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Any way to prevent monitor hibernation with USB joystick?

I have my monitor hibernation mode set at ten minutes of inactivity. When playing a game using only my Thrustmanster Joystick, the thing will go into hibernation after 10 minutes (unless I tap the mouse at regular intervals.) Is there anyway to get the dumbass Windows XP to recgonize USB joystick input as activity? Or do I have to turn off hibernation mode when joystick gaming? I'm logging off now, but I'd appreciate any solution you guys have.


Get JoytoKey and map some button you frequently use on the joystick as a neutral keyboard or mouse input (something like the the "*" key on your keyboard, or something, as long as the game doesn't use it). This way, windows will be receiving "*" when you press that joystick button you mapped, and won't shut your monitor off. Should work, I think.
joaomgcd said:
Get JoytoKey and map some button you frequently use on the joystick as a neutral keyboard or mouse input (something like the the "*" key on your keyboard, or something, as long as the game doesn't use it). This way, windows will be receiving "*" when you press that joystick button you mapped, and won't shut your monitor off. Should work, I think.

Nice. Thanks.
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