Hey folks and welcome to the Fun August Thread.This month will bring us the most bloated Summerslam of all time as the WWE loosens a couple of notches on their belt and will deliver us 4 hours of heavy content live from the Barclays Centre on August 23rd. So what are some of the big angles WrassleGAF can look forward to?
Kevin Owens verse Cesaro
For the majority of his career Cesaro has been pretty in a pretty neutral place on the card, without ever quite reaching the heights many feel he deserves but he looks reinvigorated after a series of matches with US Champion John Cena. Looking to continue the momentum of those losses Cesaro has his sights on the Kevin Owens, who despite coming off of his own losses to John Cena may still be a tall order for the Swiss Superman.
While the initial global debut of KO was celebrated as a violent revolution, his recent outings have been failure and running away as soon as a fight becomes real so facing off against Cesaro will provide him the opportunity of shaking these French stereotypes.
On July 21st Stephanie McMahon decided to introduce the world to womens wrestling, by debuting three ladies on the roster and people are extremely excited. In my mind it has been along time coming as experience has taught us that women are even more qualified than men to make a big scene and act hurt, but if you disagree I guess youre a sexist.
Rather than just ranking the new ladies up by hotness and choosing matches that way like most wrestling fans would have, Steph decided to do a modern retelling of her fathers 1997 classic Gang Warz and divided the important women into teams along vaguely racial or social lines with Team BAD (Sasha Banks, Naomi Uso, Tamina Uso), the white women (Paige, Charlotte Do It With Flair, and Becky Lynch), while also making Alicia Fox a full patch member of Team Bella.
While many of our community side with members of either Team BAD or the aryan nation of domination, I sorta think that in 2015 we should stop publicly shaming and maybe some of you could be allies to the women who are forced to wear literal scarlet letters.
The New Day verse the Primetime Players
New Day has quietly evolved into one of the most charismatic teams on the show with Xavier Woods growing into a comfortable role as manager/hype man, Big E continuing to be a reliable hoss with a weird personality, and Kofi recently put on the match of his career against Brock Lesnar. On the other side Dad of the Year Titus ONeil has become one of the most unstoppable forces in the ring and on commentary, while Darren Young continues to pose no threat to Hogans daughter.
While this isnt the most heated feud on the card, the interplay with the rest of the tag cast and the personalities involved have made this angle watchable if theres nothing else on.
Undertaker verse BROCKLESNAR
As long as they keep treating each confrontation like a Dethklok concert is about to break out then it should be good
Seth Rollins verse John Cena
Looking to prove for the seventh and most recent time that he is more important than the World championship, John Cena has leveraged the USA chant as an indelible part of his character and set his sights on WWE World Heavyweight Champion Seth Rollins, winning the first of their solo bouts and defending his US Title in the process.
Not happy to see his heat stolen, Seth returned the favor by stealing Johns face. While Seths run may be on life support and no one is very thrilled by the prospect of another Cena reign, the two do have fairly good chemistry in the ring.
Other things:
With Kevin Owens filling space on the main roster the most interesting prospect in NXT is the potential return of Hideo Itami. In an ironic twist the Japanese man suffered a sneak attack from someone he wasnt even at war with a few months back and since then his appearances have been little more than just a shadow on the wall
Lucha Underground
Community things:
No wall of fame this month because you're all winners.

Kevin Owens verse Cesaro
For the majority of his career Cesaro has been pretty in a pretty neutral place on the card, without ever quite reaching the heights many feel he deserves but he looks reinvigorated after a series of matches with US Champion John Cena. Looking to continue the momentum of those losses Cesaro has his sights on the Kevin Owens, who despite coming off of his own losses to John Cena may still be a tall order for the Swiss Superman.
While the initial global debut of KO was celebrated as a violent revolution, his recent outings have been failure and running away as soon as a fight becomes real so facing off against Cesaro will provide him the opportunity of shaking these French stereotypes.

On July 21st Stephanie McMahon decided to introduce the world to womens wrestling, by debuting three ladies on the roster and people are extremely excited. In my mind it has been along time coming as experience has taught us that women are even more qualified than men to make a big scene and act hurt, but if you disagree I guess youre a sexist.
Rather than just ranking the new ladies up by hotness and choosing matches that way like most wrestling fans would have, Steph decided to do a modern retelling of her fathers 1997 classic Gang Warz and divided the important women into teams along vaguely racial or social lines with Team BAD (Sasha Banks, Naomi Uso, Tamina Uso), the white women (Paige, Charlotte Do It With Flair, and Becky Lynch), while also making Alicia Fox a full patch member of Team Bella.
While many of our community side with members of either Team BAD or the aryan nation of domination, I sorta think that in 2015 we should stop publicly shaming and maybe some of you could be allies to the women who are forced to wear literal scarlet letters.

The New Day verse the Primetime Players
New Day has quietly evolved into one of the most charismatic teams on the show with Xavier Woods growing into a comfortable role as manager/hype man, Big E continuing to be a reliable hoss with a weird personality, and Kofi recently put on the match of his career against Brock Lesnar. On the other side Dad of the Year Titus ONeil has become one of the most unstoppable forces in the ring and on commentary, while Darren Young continues to pose no threat to Hogans daughter.
While this isnt the most heated feud on the card, the interplay with the rest of the tag cast and the personalities involved have made this angle watchable if theres nothing else on.

Undertaker verse BROCKLESNAR
As long as they keep treating each confrontation like a Dethklok concert is about to break out then it should be good

Seth Rollins verse John Cena
Looking to prove for the seventh and most recent time that he is more important than the World championship, John Cena has leveraged the USA chant as an indelible part of his character and set his sights on WWE World Heavyweight Champion Seth Rollins, winning the first of their solo bouts and defending his US Title in the process.
Not happy to see his heat stolen, Seth returned the favor by stealing Johns face. While Seths run may be on life support and no one is very thrilled by the prospect of another Cena reign, the two do have fairly good chemistry in the ring.
Other things:

With Kevin Owens filling space on the main roster the most interesting prospect in NXT is the potential return of Hideo Itami. In an ironic twist the Japanese man suffered a sneak attack from someone he wasnt even at war with a few months back and since then his appearances have been little more than just a shadow on the wall
Official Thread
Current Rankings:
Block A:
1) Ittetu Wakamoto (6 points, 3-1)
1) Masahiko Hatanaka (6 points, 3-1)
1) Gigaton Joe (6 points, 3-1)
4) Vince Von Trap (4 points, 2-2)
4) Kazuki Makurada (4 points, 2-2)
4) Katsushi Okita (4 points, 2-2)
4) Doran Otowa (4 points, 2-2)
8) Shuuji Harasawa (2 points, 1-3)
8) Jintaro Iga (2 points, 1-3)
8) Baron Von Aaron (2 points, 1-3)
Block B
1) Nobuhiro Kawamoto (6 points, 3-0)
1) Hisashi Kinjoh(6 points, 3-0)
3) Grabby Gussom (4 points, 2-1)
3) Gyuukaku Izumiy (4 points, 2-1)
5) Roots Genoa (2 points, 1-2)
5) Yujiro Sakata (2 points, 1-2)
5) Satoru Kijima (2 points, 1-2)
5) Shinsuke Nakamura (2 points, 1-2)
5) Shoji Andoh (2 points, 1-2)
8) Toui Ishihara (0 points, 0-3)
Lucha Underground

Community things:
Dear Friends:
I'd like to inform the community that we will be doing a Lethal Lottery Avatar Submission run.
Lethal Lottery Rules
What you need to enter:
- An avatar, wrestling-related, to add to the pool - make it yourself or outsource it, whatever - make sure it's formatted right. I won't be editing images for you.
- A PM sent to me, Vince McMahon, declaring your intent and linking the avatar to add to the pool.
What you need to do:
On August 10th, immediately after RAW, the pool is FINALIZED and we'll draw numbers. I will rename each avatar to a numbered version, and we'll post (thanks to a list of who gets what and post it. You then must change your avatar THAT DAY. No complaints, no whining, just do it. You cannot trade with others. You can submit the most cringeworthy or AWESOME avatar ever. You can only submit ONE avatar.
If you welch on it, I have contacted a mod and confirmed they will perma-Junior anyone who doesn't hold up their end of the deal.
After August, you can go back to whatever avatar you like. Keep it SFW!
No wall of fame this month because you're all winners.