, who is also known as a caliph, and travel to Syria to support “the caliphate”, the trial had heard.

Choudary was a key figure for a succession of Islamist militant groups. He was dismissed as a clown by some, but helped to motivate at least 100 young people to turn to terrorism in Britain and Europe, and made frequent media appearances.

He was a key figure in al-Muhajiroun, which was banned under terrorism legislation and relaunched itself as al-Ghurabaa, only to be banned again. Successor groups were also banned, including Islam4Uk and Muslims Against Crusades.

Choudary’s barrister, Mark Summers QC, said his client regretted breaking the law.

Summers urged the judge, Mr Justice Holroyde, not to sentence Choudary on the basis of his 20 years of notoriety, nor on claims he had indoctrinated “a generation of people to commit direct acts of terrorism”.

He said: “Mr Choudary has done his best to stay within the law, acting on the boundaries of it maybe, but determined to stay within the law.”

Summers painted a picture of a man touched by remorse, facing solitary confinement, and said Choudary would not offend in the future. “He has had time to reflect, and on reflection would have done things differently had he known the boundaries of the law. He is determined not to cross those boundaries in the future.”

Summers said the extremist’s invitations of support for Isis was an intellectual call, not one for violence, and there was no evidence anyone acted on them.

The conviction came after an investigation by Scotland Yard’s counter-terrorism command. Detectives assessed 20 years’ worth of material held on 333 electronic devices containing 12.1 terabytes of data.

A key plank of the case was an oath of allegiance Choudary swore to the the Isis leader.

Between August and September 2014, Choudary and Rahman posted speeches on YouTube encouraging support for Isis. An audio clip, lasting one hour and six minutes and uploaded to Choudary’s YouTube channel on 9 September 2014, was played to jurors. Titled How Muslims Assess the Legitimacy of the Caliphate, the speech was played over the image of a map of northern Africa, the Middle East, north-west Asia and southern Europe.

Choudary started by setting out his views about the requirements of a legitimate Islamic caliphate, then explains why he sees Islamic State as meeting the criteria. “The lesson from this narration is that obedience to the caliph is an obligation, if they rule by the sharia. And to obey them obviously means they must be established,” Choudary said.

Choudary trained as a lawyer and described himself as a student of Omar Bakri Mohammed, an extremist who fled Britain in 2005.

Remorse my ass, guys been going for years preaching hate and screaming for Sharia law with beheading those who insult Islam, preaching homophobia, bigotry, apostates etc. The only disappointing thing here is the length of jail time.

Did a search, behead me if duplicate.


Cunt deserved a longer sentence. He was banned by Mosques, spewed disgusting speech and brought harm to muslims and non Muslims.


This hateful piece of work deserves much much longer.

Especcially considering that I don't think there is any chance of resocialisation at this age if you've gone this deep off the religious end. Does anyone seriously believe he will come outer as a different, reformed man?


Especcially considering that I don't think there is any chance of resocialisation at this age if you've gone this deep off the religious end. Does anyone seriously believe he will come outer as a different, reformed man?
He'll get sectioned indefinitely. Give it time.


Why do him and his supporters even live in England? If they hate democracy and the west so much they should just go to Syria ffs.


Why do him and his supporters even live in England? If they hate democracy and the west so much they should just go to Syria ffs.

They have a goal.


Why do him and his supporters even live in England? If they hate democracy and the west so much they should just go to Syria ffs.

The same reason Christians come to your door to preach. All of us are Infidels according to the Quran and all Infidels must be converted.


Why do him and his supporters even live in England? If they hate democracy and the west so much they should just go to Syria ffs.
Because they love acting like they are risking their lives in the 1st world governed by law.

No balls to back up their b.s in reality.
The “hate preacher” and Rahman told their supporters to obey Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, the Isis leader, who is also known as a caliph, and travel to Syria to support “the caliphate”, the trial had heard.
This seems to be what brought him in. Before he was just an idiot using he right to free speech (however noxious and harmful it was)but this crossed the line as it became actual support of literal terrorism


The same reason Christians come to your door to preach. All of us are Infidels according to the Quran.
Oh man, now add a quote from an anti Islamic website ? Do you think all Muslims think like this? Infidel this, apostate that, oppress women here implement Sharia there. What has this horrible man got to do with normal Muslims? What link are you trying to make?

Muslims have and will live peacefully with non Muslims and follow the Quran, might be good for you to perhaps try to meet a few?

Because they love acting like they are risking their lives in the 1st world governed by law.

No balls to back up their b.s in reality.

Yep, the amount of young lives he's messed up is really depressing.


I guess he will attempt to turn ppl towards radical Islam on the inside too.
I heard Islamic radicalisation is a big problem in UK prisons.
Should have gotten 15 years at least and house arrest for the rest of his life. Not sure what the message is supposed to be in this sentance. It's certainly not that the state does his best to protect the public from such dangerous clowns.
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