Looks like another crazy person got ahold of a bulldozer.. This time it was a kid and a large construction site machine http://www.cnn.com/2005/US/06/03/bulldozer.chase/index.html
(CNN) -- A 14-year-old boy who allegedly stole a bulldozer and led Tucson, Arizona, police on a 15-mile chase was critically wounded Thursday night when officers fired on the tractor as it sped toward them, a police official said.
The unidentified teen was in critical condition after being airlifted to a hospital, according to Tucson Assistant Police Chief Kermit Miller.
He apparently began his ride after stealing the large earthmover from a construction site, Miller said.
The chase began at about 8 p.m. (10 p.m. EDT) after police noticed scattered power outages in a neighborhood on Tucson's east side. They soon realized the Caterpillar bulldozer had knocked down utility poles along the road, Miller said.
He said the teen drove the construction vehicle up to 30 miles per hour at times with as many as 15 police cruisers chasing him.
After a 15-mile chase, the bulldozer turned around in an eastside Tucson residential area and began driving downhill toward the police cruisers, Miller said. That was when two officers fired shots, with at least one round hitting the teen, Miller said.
"We're assuming he was going to go over the vehicles in the roadway with the officers in them," Miller said.
Miller said police had no other way to stop the large vehicle other than to shoot.
There were no other injuries, Miller said.
Along the chase route, some utility poles and other property was damaged, he said.