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Arcade racer versus sim racer?


I don't have any racing games in my PS2 collection.

Would I enjoy an arcade racer like Burnout 3 more than a sim racer like GT4, or the other way around? Which is easier to get into for the non-serious gamer?


hyperbolically metafictive
both games enforce tedious repetition if you wish to "earn" new content. you particularly shouldn't bother with the gt games unless you have lots of time to kill. maybe try to find ridge racer v.


Junior Member
GT games do feature an arcade mode that is not as involved incase most of you missed that. Just race and unlock tracks and cars.


Finally bought a new PSP, but then pushed the demon onto someone else. Jesus.
I dunno. If you adore cars, go with sims. Sims offer arcade modes btw.

I like real life cars in my games. You won't find them in Burnout.

Lyte Edge

All I got for the Vernal Equinox was this stupid tag
Arcade all the way. Gran Turismo is so damn BORING. I don't want to have to go through stupid license tests and all that crap, or go through hours of play time to get a fast car....I want to start the game up, pick a car, and RACE on well-designed courses.

Outrun 2 is the best arcade racer this gen, IMO. The AM2 racers are the best; Namco is up there as well, but I've been disappointed with RRV and R: Racing Evolution.


Finds Purchase on Dog Nutz
Arcade by a million. They're actually, <gasp>, fun. If you find GT4 fun, you might want to give accounting a try as well.


Sam Houser fucked my wife
Go buy Wipeout 3, Ridge Racer Type 4, and Colin McRae Rally 2. Congrats on owning a PS2--the best racing games are still PSone.


Finds Purchase on Dog Nutz
Saint Cornelius said:
Now that I have a N64, I gotta pick up Beetle Adventure Racing. I've heard nothing but positive things about it.

One word of caution: it hasn't aged too well.

Like most games from that era, it feels somewhat sluggish today. It's not unplayable by any means but it isn't nearly as responsive as it once felt. That said, it's still one of my favorites from the N64 days. The track design is just so fantastic. The snow level is a particular fave.


Finds Purchase on Dog Nutz
Saint Cornelius said:
Yeah Minotauro, thanks for the warning. It's the track design I'm most interested in - very heavy on the shortcuts / multiple paths, right?

If you aren't a serious gamer than go with arcade racers. Sim racers generally have you doing alot of mechanical tweaking and without atleast a decent amount of knowledge in cars you won't have a clue as to what you're doing. They are very friendly at all to people who're just looking for a quick game to play. Give GT3 a rent if you want to see what sim racers are like.


Sam Houser fucked my wife
Wipeout 3 - Best racing game of all time.

Colin McRae 2.0 - Best rally game of all time.

Ridge Racer Type 4 - Best street racing of all time.


Finds Purchase on Dog Nutz
MarkRyan-IGN said:
Wipeout 3 - Best racing game of all time.

Colin McRae 2.0 - Best rally game of all time.

Ridge Racer Type 4 - Best street racing of all time.

You're either the most obvious troll on the planet or the dumbest person on the planet...take your pick.
RRType4 was cool for like a day, I like the fact that the game made you feel like you were a professional driver (thanks to the little cutscenes after races). ANd the music was rockin'. But the game was WAY too easy, I can rip through that game with my eyes closed.


Sam Houser fucked my wife
Minotauro said:
You're either the most obvious troll on the planet or the dumbest person on the planet...take your pick.
The most brilliant gaming mind on the planet. But you'll be forgiven for missing once.


Is OutRun 2 coming out for PS2? (I know it's announced as an Xbox exclusive right now...but I've heard rumors...)


Sam Houser fucked my wife
Saint Cornelius said:
This thread would make me cancel my subscription to IGN, if I was dumb enough to have ever purchased one. Thumbs up, Mark!
That post would make me cancel my own life if I cared.


Finds Purchase on Dog Nutz
Saint Cornelius said:
This thread would make me cancel my subscription to IGN, if I was dumb enough to have ever purchased one. Thumbs up, Mark!

Heh, no joke. I mean, c'mon, the games he mentioned aren't even the best amongst each's respective series.


i wish i had so little to worry about that i actually got worked up over opinions on the internet.


Finds Purchase on Dog Nutz
Joe said:
i wish i had so little to worry about that i actually got worked up over opinions on the internet.

Who is "worked up" in this thread? Do you picture us slamming our fists on our computer desks and vowing to make others rue the day that they disagreed with us?


Sam Houser fucked my wife
TheDiave said:
Screw Wipeout 3, Wipeout XL was way better.
Wipeout 3 has analog controls, better art style (game still looks good today), better music. It's been far too long since I played XL so I can't comment on track designs.


...and that, kids, was the first time I sucked a dick for crack
Good God...so many haters. I prefer sim games over arcade games ten fold. Sim games hold up their value far more than arcade games do. As awesome as Burnout 3 is, I've stopped playing it because it's the same thing over and over again. All of the cars feel the same. The depth is non-existant. All of the courses feel the same. Etc. etc. All you have to do is just push up on the analog pad and drive -- the amount of tactics it requires to win a race in an arcade game pales when compared to a sim.

I'm not hating on arcade games, NFS: HP2 is my 2nd favorite racer ever, but I think -jinx- would appreciate a sim far more than an arcade game. I see Jinx getting bored of an arcade game fairly quickly, where as a sim would have him more involved.


Running off of Custom Firmware
I'm all about the arcade racers. And I only dig futuristic ones, at that.

LOATHE racing simulators.


I've said it before, but I prefer arcade racers. I'm more of a pick a car, pick a track and go type of guy. I've honestly tried sim racers many times, but they just don't do it for me. I can watch someone else play one if they're good, but I just can't do it myself. Damn shame too, as games like Gran Turismo offer months of depth.


I like both, but sims provide me with many more hours of gameplay. I get bored with arcade racers quickly.
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