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Any oldschoolers around? (Sixteencolors.net!)

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I just found this site. It's an extension of the Idle Dreams website, but now with more packs and a much better search engine.

I'm having a blast looking through old stuff, long since forgotten about. Some of my own stuff impresses me when I rediscover it, a lot of it makes me realize I shouldn't have released every little thing. Oh, well, I was like 15. :p

So, yeah, I'm talking about the revered old and dead artform of ANSI, and I'm doubting that this thread will even see one reply. We're a dead species. :(

But, hey, if you're even curious at all, the URL is in the topic (no www needed). It needs a trained eye, though. It will probably look like shit to someone who wasn't into BBS'es and stuff.
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