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Atlus announces Shin Megami Tensei Online (MMORPG)


works for Gamestop (lol)

"Shin Megami Tensei Online: Imagine will be an action RPG that is distinctly influenced by the Megami Tensei series. Players will start out by creating their characters and meeting up with other players in a variety of gaming modes. The basic game is a standard RPG mode, where the player adventures through the game alone or with other players to take on various missions together, and teams can also fight each other in a real-time strategy mode. Unlike many other MMORPGs, Shin Megami Tensei Online will not divide players into separate worlds on different servers, so all the players in the game will be able to communicate, play together, and join user-created guilds."




I wonder if this is what the NINE Online project evolved into (after it was moved from XBox to PC)? Strange there was no announcement of a PS2 version. :/


DJ Demon J said:
omg sweet. I'm all over this. Finally, a modern-day MMORPG!
that chick in chainmail doesn't look so modern day.

hrm. i am going to reserve judgment until there's actual, you know, info. and screens.

the fact that atlus USA has none of the resources (or reason) to put this out in the US means official apathy as well. unless they can find a partner who wants to help with it.
ferricide said:
that chick in chainmail doesn't look so modern day.

hrm. i am going to reserve judgment until there's actual, you know, info. and screens.

the fact that atlus USA has none of the resources (or reason) to put this out in the US means official apathy as well. unless they can find a partner who wants to help with it.

Doesn't look like chainmail to me, looks like a leather bodysuit with lacy frills. MegaTen games haven't been in anything but modern-day settings AFAIK (aside from the forays into demon realms, but again, still based in modern-day), so I have no reason to expect otherwise.

Atlus is bringing the PS2 MegaTen over, right? How many MMORPGs are Japan-exclusive?
Didn't SOE invent the MMORPG? Even if not, MMROPGs largest, most profitable market is America. I highly doubt this game wouldn't make it over here eventually.
The SMT MMORPG was suppose to be SMT Nine. The game bombed on the Xbox and the expansion online disk ended up being canned. The last check was that Atlus was planning to release it on the PC instead. But basing it on that one screen the artstyle is NOTHING like SMT Nine.

I can't wait for this even if it's on the PC...A SMT MMORPG with a real time battle system..MMMM!


If MS was any smarter (or more $$$ persuasive) this would be rather nice replacement for TFLO...well not actual replacement but better than nothing.


DJ Demon J said:
Doesn't look like chainmail to me, looks like a leather bodysuit with lacy frills.
hard to tell.

DJ Demon J said:
MegaTen games haven't been in anything but modern-day settings AFAIK (aside from the forays into demon realms, but again, still based in modern-day), so I have no reason to expect otherwise.
last bible games for GG/GB/GBC (aka revelations: the demon slayer) was straight fantasy. and once you get out of tokyo, demikids is pretty fantasy. plus, fantasy sells in the MMO realm; who's to say they're not pandering. truth is, it's too hard to tell from that shot and we don't know yet.

DJ Demon J said:
Atlus is bringing the PS2 MegaTen over, right? How many MMORPGs are Japan-exclusive?
sure, but it costs so much more to put an MMO out than a single player title. you need a dedicated localization staff for all of the content as it's added, a server farm (like FFXI it could potentially use japanese servers, though), you need to be able to process massive amounts of online orders, you need GMs that speak english (note: atlus USA is a *TINY* company at present.)

DJ Demon J said:
Didn't SOE invent the MMORPG? Even if not, MMROPGs largest, most profitable market is America. I highly doubt this game wouldn't make it over here eventually.
true, but from all indications atlus japan doesn't "get" america. they never seem to do anything with any sort of international market in mind (i'd say DDS is possibly semi-west-focused, but i dunno for sure.)

note: i <3 megaten, so this is not a biased post. just a realistic one.
That art really doesn't look like anything from a Megaten game ever. It doesn't look like Kaneko or Umetsu's art. I wonder if they're even going to have any involvement in this game or if Atlus is outsourcing it to another company?
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