Thanks for the impressions gonzo. Yeah I fell in love with the buell the minute I laid eyes on it. It seems they changed the drivetrain to chain for this years model, but it is still 5 gears :/ however I would love to tear up corners on it based on what is claimed.
do you have any impressions on the ZX-6R, if I had the money for a sp 6, I would choose this over the yamaha r6 or the cbr 600rr, I just love the design, but the priced jumped 500 for last year :/
Anyways tommie, good luck in your endeavor and keep us posted on your adventures.
A pretty embarrassing moment happened to me when I took the MSF course. On the final exam, the rules are simple. Demonstrate what you learned in the past few days: Slow solemn, using throttle on turns, emergency braking, etc and all staying within the course lines... if you drop the bike you fail the course. I was the second to last to have a go at the course and of course I completed it with flying colors. After you run the course, you come back to the waiting area, park, and line up the bike with the parking markers. Pretty easy huh? After the last rider completed and came to the waiting area to park, congratulations and permits were being handed out. Then out of no where, we hear a "thunk" as a parked bike fell to the ground. Immediately, the instructor yells whose bike is that. I got a sinking feeling when I realized it was my bike that was on the ground. I replied that it was my bike and the instructor quickly said that I had just failed the course. I was shocked, after acing the road course I couldnt believe that something freak like this just happened. He told me to pick the bike up on its stand and come see him. I did so and upon meeting him he offered me a handshake and my motorcycle permit

Said something along the lines of he was just kidding or something and everyone got a laugh out if it.