Jade Knight 08
I want to learn to do some computer programming stuff. ) So, I went out and bought me two books called " C for dummies vol: 1 & 2" by Dan Gookin. It didn't come with a compiler which i didn't know. (BOOOO!)
Now, there are some tools or softwares i don't have right now which is:
1. a compiler (example Borland C++ version 3.1 or higher, Microsoft compiler version ???)
2. text editor (example- DOS's Edit program, QEdit, or came with C programming Package)
The author said in this book he tested this stuff was "Borland C++ version 3.1
So, my questions is where can i get or find the compiler and text editor program at?
Or i'm better off learning another language like Visual Basic.. which cost over $100 ( can't afford it).
Thanks for replying!!!!
Now, there are some tools or softwares i don't have right now which is:
1. a compiler (example Borland C++ version 3.1 or higher, Microsoft compiler version ???)
2. text editor (example- DOS's Edit program, QEdit, or came with C programming Package)
The author said in this book he tested this stuff was "Borland C++ version 3.1
So, my questions is where can i get or find the compiler and text editor program at?
Or i'm better off learning another language like Visual Basic.. which cost over $100 ( can't afford it).
Thanks for replying!!!!