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Anyone have Tales of Symphonia Soundtrack/mp3's?


I'm very much interested in the music but for the life of me I cant find the tracks anywhere online. Can anyone possibly direct a poor sob like me? :D


I'm really enjoying Tales, but i really don't see much reason to be interested in the Tales soundtrack, its the blandest thing in the game.

I know different tastes and all, but its the most boring soundtrack i can remember in a recent big RPG, nothing seems to stand out or even have a unique sound about it. I was really suprised.


Well, I'm not interested in the whole soundtrack, just some songs from it, the problem is, is that apparently you can only find it in bulk online (which I cant either) rather than finding individual songs.

And again, I have no idea what anime-game-osts means. If its IRC, I don't know how to use IRC for acquiring files, only chatting.


well not really...yet
Track Down the Star Ocean 3 or Baten Kaitos OSTs instead for some truly fantastic Sakuraba work


Trevelyon said:
Try IRC or DC++ for individual tracks.

I don't suppose you could PM me explaining how I'd go about doing that? Since I doubt anyone would reply with precise instructions. And as I mentioned, I don't know how to use IRC get files unless someone sends you stuff directly.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
Bleh, the soundtrack damaged my enjoyment of the game...

I just can't get over how bland the Tales music tends to be. I've played a lot of the game with the sound turned off (and other music on) because the music is generally so awful.


I guess I'm just easy to please, I quite enjoyed the rock-typish sound of the battle themes especially the Desian/Cruxis Angel/Spirit ones.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
Eric-GCA said:
I guess I'm just easy to please, I quite enjoyed the rock-typish sound of the battle themes especially the Desian/Cruxis Angel/Spirit ones.

Well, the battle themes were somewhat enjoyable...it's just everything else. It's mostly just a bunch of worthless, goofy filler music or totally generic "town" music. I'd say about 20% of the soundtrack is good, so considering that you are only looking for certain tracks, perhaps you are simply looking for those good tracks. The other 80% is pretty bad, though (possibly among the worst music I've heard in any RPG). Of course, that is pretty much true across the board for Tales (though Phantasia had some great songs). I just don't undersatnd why Sakuraba's music comes off as so generic and flat in the Tales games (though, they aren't just his work...as someone else was involved in the creation of the music). It's really the only type of music he has worked on that I DID NOT like...

I'm sure Tales of Rebirth will be the same way...


Well dark, as I said, I'm definately not up for the WHOLE soundtrack, cause it was mostly unmemorable. But since there doesn't seem to be a way to find individual tracks, I guess I have no choice but to look for the whole thing.

EDIT: Culex, whats your AIM?


Praise the lord! I've been trying to get this damn DCC thing to work and its been giving me nothing but f*cking headaches trying to connect.


Running off of Custom Firmware
ToS had some fantastic tunes imho, but there are many other soundtracks by that same composer (Motoi Sakuraba) that smokes anything and everything in ToS.
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