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Any news on Growlanser: Generations?


Working Designs' website still lists it for a September release, retailers still have it shown as coming out next week, but I haven't heard anything about it in over a month. No going gold notice, no word on review copies being received, ...nothing.

So what's the deal? Is it going to make it next week or not?

Does anybody know?


Link316 said:
EB shows 10/19 now
Huh, so it does, and GameStop too. I just checked the dates the other day, and they still said the 28th... I guess I should have checked them again before making the thread, eh? ;)

Anyway, thanks for pointing that out. I'm actually glad it's been pushed back again, sadly, as I just couldn't fit it into my budget (what with Chains of Promathia out today & SMT3 coming so soon). This slight push helps immensely.

...Now to just see if it comes out October 19th. :p


Both games are done and in the final approval process. Should be out of that and into manufacture the end of next week. We haven't given stores a new date because we don't know how backed-up Sony is on the manufacturing side yet, but I think 10/19 is optimistic, to say the least. Early Nov is more realistic.

Magazine ads will hit starting with November OPM in about a week or less, EGM and others will follow with Dec issues. Reviews should show up online beginning in about 3 weeks or so. We're including the soundtrack from the Deluxe Pack with the review copies because it turned out amazing and is worth a special mention. The exended arrangement format has made this the best soundtrack we've released. I just hope this "Limited Deluxe Pack" test we're doing on this title doesn't bite alot of fans when they end up wanting it too late. The lead time is like 90 days to make more stuff to put in it, so there'll only be one shot in all likelihood.

Anyway, thanks for keeping watch (Scott, Link) to drop some dough on this game, and also for those of you keeping a sense of humor (Yusaku, belgurdo) about this Magic Knight Rayearth-challenging epic localization saga.


Shouta is pretty big on them, I believe. I'd be more interested if it didn't release in such an RPG centric slot. I'll probably still be busy with Nocturne when it hits, will have Shadow Hearts 2 and Phantom Brave still to pick up, and Baten Kaitos right around the corner.
November, excellent. Never thought I'd be happy about a game I want getting delayed, but with all the RPGs with special editions coming out, I want them spaced out as much as possible.
Yeah, with Vic bumping it back to November, it's gone from "eh, maybe" to "will definitely get". For once, a WD delay actually works in both parties' favor.


I've been to busy/lazy to post something about Growlanser 1 but I'll probably type something up in the next few days.

If you're worried about the game, just pick up the regular version which is 50 bucks for both Growlanser 2 and Growlanser 3. That's damn good deal.


The preview version of G2 was pretty keen when I played it last year. I like the Phantom Brave-style movement system with no grid or nothing (which Growlanser had first, but I played PB first, so nyah).



Yeah, the movement/battle system is pretty keen for the first Growlanser and it looks like they started improving on it and customization options for latter iterations of the series.


I forget whether anything ever came of WD's plan to jack up the sprite resolution, though. A friend of mine worked there saw it demonstrated once, but that was like two years ago.

Grainy sprites or no grainy sprites, the game has a preponderance of shiny Satoshi artwork, so it's cool by me.



It doesn't seem like the resolution is messed with looking at the screenshots they tossed up on their site and some of the screenshots of the game on the back of boxes and on some other sites of the JP version.


is beloved, despite what anyone might say
Niiice... will definitely be getting this, probably the deluxe version for Xmas. Wanted to play Growlanser 1 on PSX, since I hear that's the best in the series, but I'll happily take this... I'm just worried about the random dungeons, are they interesting to play in?


Random Dungeons? That's new to me. o_O

Growlanser 1 was a fairly story-based RPG so Growlanser 2 and 3 having randomized dungeons would seem odd for the main game (especially for Growlanser 2 which is a direct sequel to Growlanser 1)


The black man everyone at Activision can agree on
Has Atlus expressed any interest in bringing IV to the US? As 2 is a sequel are we given any type of recap on what happened in 1? 1 was a Playstation game right?

EDIT: Thanks Shouta I look forward to that thread.


DarienA said:
Has Atlus expressed any interest in bringing IV to the US? As 2 is a sequel are we given any type of recap on what happened in 1? 1 was a Playstation game right?

Doesn't G2 take place, like, 1000 years before G1? I seem to recall that it chronicles some events that are indirectly referenced in G1 or something like that.

Paging Zak McClendon, he was the GIA guy with a hard-on for these games...



G2 takes place AFTER G1. The entire cast (save one) makes an appearance in G2 and several can join Growlanser 2's cast as playable characters (I know this because I have the character guide for Growlanser 1-3). G3 takes place 1000 years before Growlanser 1/2 I believe. It's a quick cash-in when I talked to Japanese fans because of the inane and insanely crazy ass plot. Although, I did hear it had some decent gameplay. I'm not sure if you'll need to know what occurred in Growlanser 1 to get the full enjoyment of Growlanser 2 but I highly doubt it. I'm assuming the game is standalone like Arc The Lad 2 but the enjoyment is a bit enhanced if you've played the first game.

I'll create a topic a little before the game is released and summarize the story and characters (with spoilers tagged) for anyone that wants to know about Growlanser 1.
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