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Anti-Muslim Breitbart contributor now part of Trump's Homeland Sec transition team

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Sources at the link Katherine Gorka is the name.

Anti-Muslim Activist Katharine Gorka Named to Homeland Security Transition Team

Katharine Gorka, a controversial national security analyst who specializes in discussing the threat posed by Muslims to the United States, has complained bitterly that the Department of Homeland Security trains its agents — falsely, in her opinion — that Islam is a “religion of peace.”

Now, Gorka will have a chance to help Donald Trump remake the department. On Tuesday, she was selected by Trump to be part of the DHS “landing team” that will meet with Obama’s DHS officials to manage the handoff to new leadership.

Gorka, the president of a think tank called the Council on Global Security and the president of Threat Knowledge Group, a consulting firm, is a well-known figure among anti-Muslim campaigners.

Gorka argues that defeating terrorism depends “upon our being able to call the enemy by its proper name: Global Jihadism.” She has pushed legislation to designate the Muslim Brotherhood as a terrorist group and impose sanctions on its “affiliates, associated groups, or agents.”

The affiliated groups mentioned in the legislation include mainstream civil rights organizations such as the Council on American-Islamic Relations and the Islamic Society of North America.

Gorka also writes about Islam for Breitbart News, a website described by its former executive chairman Steve Bannon as a “platform” for the white supremacist “alt-right” movement. Bannon is one of Trump’s top advisers. In one 2014 column, Gorka wrote that when “Presidents Bush and Obama both publicly declared Islam to be a religion of peace,” it “struck a sour chord for many,” and that “American and Western leaders have preemptively shut down any debate within Islam by declaring that Islam is the religion of peace.”

In another column, she defended five members of Congress, including then-presidential candidate Rep. Michelle Bachman, R-Minn., who were widely denounced by their own party leaders for spreading conspiracy theories in 2012 after they accused a top Clinton aide of ties to the Muslim Brotherhood and called on President Obama to investigate.

Gorka claimed that the New York Times had “provided proof of Muslim Brotherhood influence” after it published an exposé on how Gulf State monarchies were funding U.S. think tanks.

Katharine Gorka is married to Sebastian Gorka, another Breitbart contributor and former policy consultant to the Trump campaign. Sebastian Gorka has accused mainstream Muslim civil rights organizations like the Muslim Public Affairs Council and the Council on American-Islamic Relations of using “subversive tactics” and having ties to the Muslim Brotherhood and Hamas.

Speaking to the Family Research Council in June, Sebastian Gorka called the religious profiling of Muslims “a synonym for common sense.” When asked by The Intercept about Trump, Sebastian said Trump “is no fan of political correctness, he knows we are at war, and he wants to win. And my golly gosh isn’t that a refreshing attitude!”

The incredibly slim silver lining of the inevitable human rights violations of the next four years is that maybe people will put some actual thought into politics and voting going forward.

Things are gonna get a lot worse before they get any better.


The incredibly slim silver lining of the inevitable human rights violations of the next four years is that maybe people will put some actual thought into politics and voting going forward.

Things are gonna get a lot worse before they get any better.

nah it will just be brown people getting violated.
The Christian religious right. People who are absolutely terrified of another religion but are even more terrified of saying the word God.


Yep.The people that voted in Trump wants the government to discriminate against Muslims.

and the there is a growing call out on the otherside saying not to talk about this kind of shit so that they don't want to scare the trump voter


The incredibly slim silver lining of the inevitable human rights violations of the next four years is that maybe people will put some actual thought into politics and voting going forward.

Things are gonna get a lot worse before they get any better.

Maybe they should've put some fucking thought into it three weeks ago, before our government was given license to start going after Muslim citizens.
Some people have tried to argue that Steve Bannon isn't really Islamophobic since he's just a publisher on Breitbart and not a writer, but now that we have a Breitbart contributor who is openly Islamophobic as one of Trump's hires, there's no wiggling around it. ... Right?
I was just having an argument with someone the other day about this and I was accused of being an alarmist for saying that I was concerned for the well-being of Muslim Americans and that we could face another internment camp age.

Yep, totally not feasable
The incredibly slim silver lining of the inevitable human rights violations of the next four years is that maybe people will put some actual thought into politics and voting going forward.

Things are gonna get a lot worse before they get any better.

Who said anything about getting better?


Maybe they should've put some fucking thought into it three weeks ago, before our government was given license to start going after Muslim citizens.
How exactly is the thought police going to achieve that?

It is relatively easy to stop immigration. You pick a country that you do not like and make it impossible for people from there to immigrate here. Not so easy to figure out who is Muslim and who isn't for the people who already live here. Or really what anyone believes in. When things get bad I am sure a lot of Muslims will falsely say that they don't believe in any of that. Then what?

And this is probably just one thing in their super shitty agenda. Like the deporting Mexicans. How do you prove someone is not here legally? Are we all going to have to start carrying our papers? What a horrible time to be an American.
The incredibly slim silver lining of the inevitable human rights violations of the next four years is that maybe people will put some actual thought into politics and voting going forward.

Things are gonna get a lot worse before they get any better.

Nothing will change. No one will care. We'll be lucky if we can vote out that megalomaniac in 4 years.

Caja 117

Nothing will change. No one will care. We'll be lucky if we can vote out that megalomaniac in 4 years.

My biggest fear is the Republicans doubling down on their voter suppression efforts which Im pretty sure they believe it played to achieved their goal, So, Im really looking that is going to be more than just 8 years of this nightmare....


and the there is a growing call out on the otherside saying not to talk about this kind of shit so that they don't want to scare the trump voter

You can talk about it without painting such a broad brush though. Just be tactful. It makes more sense to say "this person is clearly a racist based on her history and that should concern everyone" than "Trump voters are all racists so this should make them happy."

Talk about it, point it out, don't let it go on ignored, but leave the petty elitism by the wayside where it belongs.


Nothing will change. No one will care. We'll be lucky if we can vote out that megalomaniac in 4 years.

This. Unless there is some viable Democratic challenger, an incumbent President always has a greater chance at re-election unless they have completely pissed off their own voting base ie. George H. W. Bush and 'Read my lips, no new taxes'. Look at Dubya, despite everything with Iraq, he still won over John Kerry. If Trump sticks to half of what he says with the Republicans, he will keep almost entirely the Republican vote. The question is will he piss off enough Democrats to get them to vote en masse and with numbers as large as 2008.


Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.
The day after the election my Muslim boss was trying to tell me that both sides are the same and that things wouldn't be much different and I laughed at him.


You can talk about it without painting such a broad brush though. Just be tactful. It makes more sense to say "this person is clearly a racist based on her history and that should concern everyone" than "Trump voters are all racists so this should make them happy."

Talk about it, point it out, don't let it go on ignored, but leave the petty elitism by the wayside where it belongs.
Trump and his voters need to start proving it false.
You can talk about it without painting such a broad brush though. Just be tactful. It makes more sense to say "this person is clearly a racist based on her history and that should concern everyone" than "Trump voters are all racists so this should make them happy."

Talk about it, point it out, don't let it go on ignored, but leave the petty elitism by the wayside here it belongs.

"Petty Elitism" is the new euphemism for "let's not point out that the GOP and its voters are ok being/coddling fascists"

Miss me with your concern


My biggest fear is the Republicans doubling down on their voter suppression efforts which Im pretty sure they believe it played to achieved their goal, So, Im really looking that is going to be more than just 8 years of this nightmare....

Yup, you can't vote someone out if you can't actually vote.
The next four years will be backwards and regressive. During this time it is especially important to look for human rights violations and use that as a cause for impeachment. When white supremest movements start, it is important that they be called out, even if it is impartial. When the next election cycle starts, any ties to racism, hate, profiling, etc need to be vilified in the media. There should be no remaining "neutral" on this.

That shit cannot stand.

Not now. Not ever.


Is that supposed to calm people down?

If anything this is a red alarm for anyone brown. For some reason I think white people are going to be exempt from suspicion but if you are brown you probably better keep your religious card and papers proving your citizenship on you at all times as we transition to a failed fascist state.


One thing about trump that I think resonated is that they believed he'd actually to do a lot of what he said without bothering with what looks politically good. I can't even imagine another politician appointing the people that he has been simply because they'd be so afraid of political backlash, republican or democrat. Trump going all in

I disagree with what he's doing. But I am curious what happens when a politician triples down on statements without fear of backlash or trying to appeal broadly. Just getting things done. As much as I like Obama I wish he became more like that over time. Bernie might have been like that

Caja 117

The next four years will be backwards and regressive. During this time it is especially important to look for human rights violations and use that as a cause for impeachment. When white supremest movements start, it is important that they be called out, even if it is impartial. When the next election cycle starts, any ties to racism, hate, profiling, etc need to be vilified in the media. There should be no remaining "neutral" on this.

That shit cannot stand.

Not now. Not ever.

As long as is not White people rights being messed with the Rep House or Senate will not impeach Donald Trump over crimes done to minorities, Im fucking scared as I have never being in my life and Im thinking to just go back to my country instead of living on a state of continuous fear.

Im Dominican raised catholic, but Im brown skin, and I have sure as hell have gone trough some shity times at the airport because of this.


One thing about trump that I think resonated is that they believed he'd actually to do a lot of what he said without bothering with what looks politically good. I can't even imagine another politician appointing the people that he has been simply because they'd be so afraid of political backlash, republican or democrat. Trump going all in

I disagree with what he's doing. But I am curious what happens when a politician triples down on statements without fear of backlash or trying to appeal broadly. Just getting things done. As much as I like Obama I wish he became more like that over time. Bernie might have been like that
Yeah that is true.

Americans are big fans of fascism and white nationalism. Obummer really was kind of a pussy for not using those fantastic platforms during his presidency.

God this country is so fucked.


Trump and his voters need to start proving it false.
Maybe so, but starting a conversation with "fuck you!" and expecting anything different in return is absurd.

That said, these people are telling us minorities to fuck off to begin with so I understand how unfair it is to have to be the the less vitriolic party. Such is life, sadly.


Maybe so, but starting a conversation with "fuck you!" and expecting anything different in return is absurd.

That said, these people are telling us minorities to fuck off to begin with so I understand how unfair it is to have to be the the less vitriolic party. Such is life, sadly.
The problem is people consider human rights, basic decency, and empathy "conversations". Some things don't have grey areas or 2 sides, you are either right or wrong.
Yeah that is true.

Americans are big fans of fascism and white nationalism. Obummer really was kind of a pussy for not using those fantastic platforms during his presidency.

God this country is so fucked.

I agree. But don't forget Obama was attempting to appear bipartisan. However, I think if he had known that congress would be after him from the beginning, he may have just gone for an extreme left cabinet.

But at the same time though, Obama was going into a fairly balanced congress so he had to kind of do that. This time around, with majority in House and Senate, who's really going to criticize him aside from some powerless, voiceless dems?
How exactly is the thought police going to achieve that?

It is relatively easy to stop immigration. You pick a country that you do not like and make it impossible for people from there to immigrate here. Not so easy to figure out who is Muslim and who isn't for the people who already live here. Or really what anyone believes in. When things get bad I am sure a lot of Muslims will falsely say that they don't believe in any of that. Then what?

And this is probably just one thing in their super shitty agenda. Like the deporting Mexicans. How do you prove someone is not here legally? Are we all going to have to start carrying our papers? What a horrible time to be an American.

Let's be real. Its not about Islam as a religion. Its about stopping brown people who look like they might be Muslim from getting into the country.


By attacking Islam itself as "the enemy", they are just making it easier for radicals to spread their propaganda and reach people who are susceptible for their message.
But, on the other hand, I get that they want to have a political outlet for their hate and discrimination. Tough spot.


Yep.The people that voted in Trump wants the government to discriminate against Muslims.

I asked a Trump voting friend of mine what racial profiling and bombing of civilians is supposed to do in terms of lowering terrorism. His response? "Well if they bomb us we bomb them back harder! If they come back we clearly didn't kill enough of them."

He's college educated too and did 2 years of college psychology and he still can't see the obvious flaw in his hideous thoughts. Long lost to Rush Limbaugh and Alex Jones.
Trump voters might not be bigots, but they sure are silent as all hell when he says or does bigoted things.

It seems like the narrative of not talking about any of it on any meaningful level, because we've learned its not how to win elections, has also set in nicely too.

Is it not possible to be economically anxious and not turn a blind eye to this crap at the same time?
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