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Another Rockman.EXE 5 update. Chaos Unison!


Courtesy of PMM:


(images hosted on my server)

The latest CoroCoro is in, and it emphasizes greatly upon the topic of our last EXE5 report: the Soul Unisons in Team of Blues.


Starting with the first main page. The basic soul system seems to be relatively unchanged from the way it was in Rockman EXE 4 (Mega Man Battle Network 4). You gain souls by battling the Navi whom will become a partner on your team, and resonating with the friendship which develops from fighting. Using souls is also the same story. Sacrifice a chip of the respective attribute to use the Unison Command, and Rockman will be able to use the soul in battle for three turns. This may disappoint some who were hoping for a new system. However, some of the new souls in EXE5 don't seem to entirely follow their counterparts in EXE 4. Take a look.


Blues Soul: Like before, a sword-based Soul Unison. Charge up sword chips to perform a rush-in slash.

Gyro Soul: Gives Rockman propeller equipment on his back just like Gyroman's. When you make the propeller spin it increases your power. Also, the charged shot is a powerful three panel long tornado.

Magnet Soul: Electric type soul which harnesses Magnetman's electric powers, and allows you to pull enemies toward you. The charged shot attack appears to be similar to MagShock in EXE4.

Search Soul: Also from EXE4. Still has its abilities of attacking hidden enemies and being able to snipe an enemy wherever it is.

Medi Soul: A soul obtained from the new support Navi Medi. Those expecting another Roll Soul may be in for a surprise. Medi Soul boasts the ability make chips with new abilities by compounding other chips.

Napalm Soul: The soul received from resonating with Napalmman. Rockman can fire Napalmman's powerful missiles from the bazookas on his shoulders, and his enite body is fully armored.

Furthermore, along with the power Soul Unison, you can also have the power of darkness, as shown in this page. This brings us to Chaos Unison. The way of forming a Chaos Unison is by sacrificing a corresponding Dark Chip with the Unison Command. The Chaos Unisons boast tremendous power; you can use the powerful Dark Chips as your charged shot. On top of that, it seems that, unlike in EXE4, there is no demerit to your total HP by using this.

However, when using the Chaos Unison's charged shot, you must fire within a fixed timing. If you mistake your timing, your own Dark Soul will appear and attack you. Chaos Unison abilities are as follows:


Blues Chaos: Unleashes a Dark Sword slash with large range and attack power.

Gyro Chaos: When the propeller spins at full speed it can release a surge of darkness.

Magnet Chaos: After pulling the enemy closer with magnetic force, a Dark Chip attack is used.

Search Chaos: Tracks down an enemy in hiding, and unleashes a Dark Chip attack.

Medi Soul: When using the chip combining ability, it adds the effect of a Dark Chip.

Napalm Chaos: Hits with a burning hot napalm hell which is doubled in power from the power of darkness.

With the Soul Unisons and Chaos Unisons, along with the ones still expected from Team of Colonel, EXE5 boasts 24 unisons in all.

Also more examples on the main website:
Check it out for the new theme song!



Search Soul/Chaos

Gyro Soul/Chaos

Napalm Soul/Chaos

Blues Soul/Chaos

Magnet Soul/Chaos

Medi(Mayday?) Soul/Chaos


The Soul Fusion system is the best thing to happen MMBN so far, mostly because taking on your opponent abilities is what makes MegaMan umm.. MegaMan.

To bad MMBN4 had such a crappy story which leads to a feeling of tedious repetitive gameplay… They should have put more focus on the Dark Chip story, expanded a variety of areas and had the tournaments as a side story… something which hopefully will be addressed in MMBN5
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